Thursday, January 5, 2023

Next Time Thorg, Just Say Goodnight

Thorg lived along the southern coast of what is now France some 40,000 years ago. He lived there with his clan of some 22 individuals most of whom were related by blood, their world held together by intimacy, fear, necessity, and love. 

Thorg was a good storyteller. Many a night's campfire was filled with his wild-eyed tales of bravery and heroism of the previous day's hunts or of mystical tales and Thorg's interpretations of the stunning beauty, power, and magic of their natural world. 

Then one night Thorg ate a new kind of mushroom. The bullshit that came out of his mouth that night stunned, terrified, and entertained like no other night that had ever come before. Thorg saw the power of his bullshit and it was good. 

But unknown to Thorg and his clan, that night he had planted a seed. A seed that grew and grew over thousands of years. His words and others like his eventually lost their innocence, morphing into a grotesque and perverse power-hungry culture of rigid dogma, intolerance, and psychopathy - the religions of today. Along the way millions were murdered in crusades and holy wars, while millions more suffered from the misogynistic sadism, perverse cruelty, scientific intolerance, and creepy hate filled glee of its predominantly male leaders - all in god's name. 

Thorg's words eventually led to the construction of massive temples of reverence and power to those that occupied them. Extravagant cathedrals, temples, mosques, built at a time when average people lived in dirt floor huts, starving a great deal of the time. Ahh but these monuments to greed and power were not enough and so eventually entire 'holy' cities were built as the universe's grand central stations of utter bullshit - the Vatican our prime example. 

I'd like to think Thorg would have been repulsed and deeply saddened had he known known the extent of the harm to come to millions in god's name that all started with his utter bullshit - beautiful and as powerful and entertaining as it was.

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