Monday, December 27, 2021

Highway From Hell

Standing on an intergalactic highway, thumb out, waiting for a ride out of here. 

Had enough - gettin out. 

Ignorant greedy self-absorbed fucks systematically destroying a once pristine paradise for no other reason than stupid.

Where a billion people struggle and starve, despite living in a world of plenty. 

Where we are systematically sterilizing the planet, thousands of extinct species and counting, as they choke on our waste, our disregard for life, and on our unbridled greed. 

And you’re too busy checking your phone to care, really.

Trump loving, gas guzzling, climate change denying, anti-vax, purposefully ignorant meatheads, used, despised, and manipulated by sociopaths consumed with self-loathing greed, racing to try to fill their empty souls with what? Money? Power? All surrounded by the woke still driving their pretend off road SUVs through their nearly all white neighborhoods - all the while feeling very concerned indeed. 

Naw, time to hit the road, the fix is in, or more accurately the broke is in, and it's only going to get worse from here on. 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

The Desecration

A simple inscription on a gravestone 

creating what they need her to be, not who she really was

In doing so they deny others their victimhood 

and their grief 

And dishonor and obscure her living memory for all time 

etched in stone 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

An Appeal to Laziness

The universe is old enough, and conditions sufficient throughout, for intelligent life to have evolved repeatedly over billions of years. This would be true of any universe that had conditions sufficient for intelligent life to have evolved in. 

Since there does not appear to be an upper limit to intelligence, then given enough time, and perhaps with the help of genetic manipulation and artificial intelligence, intelligence would learn to imprint consciousness within simulated universes of their design. They may even learn to make ‘real’ universes - manipulating forces within their own universe to inflate space-time into entirely new ones.  

Makers of universes - perhaps even our own. 

But if it turns out it is easier for ‘god’ to code for an entire universe, than to physically create one, then statically speaking, it is more likely our universe is someone else's simulation. And if that is true, then the likelihood of existence after ‘death’ is good. 

Wouldn't a programmer be morally obligated to continue sentient life imprinted within its ‘circuits’? And if not, wouldn't it at least be easier than starting all over again? 

A Family of Life

Perfectly assembled stardust. The power and beauty of what is possible in 5 billion years, stuns. The evolutionary pathway - what is possible with enough time - in creating this beauty - is so much more powerful, so much more breath taking, so much more inspiring and inclusive of all life than the idea of a bearded white man in the sky waving a wand. Evolution defines a family of life. Beautiful, interwoven, fragile, life. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Let the Universe Be Your Guide

As human invention goes, religion is particularly unimaginative. Constrained by egocentrism, I find it pitifully two dimensional, despite its creators having the advantage of existing in a multidimensional, ancient, stunningly beautiful universe that they claim their god created. 

The size of our universe should imbue humility and a deeper understanding, as we struggle against immense forces - adrift in severe vacuum - a mere mote amidst an immensity we cannot imagine. That alone should result in worldview, tolerance, and a reverence for all of life - after all we all struggle, all of life on earth, together. 

Instead it is ignored, blocked out really, choosing instead to drape ourselves in narrow minded religiosity for false security, and for justification to act on our worst impulses. This two-dimensional human construct  - religion - that so effectively narrows worldview, and blocks perspective of our true condition, can only result in intolerance, division, hate, and conflict, and ultimately our demise. 

An Answer to Hello

The argument that we live in a simulated universe centers on ease of manufacture. There has been sufficient time in all of time for intelligence to have evolved capable of creating entire universes - either as simulations within computers or ‘real’ ones. It would seem to be easier to code for an entire universe than to creat one, and so statistically speaking, it is the more likely we live in a simulation. 

But what if making a universe turns out to be relatively trivial, requiring nothing more than a simple tip of the scale, with nature doing the rest. Perhaps the inner horizon of a black hole is just such a scale that can be tipped to inflation, expanding beyond our universe, therefore creating a new one. How we tip that balance determining much of the nature of that universe. 

And so it seems intelligence given enough time can learn to do both - create or simulate universes - making either seem plausible in describing the beginning of our own universe. 

And here may lie the answer to Fermi’s paradox. Given the age and size of our universe and its trillions of planets - intelligent life should be ubiquitous - and talking. And yet we have yet to hear them. So where is everybody?

Self-destroyed or perhaps gone to universes of their own design.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Bringing Good Intentions To a Knife Fight

It has been clear to Republicans for some time that in order to retain power they must cheat. No cheating, no republican party. The problem is once the cheating starts it grows and grows - all the way to the destruction of our democracy.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Killing With ‘Kindness’

It was about 20 years ago the first time I heard the PC police explain that ‘everyone was entitled to their ‘opinion’. No matter how uninformed, or unthought out, or utterly stupid. Suddenly the janitor could feel empowered to weigh in on Einstein’s equations on the chalkboard, after-all he was entitled to his opinion. Then came the day my 3rd grade daughter came home telling me her teacher told her there were no wrong answers, just unique ones. Everyone gets a trophy for showing up, on and on. The message was you are the center of the universe, you are never wrong, its ok to be intellectually lazy, homework and real effort not needed.

Fast forward to my ICU full of people on ventilators dying horrible prolonged deaths alone without family. Many of these people are the same people that decided the janitor’s opinion on physics mattered and unique answers more important than correct ones. That a self centered, entitled, intellectually lazy approach to life to avoid childhood trauma was the key to happiness. That people can ignore expert advice and eat horse paste instead of getting vaccinated and it is ok - after-all - they are entitled to their opinions.  

Guess what? That approach, that ‘tolerance’, that ‘kindness’ in trying to avoid any childhood trauma so necessary to actually growing the hell up - THAT - is now what is killing so many of them. 

Here’s what I say and what should have been said to so many of you a long, long, time ago. 

You don't know shit. You haven't done any intellectual homework.

Shut the hell up.

Listen to the experts. 

Wear a mask. 

Get vaccinated.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Monday, September 6, 2021

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

War Lies and Children

Every war is based on lies. 

How else do you convince children to murder for their country? 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


That moment, just past terror, when it all comes together in a perfectly, centered, calm. 

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Doctor Fool

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand."  Albert Einstein 

Most medical medical doctors are good at multiple choice tests and memorizing - at knowing - but have only the thinnest of understanding. They are trained not to ask why, but instead to respond within two dimensional algorithmic mandate - subtlety and the tailoring of care to the individual through understanding, be damned. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Corporations Are Mentally Ill

Citizens United tells us corporations are people. 

If true, then for the most part, they are narcissistic sociopaths. 

Global Civil War

We are spiraling towards a new kind of violent social collapse and world war. At this point it seems inevitable. Not a world war of nation against nation but instead a global civil war as people across the planet take up arms against their own and their governments in a desperate struggle for survival as we face catastrophic climate change and pandemics - divided, polarized, and misinformed.

The poorer, less developed countries, and/or low lying island nations that are already so vulnerable, will begin to experience wide scale destruction of their way of life - be it through famine, drought, flooding, extremes of weather, and/or inadequate response to pandemics - through no fault of their own. Their governments will be ill equipped to deal with these catastrophes and the subsequent suffering and growing desperation of the people will ignite violent uprisings on a scale the world has not seen before.

In the wealthier more developed parts of the world extremism and polarization will worsen as social media and propagandist news outlets such as Fox News and the like misinform and divide, fanning the flames of hatred, fear, false conspiracy - for distraction, for a buck, for hate centered agendas, and for the fun of it. We will continue to divide and polarize, making large scale cooperation impossible, even as we face devastating global crises that threaten our and our children’s existence. 

Climate change is real and at this point cant be fixed -  all we can do now is mitigate it - but it will take drastic measures  - measures that short sided, politically motivated, government leaders and their ignorant and selfish constituents will block. It will become clear to the informed that these people then represent a threat to the world’s children - not abstractly - directly. A threat to their very existence. And that will spark violence. 

Pandemics will continue to become more frequent due to population growth and the effects of climate change on health, that the misinformed, ignorant masses and their world leaders will make worse. They will need to be forced to comply with simple public health mandates - and will not. And hence, more violence. 

Large factions of the populace will in essence be paralyzed by fear, hate, anger, and misinformation as we face these species threatening catastrophes - guaranteeing conflict on a scale the world has never seen.  

Friday, August 6, 2021

The True Lessons of January 6

‘Serving’ is a job, not a sacrifice. These men and women are not heroes. What they did at the capitol on January 6 was their job. What they suffered & are still suffering should serve to remind us of the lawlessness, racism, hate, & bad intent the mob on that day had. 

And it should serve to underscore Trump’s evilness and culpability.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Many Worlds

Their eyes met by chance. An old man and a young woman walking in opposite directions in a hall. 

She's thinking - Oh look he’s checking me out. Gross, he’s so old. What a perv. Wonder if he thinks Im pretty?

The old man briefly notices her then wishes his foot would stop hurting. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

Oh Yea

Woody Allen once said, ‘rather than live on in the hearts of my countrymen, given the choice, I’d prefer to live on in my apartment.’ 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Evolve or Perish

'There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, Reichsmarks, Rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels.' -  Network. 1976. 

Nation is human invention. It is not real, it does not exist. Can't see borders from space. If they were real, where did the Soviet Union go? People just stopped believing in it and it was gone. Now if only that were to happen worldwide. It is one very small, very fragile, globe, after all. 

And yet we still do not understand this. Not even close. We cling to the concept of nation, waving our flags, bullying and murdering - our own, and others - all in its name. Our flags in reality, veils to wrap oneself in to block out a confusing, threatening, ever changing, world, and to be used by cynical people in positions of authority to manipulate and consolidate wealth and imagined 'power.' Then again, I suppose that has always been the case. As with religion, money, 'success', prestige, patriotism, race - as most of human construct - human invention - fantasy - uniquely out of phase with our inherent goodness and our ability to stop from destroying ourselves. 

It is time to evolve past these constructs in order realize our great potential and for our very survival. 

Long since time. 


Monday, July 5, 2021


I live in an enormous, ancient, universe of tremendous beauty that I've barely experienced. Shallow human construct and people nonsense seem sort of unimportant in comparison. Moments, life, love, and awe - all I really have. 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Lessons Not Learned

The woman at the corner table leering at me as I sat down to have lunch. It was a familiar look. Eyes angry, her jaw jutting out in maskless defiance, as if the mask I had worn coming in was an attack on her country, her freedom. Angry and so proud. Yes, I'd seen it before, and it was utterly absurd. So absurd that she didn't really register, and I had forgotten about her before I ordered. 

But as I think about it now, many months later, I realize how little so much of this country has learned from the over 600,000 Covid deaths. Most of those deaths were avoidable were it not for an incompetent, opportunistic government, and medical community, and selfish, purposefully ignorant, people.

Former White House response coordinator and career health expert Dr. Deborah Brix has stated that out of the over 600,000 Covid deaths in the US, nearly 500,000 were avoidable. Put another way, save for selfishness, ignorance, and twisted realities, 500,000 people died that needn't have.

As an ICU physician I ask, how do I reconcile THAT? Horrible, suffering, prolonged deaths, alone, separated from those that love them, and then when I do leave the hospital it’s maskless people in restaurants leering at me for not being a patriot because of a mask I wear to protect others. 

600,000 deaths exceed American deaths in all wars, combined, save the civil war. And yet it is still not enough to have touched enough people’s lives where meaningful lessons have been learned. It is 1.6 deaths per 1000 - meaning lots of families were not touched by this horrible disease. The defiant woman in the restaurant has learned nothing and in fact has reinforced her bizarre, twisted sense of reality - 'nothing happened to me - so I'm right'. Lessons learned from 600,000 deaths? For so many, none. 

I will ask again. How do I reconcile all those horrible deaths I witnessed, with that?

Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Future

 50 years

1. Most material needs will be provided by subterranean autonomous machines/factories - procuring raw materials, refining, fabricating, distributing, while producing the energy needed to do so, self- repairing, and self-designing without human intervention. Full automation should be free - if its not free society will collapse - getting there will be the issue - for it will disrupt the worlds economies, and the fabric of society unless we plan for it now 

    a. automation will make most current jobs obsolete 
    b. we must evolve past money 
    c. power grabbing and controlling all material goods production and distribution will destroy the human species if allowed 

2. Medicines next greatest leaps - Cellular repair/genetic manipulation = curing most diseases, repairing injury, and slowing/stopping the aging process Lifespan determined by devastating traumatic events - murder/accident ~1000-2000 years? more?

3. Unlimited clean energy - power of the sun from space, fusion, quantum manipulation - energy from empty space? 

4. Colonizing other planets - and if it is possible - other star systems - if wormholes or equivalent exist - sending craft to other stars at sub-light velocity = unlikely unless we have no choice 

5. Autonomous transportation, robots, mechanical lovers - what on earth will keep societies together? No money, no religion, no nations, no materialism, even sexual desire sated without human partners =  Common pursuit of knowledge/artistic endeavor?   

6. Transmutation - a rose from dirt, a tomato from raw materials - we will master all living organisms biologic processes and learn to manipulate matter in ways the alchemist of yore could only dream of - star-trek's replicator 

100 years 

1. Super intelligence - be it 'machine' or human modification - again getting there is the issue - imagine Putin gets it first 

2. Human evolution - our next giant steps 

a. extra-biologic life 
b. multi-dimensional existence? Extra-dimensional existence? 
c. creators of universes?
d. programmers of universes of our desire = god

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Say Hello

There are 10 billion trillion planets in the observable universe. 10 billion trillion. 

Tonight take the time to look up at your night’s sky.  Many of those 10 billion trillion other planets out there harbor intelligent life. Look up at them. Look beyond yourself. Look beyond humankind's made-up, shallow constructs that define so much of your existence, your ‘universe’ - ‘success’, money, nation, prestige, rank, religion - all human invention, none of them real. 

If people stopped believing in money - it would disappear, tomorrow. The same for nation, religion, rank, prestige, success. They are all made up human constructs invented at the dawn of civilization as societal glue. Intimacy and bloodlines alone can only keep societies intact for groups no larger than about fifty individuals - the original hunter-gatherer clans. But with the invention of nation, religion, money - came a control over people never before seen. For the first time, two complete strangers were willing to fight side by side for god, nation, money. Societies could grow in great numbers so that the few in control would benefit beyond their wildest dreams, with society held together by brass rings, magic, fantasy, and lies - our constructs. 

They are crude and for the most part dehumanizing and it is long since past time to evolve beyond them.  

Tonight, look up, look beyond all that nonsense and say, hello.

One World

All the oceans, rivers, lakes, and atmospheric water in the world could be contained in a sphere slightly wider than Texas. Centuries of exploration, epic journeys, and tests of mettle reduced to this? 
Never forget your humility or worldview - no matter how expansive you think your reality to be.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Hell is as Hell Does

If we weren't already in hell:

The better food tasted the better it would be for you

With each passing day we would get younger, stronger, and more attractive.

Excess would be good for you and Ying and Yang would be the same thing.

‘Success’ would be for losers and prestige would be a crime.

Money would be honey and only the bees would be rich.

Religion wouldn't be darkness for it wouldn't be at all.

And churches solely a place to put pews (got to put all those pews somewhere!) 

Politicians couldn't lie and so there wouldn't be any. 

Governments would govern. 

And the police would be kind.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

A Universe for the Taking

People confuse brutal honesty for torment

Human construct for reality 

Self-made lies for truth

They confuse cowardliness for steadfastness and conformity

and ‘success’ for meaningfulness 

And then, they die

Having missed out on nearly everything


I am who I am in spite of my parents. 

I am who I am because of them as well. 

There is no need in pretending, but there is no need for anger as well, especially since they are dead, and it wouldn't help

They gave me my life. 

They gave me moments. 

I choose to revel in my moments, in my life, and smile. 

Hemingway’s Writing

So much of popular perception of Hemingway is caricature, myth, and fantasy. No one could write like this and be as two dimensional as they seem to need him to be. 

‘In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains. In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels. Troops went by the house and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees. The trunks of the trees too were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and the soldiers marching and afterward the road bare and white except for the leaves.’

His writing deceptively simple. So simple, it can fool for a moment, as it draws you in, envelops, and stuns - its cadence, simplicity, and feel - stealing your breath, overwhelming you, and taking you immediately to where the story and the author need to take you. My stomach aches reading him.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Self Made Worlds

She shares something larger than herself - an energy for life she completely embraces -  so overflowing it must be shared 

He shares imagined conquests, narrowly defining his world - giving little of himself even while appearing to give so much - entertaining and inspiring dreams never meant to be fulfilled. 

She shares the incredible riches of life, the celebrations and wonder of a true explorer, and the beauty in this world that so resonates

He defines hierarchy while illuminating self-made boundaries and narrowness of mind - "heroes", rules, and roles. 

sadly, it is he people will most often choose

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Fascism Comes to America

Albert Einstein once said that "nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind". The truth of this is even more evident in today’s ever shrinking world of jet travel, international financial entanglement between nations, and cultural blending. In fact, nationalism today has far too often become just another form of racism and xenophobia, cloaked in a flag. 


Fascism is the form of governance nationalists most often turn to and one we have recently witnessed with Donald Trump. Blind allegiance to a leader, a father figure (almost always male) whose instincts, according to him, supersede law, science, even reality itself - his instincts always right. Simple, and if you can convince yourself that it’s true, pretty reassuring.    

James Waterman Wise years ago warned us of the coming of the Nazi’s in Germany, before Hitler, and later also warned - 
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” Although Wise died in 1983 he predicted the coming of Donald Trump and his blatant use of evangelicals and religion, and false 'patriotism' in his attempt to grab power. Trump’s movement, as all fascist movements, is fueled by ignorance, fear, and ‘patriotic’ nationalism. Trump’s fascism is a rigid, black and white approach to nation, to life. It is dark, dangerous, and full of anger and fear. His supporters grasp at false, fabricated simplicity and security through exclusion, hate, and an altered reality brought to you by Trump and a republican party who are more than willing to lie, distort, and take every advantage then ever before. 


Up until recently we thought of fascism as an arcane historical relic. How could such a limited, ignorant, self-confining approach to life and governance be possible amidst our ever-shrinking world, our ever more literate population – with the greatest access to information ever before seen on earth?  And yet 74 million Americans voted for a fascist in 2020 whose successful election would have meant the end of our democratic republic. Why?   


Today’s world is a scary world. The blurring of borders and traditions disrupts the comfort found in familiarity and old ways. A sense of change threatens people’s very identities and seemingly their ability to continue to provide for their families in the future. Combine that with a willingness of Trump, his republican party, and some media outlets to distort reality and outright lie in order to amplify those fears in a thinly veiled attempt to enhance power and profit, and the curtain begins to pull back. Create a separate reality laced with fear, cynicism, and blame, and people become capable of almost anything.   


We are at a critical inflection point in this country. We came very close indeed to losing our republic last fall to fascism, and the fight continues. Fighting Trump, his hate, his fear mongering and the sense of doom and decay he uses as means to an end will require a tremendous effort. As I see it fighting Trump’s fascism will require a three-prong approach: 


1. Create enough wealth opportunity for all.   

2.  Hold media – be it mainstream or ‘social’ - and internet platforms – to basic standards of truth.   

3. Place an emphasis on teaching critical thinking skills and world view in our schools and give the schools the resources to do so.  


President Biden’s ‘Americas job plan’, coming on the heels of the ‘America’s rescue plan’, addresses wealth opportunity for all. It promises to ‘create millions of good jobs, rebuild our country’s infrastructure, and position the United States to out-compete China,’ all paid for by the ‘Made in America Tax Plan’ that forces corporations and the wealthy to pay their fair share in taxes. It is an investment in America, imparting a sense of optimism, growth, fairness, and prosperity that is so refreshing as compared to the greed and cynicism that has come out of Washington these last decades. Is it any wonder why people want to circle the wagons, exclude ‘outsiders’, and grab as much as they can for themselves when clearly they have been led to believe there is not enough to go around? The America’s job plan is an investment in the soul of this country, a promise of more prosperity, that can only increase tolerance, and diminish divisiveness. And it’s about time!  


The second approach is one already in place in Canada, Europe, Japan, in fact in most developed countries. Holding media and internet platforms accountable, when they deliberately distribute, or allow the distribution of, misinformation. It is not an inalienable right to have unfettered access to millions of people through media outlets – it is a societal privilege that comes with responsibilities – one of which must be a good faith effort to report truth. And as difficult as some would have us believe that the determination of truth is – it isn’t. And yes, it can be done without encroaching on the first amendment. We simply have no choice. We must all agree on one reality. We can argue what to do about that reality – but we cannot have a functioning democratic republic if we cannot even agree on reality.  


The third step is the more difficult one. In these last few decades of greed, corruption, wealth inequality, and a sense of overall decline in this country, we have become a society focused on materialism, and on ourselves, instead of on knowledge, reason, and truth. Tolerance, even kindness, exchanged for fear and divisiveness – with no shortage of scoundrels like Trump willing to exploit it for power and profit. This must change. And whereas the America’s job plan and regulation to coral media misinformation will help, ultimately our society has got to refocus our school’s missions onto teaching critical thinking skills, worldview, and the importance of knowledge, reason, and truth. Navigating today’s world is difficult. Knowledge and the ability to critically assess information are absolutely the best weapons we have to combat fear and the temptation to tribalism and hate.  


The world is shrinking, but opportunity, tolerance, and kindness need not be. It begins with the quality of our schools, with what we teach our children, and societies commitment to do so, reinforced by a sense of fairness and optimism with the America’s job plan paid for by those that can afford it, in an atmosphere of truth and common reality through media accountability.  


Our great democratic republic experiment has resulted in one of the richest, most capable societies the world has ever known. We have been a beacon of hope for the world and we must now fight to continue to be so. We must resist the urge to fear and paranoia Trump and his cronies so expertly exploit and instead embrace our future with optimism, fairness, accountability and investments in ourselves


Monday, May 10, 2021

Around Every Corner

It is not Paris’s streets that I love. It is its corners. 

For around every corner, a new village, a new reality, a new soul. Paris is an explorer’s paradise, a humanist’s dream.

It is life itself in all its spectacular richness and glory.

Modern Times

Got to be good-lookin' 'cause she's so hard to see….And here our society, our modern lives. Gazing on this photo I feel, nothing - maybe greed? Pleasant, alluring, and empty. More like a brass ring than nourishment for the soul. As has become so much of our lives in these our modern times. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Yesterday’s Tomorrow

Time may be neither unidirectional or linear. If true, future people should be reading our texts as ancient history the moment we write them.

Need something to say to the future this instant? Write a text, a book, make a film, bury a time capsule. 

But we have yet to hear back. Meaning: 

1 we destroyed all trace of ourselves and have no future. 

2 its impossible to communicate back in time

3 they have nothing to say 

But just in case: To those in the future reading this now. Im BEGGING you. Call back if you can - we need your help. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

To Love Once Again

The true nature of time is not as we experience it. Time slows or quickens relative to gravity and speed. The more gravity or the greater the speed - the slower time passes.

It becomes clear then that I do not understand time. What I experience it to be - illusion.

Beginnings and endings therefore, illusions as well.

At the moment of death there is no point to even a lifetime of strife - it’s over. And so the living are free to forgive and discover their love once again. 

In my new found love for my mother - there is no beginning, there is no end. She lives on, regardless of time, forever in my heart. 

Safe journeys mom. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Earth Day

The tele-evangelical telling us what god thinks. Pretty rich.

Apparently that silver tongue gives him a hotline to the lord and a seat at the inner table. Praise the lord. 

But good news. He will gladly share god's word with you - for a price (money goes in the tray, credit cards accepted) Praise, praise, the lord! 

Ah, but I too have discovered a hotline to heaven. Except I will share god’s word with you for free. 

God says..

Fuck You

Fuck all of you

(I guess you get what you pay for). 

Now ya’ll be sure and have a blessed day, hear?

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Utopia or Death

The dissolution of money by fully automating the production of all material goods - to include procuring raw materials, refining, processing, and distributing, as well as the self-repair and improvement of the apparatuses to do so. Once set in motion the goods produced could be provided for free.

This is possible in the next two to three decades - our 'land a person on the moon in a decade' moment. An unequaled international effort that would end wealth inequality, want, poverty, and much of human suffering. Freeing governments to govern, artists and scientists to explore.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Children of the Universe

Lucy in the sky with diamonds

With tangerine trees and marmalade skies... 

Neon rain and diamond snow 

Methane lakes amidst an orange glow

If ever imagined you must know

it's already there

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Your Choice?

Republican state leadership throughout this country have embarked on a mission to evicerate voting rights for minorities and the poor in an effort to remain in power. Knowing that fair and open elections would destroy their political party they attempt to suppress the vote and that is about as unAmerican, and antidemocratic, as it gets.

But examine the response to this attack on our democratic republic to discover this countries true power structure. It is the corporate response that has any hope of stopping this - not the will of the people. Rarely does the corporate world allow such a glimpse into their real power. Here is one case. Citizens United put corporations in control. Justice Scalia largely responsible, a true fascist and corporatist, and when endorsed by his court marked the beginning of the end of our democratic republic.

Corporatism can be handy when corporations agree with the people, not so much otherwise. In fact, this form of governance will likely lead to our ultimate doom. Focused on profit and power, it is too short-sided, too self-centered, to tackle our looming, decades long, existential threats - global warming, growing wealth inequality and deepening poverty, and job displacement through automation. 

There are four ways out of this that I see  - two of which the most likely to occur with quite opposite effect, two more seemingly far fetched, but actually attainable in just a few decades.

1. Limiting political campaigns to 6 months and paying for them entirely with government funds while making it illegal for politicians to work for any company they ever helped while in office. No donations. No job seeking. Legislatures coming to DC interested in actually governing and free to do so within their political restraints.

2. Massive civil unrest and the restructuring of power and economies by force.  Millions worldwide could lose their lives in such a struggle and as in all movements would not be guaranteed the results it set out for.

3. The setting in motion of a super general intelligence whose sole purpose is to save us from ourselves. 

4 The dissolution of money by fully automating the production of all material goods - to include power production, procuring raw materials, refining, processing, and the distribution of nearly all material goods, as well as the self- repair and improvement of the apparatuses to do so. Once set in motion the goods produced could be distributed for free. What value money then? And without money governments are free to focus on actually governing with no cost constraints. Sounding farfetched its not. It is something we could attain in the next two decades if we organized an international cooperative effort as job one. Our man on the moon within a decade. 

Friday, April 2, 2021

Black Magic

Most of my friends that are Jewish are not particularly religious.

To identify as a Jew is to recognize centuries of injustice, hardship, and pain inflicted on your people, and to allow that to bond you, profoundly bond you - to all those that had come before and to their descendants alive today. A personal choice - off limits to judgement. 

But Judaism is a religion, separate from what it is to be Jewish. And like all Judao-Christian-Islamic religions it is based in centuries old fiction, black magic, self-imposed ignorance, judgementalism, and ultimately conflict - my religion is better than yours - my truths all one need ever know. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

First Love

I had brought her here to share my secret winter's temple - just a boy.

Snow laden trees, grey sky, soft clouds of icy breath, brittle black branches in the quiet of the snow - my forest.

She wore a long woolen coat over her youthful body. Flakes of snow falling gently on her long blonde hair cascading over her upturned collar in silken beauty. 

Turning back to look at me, her blue eyes shining - a soft smile.

I had brought her here to share my secret winter's temple with my love. 

We stood very close amidst the trees, gentle breaths, foreheads just touching, eyes closed, the snow gently falling

Winters precious hush surrounding so much love.

My first


The monster in the mirror

In today’s world of jet travel, international financial entanglement between nations, and the blending of cultures, nationalism becomes just a form of racism and xenophobia, cloaked in a flag. ‘Nation’, at least as nationalists refer to it, is in fact, illusion, an attempt to feel safe amidst a rapidly changing, scary, ever shrinking world. Lines in the sand as the tide washes in. 


These nationalists seem to prefer fascism as their form of governance. Blind allegiance to a leader, a father figure (almost always male) whose instincts, according to him, supersede law, science, even reality itself - his instincts always right. Pretty simple, and if you can convince yourself that it’s true, pretty reassuring.  


Fueled by ignorance, fear, and nationalism, fascism is a rigid, black and white approach to nation, to life. But despite knowing, at least deep down, that fascism ultimately fails by its own rigid limitations, it is nevertheless too tempting, too xenophobic, to hate filled, and too 'safe', for nationalists not to have grasped at it, at least for the short term, all throughout history. The world as it really is just all too much - they haven’t the knowledge or critical thinking skills to properly deal with it - and so they grasp at false, fabricated simplicity through exclusion, hate, and altered reality. 


Up until recently we thought of fascism as an arcane historical relic. Mussolini and Hitler modern day aberrations, most likely the result of someone briefly opening the gates of hell. How could such a limited, ignorant, self-confining approach to life be possible amidst our ever-shrinking world, our ever more literate population – with the greatest access to information ever before seen on earth? 


And yet 74 million Americans voted for a fascist in 2020 whose successful election would have meant the end of our democratic republic. Why? 


The reasons are many and complex but are all centered on ignorance, and an inability for critical thinking in an age of information. Today’s world is a scary world. The blurring of borders and traditions disrupts the comfort found in familiarity and old ways. Combine that with a deluge of unchecked information from the internet, and a willingness of certain media outlets to distort reality and to outright lie in order to enhance profit, and the curtain begins to pull back. A lot of these people begin with a lack of knowledge of their world, and an inability to critically assess things even if they had the knowledge. Now create a separate reality laced with fear and people become capable of almost anything. 

Ignorance and false reality are at the heart of America’s divisiveness. If we take the most ardent racists and ignorant xenophobes and immerse them say with an Iraqi or Iranian family for six months with no hope of escape – they will come to no longer fear or hate them as a people. They will welcome them to their homes with open arms. They will have learned these people are humans, with the same dreams, thoughts, hopes, as themselves. That in fact, they are human, and they matter. A little knowledge is a beautiful thing. 

And if that’s true then it is ignorance, fear, and false reality that fuels our hate, our divisiveness, our nationalism. And if that is true – who else do we ultimately blame but ourselves? All of us. For we are a society that has become focused on materialism, consumerism, wealth, and profit instead of knowledge, reason, and truth. 

These last four years were but a small peek at the ultimate price to be paid for such a society. Ignorance, fear, hate, divineness, all manipulated, bought, sold, and encouraged in a rudderless society adrift on an ocean of selfishness, greed, materialism, and profit. It will be the end of our democracy, perhaps even the end of us, unless we fundamentally change and do so very soon.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Body Eternal

Atoms come, atoms go. In and out of our bodies all of our lives. To a great degree we are not of the same stuff birth to aged.

Our 'self'  then really a framework of genetic expression that replenishes itself with fresh atoms in a battle against entropy, damage, and dysfunction.

We are as a painting programmed to continually replace its fading pigments with fresh - within the pattern of the original painting. An immortal painting, an immortal self.

Ah, but what to do with all the bodies?

Old age is the programmed inhibition of renewal - it is not a consequence of time. It is a biological process that evolved into existence as strategy for the continuation of species, making room for the next generation to thrive and adapt.

But any biologic process can be stopped, reversed, manipulated.

Only a matter of time.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

This Our Youth

The cancel culture. 

When I was their age it was the counter culture based on peace, love, and understanding. These people are the most rigid, judgmental, unforgiving, cruel people Ive ever known. What assholes. 

The last time we saw such a vicious culture of hate, rush to judgment, and disproportionality in this country, it was being led by Joseph McCarthy.

Glee in destroying peoples lives is messed up - this our youth. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Lets Stop Murdering

For the most part trees do not murder. In fact most of the time they help each other through underground fungal networks root to root. 

You, on the other hand, have murdered nearly every day of your life. If you ingest life - plant, animal,  fungi, protoctista or monera, you are a murderer. You kill life in order to survive. 

Trees don't murder. It’s possible then that we could learn to stop. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Focus is Everything

Modern day western medicine's focus is on defeating disease. 

It should be on promoting quality life. 

Waves On Waves and Stars

    Waves On Waves
    Waves on waves
    Carry me under 
    the sunshines
    blaze onto the lazy
    days with candies
    and a maze 


    Stars shining in the sky 
    see them shine
    so bright and high
    If I knew all their names
    I could draw space

    Anya Phillips       
    (7 years old sailing down the Central American Coast )

Monday, March 1, 2021

A Long Goodbye

My daughter had her first ovulation about 12 days ago. I know because it was painful.  I think she had an ovarian cyst rupture, common at first ovulation. She had no idea. 

All her life Ive rubbed her tummy when it hurt - it always worked. She was really hurting and when i was finished she fell asleep in my arms. Probably for the last time. 

I love her so much. 

Our Survival

I love the replies to scientists on twitter. Astrophysicists posit big ideas such as a universal theory of physics and people who have done no formal homework give answers in 280 characters or less and actually feel proud. Solve that and we may just have a chance. 

Put another way mastering bullshit should have been Piaget’s 5th stage of childhood development. Coupled with political correctness where ‘ everyone is entitled an opinion’ (informed or not) and the recipe for our specie’s demise stews. 

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Our Survival

The era of attorneys running congress should have ended with the industrial revolution.

The world has become too complex for them.

Our existential threats too global, too complex, and too far in the future, for legal-minded, short-sighted, political survivalists, to properly address - let alone understand.

We need a new form of congress 

Friday, February 26, 2021

A Letter To Mr. Franklin

Given how deeply ingrained football is in American culture let me start gently - Don’t you think football is dead? 

Ok, maybe not gently.

The severity of CTE is really not one for one with the number of concussions one suffers. Ive notice this seems to be the dividing line in many people’s minds. Maybe if we can get rid of concussions we can get rid CTE. Except, no. 

If simply playing the game with one’s brain as a peanut bouncing around inside a skull, it bouncing around inside a helmet, can lead to CTE, is there hope? 

Acceleration/deceleration injury seems to be enough. 

If that’s true - it’s a sad day for football. 

And it’s a sad day. 

Its over. All the technology in the world wont stop CTE. It’s over. 


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Shame, As a Legacy

Dying does not give one’s legacy a pass. This man was evil. He culled hatred, divisiveness, and human suffering as a means to enrich himself. He harmed as a way of life. He was a monster. 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Creators of Universes or Perish

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?”    
                                                                                                                                         Friedrich Nietzsche
The answer is yes. Our greatest evolutionary step, our next step, is to become gods. Creators of universes. That or we perish.

Precious Life


A world where life has no need to kill other life in order to survive. A world where all of life obtains the sustenance and energy it needs directly from its inert surroundings.

A world where diversity and survival would not require murder. Life need not eat life.

A world where eco-population balance results from cooperative efforts instead of competitive ones, and the survival of all, depends on the survival of individuals. 



Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Thirty Years and Counting

In the next 30 years 

What if I told you we will have the means to completely end poverty, worldwide, in the next 30 years. And along with it, end hunger, malnutrition and their associated diseases. All without lowering anyone's standard of living. 

What if I told you we will have the means to end wealth inequality - and in doing so can end the disparities in health care, education, and opportunity associated with it.

What if I told you we will have the ability for all people to live in the manner and at the standard of living of their choice, everywhere - wanting for nothing material? Or told you that we will have the means to equip science, exploration, engineering, and artistic endeavor with all that they need, without regard to cost. What if I told you we will have the means to remove money from government in order to focus on governing or that we will have the means for people to focus on the attainment of knowledge and skill in science, music, art, and societal interaction - full time - rather than having to focus on materialism, wealth, and consumerism. 

Crazy? A utopian futurist just escaping the harshness of todays world? 

Well crazy remains to be seen. But an unrealistic utopian futurist - no.

But how? 

The answer is actually shockingly simply and eminently attainable. 

End money 

If you want to end poverty - end money. If you want to end wealth inequality - end wealth by ending money.  If you want to end the hierarchy in 'standard of living' - end money. Equip science without regard to budget? - end budgets by ending money. Vastly improve our governments by getting money out it? Simple, get rid of money. Free people to pursue knowledge and skills rather than forcing them to work at near meaningless jobs they hate, for money? - yes you guessed it, get rid of money. 

But how? 

After 10,000 years of warm coins in pockets how indeed. 

Money became obsolete the moment it interfered with our cultural, scientific, and artistic endeavors. In other wards almost immediately after coming into existence at the dawn of civilization.  Money sows corruption, and by its very nature - wealth inequality, poverty, greed, and much of the reasons for war. But as early society evolved money served as societal glue that enabled the expansion of civilization while dramatically improving the quality of life for many. But in our modern times is has become obsolete both for the harm it does and that we now have a choice, a means, to evolve past it. 

Money now holds us back - scientifically, spiritually, socially. Reasons enough to evolve past it. The dissolution of money in fact is our next great evolutionary leap. In fact, we do so, and soon, or we perish. 

But how? And in the next 30 years?

The answer is surprisingly simply and actually involves something we currently regard as more threat than a species evolving godsend. 

The Means to End Money in Thirty Years? 


Rust belt causing, job costing, greed motivated, automation? 


I Want Answers

Ingesting clumps of atoms just moments before referred to as life. Veg, Vegan, or meat loving carnivore, doesn't matter - it’s all life. Life murdered and consumed by life, in order to continue, life. And on and on and on and on....A billion years of murder.

what’s the fucking point? 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Make America Great, Again

Albert Einstein once said that "nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind". The truth of this is even more evident in today’s ever shrinking world of jet travel, international financial entanglement between nations, and cultural blending. In fact, nationalism far too often has become just another form of racism and xenophobia, cloaked in a flag. It is illusion, an attempt to feel safe amidst a rapidly changing, scary, ever shrinking world. Lines in the sand as the tide washes in.  

Fascism is a form of governance nationalists often turn to and one we have recently witnessed with Donald Trump. Blind allegiance to a leader, a father figure (almost always male) whose instincts, according to him, supersede law, science, even reality itself - his instincts always right. Simple, and if you can convince yourself that it’s true, pretty reassuring.   

Fueled by ignorance, fear, and ‘patriotic’ nationalism, fascism is a rigid, black and white approach to nation, to life. But despite knowing, at least deep down, that fascism ultimately fails by its own rigid limitations, it is nevertheless too tempting, too xenophobic, to hate filled, and too 'safe', for nationalists not to have grasped at it, at least for the short term, all throughout history. The world as it really is just all too much - they haven’t the knowledge or critical thinking skills to properly deal with it - and so they grasp at false, fabricated simplicity through exclusion, hate, and altered reality.  

Up until recently we thought of fascism as an arcane historical relic. Mussolini and Hitler modern day aberrations, most likely the result of someone briefly opening the gates of hades. How could such a limited, ignorant, self-confining approach to life and governance be possible amidst our ever-shrinking world, our ever more literate population – with the greatest access to information ever before seen on earth?  

And yet 74 million Americans voted for a fascist in 2020 whose successful election would have meant the end of our democratic republic. Why?  

The reasons are elusive in both their number and complexity, no doubt, but seem to be centered on ignorance, fear, and misinformation. Today’s world is a scary world. The blurring of borders and traditions disrupts the comfort found in familiarity and old ways. A sense of change threatens people’s very identities and their ability to continue to provide for their families in the future. Combine that with a willingness of political parties and media outlets to distort reality and to outright lie to enhance power and profit, and the curtain begins to pull back. A lot of these people begin with a lack of knowledge of their world, and an inability to critically assess things even if they had the knowledge. Now deliberately create a separate reality laced with fear, cynicism, and blame and people become capable of almost anything.  


We are at a critical inflection point in this country. Action to save the very soul of this country is needed. It will require a three prong approach:

1. Create enough wealth opportunity for all.  

2.  Hold media – be it mainstream or ‘social’ - and internet platforms – to basic standards of truth.  

3. Place an emphasis on teaching critical thinking skills and world view in our schools and give them the resources to do so. 

President Biden’s Americas job plan begins to address the first approach. It is an investment in America, imparting a sense of optimism, growth, and prosperity that is so refreshing as compared to the greed and cynicism of Washington these last decades. We have been living amidst a sense of decline, greed, corruption, and massive wealth inequality in this country emanating from Washington for decades now – is it any wonder why people want to circle the wagons, exclude ‘outsiders’, and grab as much as they can for themselves when clearly they do not believe there is enough to go around? The America’s job plan is an investment in the soul of this country, a promise of more prosperity, that can only increase tolerance, and diminish divisiveness. And it’s about time! 


The second approach is one already in place in Canada and Europe. Holding media – be it mainstream or social, and their internet platforms - accountable, when they deliberately distribute, or allow the distribution of, misinformation. Canada and Europe have regulations forbidding purposeful mistruths. It used to be law in Canada but the Canadian supreme court ruled it unconstitutional. Nevertheless, regulatory bodies forbid media lying and its working. Here, as in Canada and Europe, this is not a first amendment issue, and it needn’t even be law. This is social responsibility. It is not an inalienable right to have unfettered access to millions of people through media outlets – it is a societal privilege that comes with responsibilities – one of which must be a good faith effort to report truth. And as difficult as some would have us believe that the determination of truth is or recognizing deliberate lying or distorting the truth is – it isn’t. And yes, it can be done without encroaching on the first amendment through regulatory bodies. As you don that attorney cap and prepare to argue free speech – first look at this country. We have no choice. We simply must all agree on one reality. We can argue what to do about that reality – but we simply cannot have a functioning democratic republic if we cannot even agree on reality.  


The third step is the more difficult one. In these last few decades of greed, corruption, wealth inequality, pessimism, and a sense of decline in this country, we have become a society focused on materialism, consumerism, wealth, and profit instead of knowledge, reason, and truth. Tolerance, even kindness, exchanged for fear and divisiveness – with no shortage of scoundrels willing to spread fear for profit to an ill-informed society seemingly no longer capable of critical thought. Ignorance, fear, hate, divineness, all manipulated, bought, sold, and encouraged in a rudderless society adrift on an ocean of selfishness, greed, materialism, profit. This must change. And whereas America’s job plan and legislation to coral media misinformation will help, ultimately our society has got to refocus our school’s missions onto teaching critical thinking skills and on the importance of knowledge, reason, and truth. Navigating today’s world is difficult. Knowledge and the ability to critically assess information are absolutely the best weapons we have to combat fear and the temptation to tribalism and hate. The world is shrinking, but opportunity, tolerance, and kindness need not be. It begins with the quality of our schools, with what we teach our children, and societies commitment to do so.