Monday, October 31, 2016

Obama Should Fire Comey November 10th

President Obama publically states he does not feel FBI director Comey is trying to influence the election.
Actions speak louder than words, and intentions rarely relevant.
Comey's actions of course had and are having an effect on the elections. Any fool would have known they would.
His actions at the least, irresponsible and foolish.
Are these then characteristics we want in our FBI director?

Sunday, October 23, 2016


If Trump supporters don't accept the results of the election by all means they should leave and establish their own country. I will help pay for the move.

Planet Zircon, planet behind the sun, would be an excellent choice. Call it Trumplandia, where up is down, hate is fuel, ignorance its main cash crop. Only whites with baseball caps and less than a college education allowed, brown hoards, muslims, blacks, orientals not welcome. Where bud is the national beverage, the vulture - the national bird. Where, "WRONG" the national catchphrase. Where the masses are housed in locker rooms, while the 1% in guilded towers built in the fashion of the 'leader's' ego - guady empty shells. Where small hands are praised, penile enlargement THE focus of government funded scientific endeavor. Where everyone pays only 60% of what they owe, and lying becomes an actual language.

By all means let's hope they do refuse to accept the election results. We can then add poor losers to deplorable, help them pack, and wish them luck - resisting the urge to kick them in their rears as they leave. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Equador Mutes an Entitled Abusive Assange

Ive always been a supporter of whistle blowers and wikileaks for revealing information that exposes illegal and/or unethical activities.

But to use that information as part of a personal agenda - not so much. Julian Assange releasing Clinton emails - timed for maximal harm - must think we're that stupid and/or that he's that entitled. Neither are true.

His punishment? Cut off his internet access - perfect. Thank you Ecuador.

Monday, October 17, 2016

We Are Not Alone

The estimate for the number of galaxies in the universe just went up 10 fold. The thought now is that there are 2,000 billion galaxies each with 100-200 billion suns, most with planets.

In the 13.8 billion years since the universe began intelligent life has most assuredly come into existence besides on earth. And if even just a very small percentage survive to expand into intra and extra galactic space and thus should be ubiquitous by now.

So as Fermi asked years ago then  'Where is everybody?' And why have we not detected them?

There are only five possible answers

1. We are unique.
2. They all destroyed themselves as their technology advanced.
3. They exist in forms we cannot experience.
4. They left this universe.
5. They all choose not to talk to us.

1 & 5 are ridiculously egocentric. 2 most likely for the vast majority, and a combination of 3 & 4 for the rest given the exponential nature of technological advancement and artificial intelligence. 

Still, they will be traces left behind - it's only a matter of time until we find them. I doubt it will be in intelligently modulated electromagnetic signal - but we will find traces and probably soon. 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

You dirty filthy corrupt deeply flawed liar - yea Im talking to YOU

'Hillary is deeply flawed'
'Hillary is corrupt'

Ok I hear this all the time. Whenever I ask - please explain - I usually get someone screaming at me - emails, Benghazi, Libya.

Here is my reply if I could ever get them to stop screaming:

Ok, emails: This was a dumb mistake made by many relatively computer naive sixty and seventy year old senoir public figures at the time. Clinton, certainly the most famous. Wanting some degree of privacy in order to conduct government business more effectively, creating one's own secure server was common place at the time. Looking back, it was a dumb thing to do. She admits it was dumb. But despite exhaustive investigation no one can find criminal wrong doing or intent. Corrupt implies she benefited from this. How did she benefit? BUT she LIED!!!If I asked you questions about what all your emails and facebook posts for the last 8 years contained do you think you'd get it right? You dirty filthy corrupt deeply flawed liar you :-)

Benghazi: 7 million dollars spent and 11 months wasted on an investigation led by a republican (and hostile) congressional committee that found no wrong doing by Clinton.  No wrong doing, no questionable actions, no evidence of lying or cover up. That's not me saying this - the republicans who attempted to ruin her said it. (sorry for injecting fact into your hatred)

Libya: Where the HELL was your smug ass while we and NATO did what we did in Libya over many months? At the time republicans supported US and NATO actions there - almost unanimously. Did YOU say or think we should stop at the time? The fuck you did. Furthermore our military and diplomatic actions do not begin and end with Clinton. How the hell can you blame the Secretary of State almost exclusively for our failed strategies overseas. We have been failing ever since North Korea, Vietnam in case you haven't noticed. Going to blame that on her too?

Whitewater: Digging really, really, deep now. Don't you think that if there was ANYTHING there then the corrupt and unethical special prosecutor who went after her and Bill pretty much his entire political career would have found SOMETHING?

Clinton Foundation: Again no evidence of wrong doing. People who are in the know don't think there is even a hint of wrong doing. You are wrong, because it's what you want to believe and it has no basis in reality.

I do not like Clinton's politics. I think she's too Hawkish. I think she won't reform Wall Street and big banks enough. She won't do enough about global warming. She won't capture the hearts and spirit of this country to enact any sort of real change. But Hillary Clinton is no more 'corrupt' or 'deeply flawed' than any other politician. Certainly no more than Donald Trump. And Donald Trump is nuts, unstable, and utterly unqualified to boot. If corrupt now means doesn't always tell the truth then every politician, military leader, diplomat, husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, daughter, son in the world is CORRUPT.

By this definition Trump's picture is to be found in the dictionary next to the word corrupt.

What is up with this double standard? Are you ALL that sexist?

Friday, October 14, 2016

Of Intelligent Life in the Universe - Not in This Solar System

Brexit and Trump proves intelligent life does not exist in our solar system. So what does that do to our chances of finding it elsewhere in the universe?

Drives it nearly to zero.

We're not going to survive as a species to see the day. It exists - we're just not going to see it before we destroy ourselves.

But don't worry bubba - lover of Trump and all things ignorant - until that day comes we won't interrupt your TV reality show watchin or your piss in a can beer drinkin. You can just go on not bothering with a proper education, not bothering with facts or even hope. Go ahead just keep replacing truth, knowledge and understanding with your lazy purposeful ignorance, self-loathing, hate, fear, cowardliness. Thanks to YOU, your cowardly apocalyptic fantasy of a 12 year old will come true.

Except your ass will not make it any more than billions of others. Your ass will be cooked along with everyone else in the world - boiled in your nifty little bunker in a pool of your own hate and ignorance.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Nice Job Ameria

His ignorance about almost all things not Trump didn't do it.
His hate, vitriol, nastiness didn't do it.
His racism, xenophobia, and fear mongering didn't do it.
His utter inability to feel empathy and his subsequent cruelty didn't do it.
His mental illness, narcissistic personality disorder, sociopathy, didn't do it.
His disruptive behavior, name calling, utter disregard for human dignity, for the truth, for facts, for decorum and decency didn't do it.
His complete lack of credentials to lead the world's most powerful and complex nation didn't do it.

Grabbing pussy did it.

Are you kidding me?

America you would be the laughing stock of the world if this wasnt all so deadly serious.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Profit over Life

What happens when you emphasize profit in medicine?

Click on image

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Trump, Clinton and the Supreme Court

If people are willing to vote for a pig like Trump solely to keep Clinton from selecting supreme court justices, perhaps the supreme court has become too powerful. Time to limit it by constitutional change?

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Here piggy piggies

Donald Trump is a pig.
Mike Pence knows it, truth be told, and lies through his teeth to support him.
What does that make Pence?
A lying supporter of pigs?
Or just another disgustingly sad politician?

Friday, October 7, 2016

We've met the 'enemy' and it is us.

We are going to develop an artificial intelligence millions perhaps billions of times smarter than our current capabilities in the next 100 years. It is the inevitable result of computer technology.

Lots of fear over what this intelligence will do with us.

As a starting point perhaps we should stop calling it artificial. Probably not a good idea to piss it off right out of the starting gate. More importantly there will be nothing artificial about it.

Humans are not a special case, us versus nature is an illusion of sentience only. And so in coming from us it is as real as anything else in this universe.

But here's the real argument against it being artificial. If we want what is fundamentally human to survive, then this intelligence will need to BE us. It will be us and we this intelligence. It is our only viable evolutionary pathway.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Hurricane Matthew and Guantanamo Bay

Hurricane Matthew, a category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 145 mph, is heading directly towards Guantanomo Bay. The US Navy will evacuate 700 family members of its military staff in anticipation of its arrival. No prisoners will be evacuated from the infamous prison. 

Guantanamo bay prison was built years ago as a temporary solution, and is in need of major repair and upgrade. Matthew on its present course will cause a devastating storm surge and severe wind damage to a prison that suffers from drainage issues and structural faults. 

This prison already denies due process and is contrary to international law and basic human decency. Now it gambles with its prisoners lives while protecting its own.