Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hooded masks, white robes and egg.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/image.jpg

This says it all. In their hatred of Obama, Fox 'News' and CNN could not contain themselves enough to get their facts straight before rushing to plaster this on their airways. And if you think CNN's subtitle was not deliberate salt in the wound I'd love to sell you a silver mine. So much revealed here - what fools. The only things missing? - hooded masks, white robes and egg.

Friday, June 22, 2012

One World

120 million people murdered in wars in just the 20th century alone - we civilized humans.
Makes you want to wave your flag?
Makes you swell with pride?
Thank goodness, god is on our 'side' 
Go us.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Economic Rape

The modern day republican party's purpose at its most basic is to take money from the poor and give it to the rich. Actually it's to take money from the non-rich and give it to the rich in order to make them, richer. Downsizing government is a means to make that easier to do.

The democrats purpose - as far as I can tell - is to provide contrast so as to more clearly outline the republicans. Beyond that - I cant tell.

You are being told that we are broke. We are not broke. Our gross national product is at an all time high even after accounting for inflation. Despite unprecedented growth, our middle class is shrinking - our numbers of poor growing, while our 1% richest - ever and ever richer.

This fact is all you need to know.

The money is there - it's just going to a precious few working in 'defense', banks, wall street, pharmaceutical and oil companies, and global corporations. These uber rich have no need for your police, your fire depatment, your public schools or infrastructure, and are happy to divert funds from these services to themselves. They care not a twit about you and are happy to enrich themselves with your retirement, your home, your savings - while at the same time having you 'bail' them out. Happy to steal from you while they take away your services. They have long ago declared war on you. It's time to wake up.

The next time a school closes down the street from you - remember why.
You are being robbed - raped actually.

It's up to you to stop it.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sustainability = Survival

I don't want less consumption.
I don't want a more primitive lifestyle.
I don't want everyone to ride bikes to work.
I don't want to cost people their jobs, their lifestyles, their way of life.

All I want is for the federal, state and local governments, industry and science to place an emphasis on sustainability. We cant burn fossil fuel indefinitely - we will run out.  We can't continue to pollute and destroy  our environment - where we live - its not sustainable, as in we cant continue to survive like this.
So - place more emphasis and resource on developing clean, sustainable technologies and strategies that allow our way of life to continue - indefinitely.
Um - duh?

Portland Trash Pickup

Portland, you are now paying the same amount of money for half the trash pickup service you used to have.
Your sense of environmentalism is being appealed to, perhaps even manipulated, in order that you accept this.
I don’t know what the intent was.
I don’t know what the motive was.
I don’t know if it's greed or necessity.
But here’s what I do know.
I have less service then I used to have, despite there not being less trash, and no environmental gain.
Feels like a fast one to me.