Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

35 million people died in WWI
60 million in WWII
2-4 million were killed in the Korean War
2-4 million in Vietnam
150,000-600,000 were killed in Iraq

In all these wars civilians bore the brunt of the death and suffering
Memorial day is not for military heroes
Not for our 'brave' troops
Not a day for our flags, our nationalism
Memorial day is for remembering the absolute insanity of war
And to pause, listen, and learn from the anguished cries of millions

Friday, May 4, 2012

Don't poop in the living room

There are those that believe the worlds oceans too large, their capacity to absorb our pollution too great, for us to ever have to worry. They are wrong.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What Next?

Enlightenment comes only after we evolve past human
Our flaws too rich for such 
But can any intelligence ever really know true enlightenment
For as an intelligence's sphere of knowledge expands
so to the area of unknown surrounding it
Intelligence, it seems then, is always in pursuit
and isn't enlightenment - still?
Human as a species has less than 100 years left
What's next?
Most certainly it will be billions of times more intelligent than us
Whatever it is, coming from us, it will remain forever curious, forever on the move
and therefore, by definition - forever flawed
This gives me great joy