Saturday, January 7, 2023

Bobble Heads in Space

I can't believe I have to tell you people, again, where we live. Where we actually in the fuck live. 

No, we do not live in our heads. I know that for some of you the single most important thing in the entire universe is for Harry Styles to come to his senses and realize you are his everything. For some, it's sports. For others it's wealth and the nice things you can buy. For Kevin McCarthy it's apparently being the Speaker of the House - even after he's given away all his power to get it. 

There are some who do manage to get outside their own heads - at least briefly - and proclaim to live in a country. USA USA USA! MERICA love it or leave it. Sheeeet (excuse the tobacco spittle) 

Then there's Trump world. Alternative facts world. Academic world. Corporate world. Home with the kids world. Doctor world. LA world. New York City world, on and on and on. 

Well folks I'm here to tell you, again, that there is only one world - planet earth. That's right. We are all stuck on a tiny fragile globe, traveling at 900,000 kilometers per hour (500,000 mph) in orbit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy, surrounded by instant death in the form of freezing cold vacuum, amidst forces that could sterilize or even obliterate our entire planet in a heartbeat (Sorry Harry).

Look at this photograph. See any nations? Any imagined worlds of self importance? What you see is earth floating in vacuum as the ONLY place we live. And we have to share it with everybody else. We must take care of it, and all of life on it precisely because it is so small and so fragile. If we do not we will friggin destroy ourselves. It's One World people. One very small world.

No? Yea, yea, science stuff, can I get back to my world now? 

Ok let's try this. Imagine driving somewhere 62 miles from your house. It's going to take you a little over an hour to drive there, right? No big deal. Now pretend you're driving straight up. After about 5 miles stop and get out. Dress very, very warmly. Even if you do you will survive maybe one hour for lack of oxygen. Now get back in your car - before you die - and keep driving the remaining 57 miles. Once there, as you begin to open the car door to get out, you will die instantly.  At 62 miles above the earth it's -80 C (-112 F). There is no air. There is no air pressure. It's the official beginning of space - the empty instant death of a vacuum that surrounds the earth. You can't survive at all above 5 miles. At 62 miles you die instantly. You have this globe, and you have 4-5 miles of breathable air, and that is it. Everything there is beyond 5 miles kills you. You, and your world are fragile, and very, very small. 

Im going to suggest something. Everyone needs to get the fuck out of their own heads and realize where we all live because we are about to make it impossible for us to live here anymore precisely because most of humankind are bobble headed morons who cant be bothered with their own reality - and then realize we have no where else to go.

That is all. 

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