Thursday, September 30, 2021

An Appeal to Laziness

The universe is old enough, and conditions sufficient throughout, for intelligent life to have evolved repeatedly over billions of years. This would be true of any universe that had conditions sufficient for intelligent life to have evolved in. 

Since there does not appear to be an upper limit to intelligence, then given enough time, and perhaps with the help of genetic manipulation and artificial intelligence, intelligence would learn to imprint consciousness within simulated universes of their design. They may even learn to make ‘real’ universes - manipulating forces within their own universe to inflate space-time into entirely new ones.  

Makers of universes - perhaps even our own. 

But if it turns out it is easier for ‘god’ to code for an entire universe, than to physically create one, then statically speaking, it is more likely our universe is someone else's simulation. And if that is true, then the likelihood of existence after ‘death’ is good. 

Wouldn't a programmer be morally obligated to continue sentient life imprinted within its ‘circuits’? And if not, wouldn't it at least be easier than starting all over again? 

A Family of Life

Perfectly assembled stardust. The power and beauty of what is possible in 5 billion years, stuns. The evolutionary pathway - what is possible with enough time - in creating this beauty - is so much more powerful, so much more breath taking, so much more inspiring and inclusive of all life than the idea of a bearded white man in the sky waving a wand. Evolution defines a family of life. Beautiful, interwoven, fragile, life. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Let the Universe Be Your Guide

As human invention goes, religion is particularly unimaginative. Constrained by egocentrism, I find it pitifully two dimensional, despite its creators having the advantage of existing in a multidimensional, ancient, stunningly beautiful universe that they claim their god created. 

The size of our universe should imbue humility and a deeper understanding, as we struggle against immense forces - adrift in severe vacuum - a mere mote amidst an immensity we cannot imagine. That alone should result in worldview, tolerance, and a reverence for all of life - after all we all struggle, all of life on earth, together. 

Instead it is ignored, blocked out really, choosing instead to drape ourselves in narrow minded religiosity for false security, and for justification to act on our worst impulses. This two-dimensional human construct  - religion - that so effectively narrows worldview, and blocks perspective of our true condition, can only result in intolerance, division, hate, and conflict, and ultimately our demise. 

An Answer to Hello

The argument that we live in a simulated universe centers on ease of manufacture. There has been sufficient time in all of time for intelligence to have evolved capable of creating entire universes - either as simulations within computers or ‘real’ ones. It would seem to be easier to code for an entire universe than to creat one, and so statistically speaking, it is the more likely we live in a simulation. 

But what if making a universe turns out to be relatively trivial, requiring nothing more than a simple tip of the scale, with nature doing the rest. Perhaps the inner horizon of a black hole is just such a scale that can be tipped to inflation, expanding beyond our universe, therefore creating a new one. How we tip that balance determining much of the nature of that universe. 

And so it seems intelligence given enough time can learn to do both - create or simulate universes - making either seem plausible in describing the beginning of our own universe. 

And here may lie the answer to Fermi’s paradox. Given the age and size of our universe and its trillions of planets - intelligent life should be ubiquitous - and talking. And yet we have yet to hear them. So where is everybody?

Self-destroyed or perhaps gone to universes of their own design.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Bringing Good Intentions To a Knife Fight

It has been clear to Republicans for some time that in order to retain power they must cheat. No cheating, no republican party. The problem is once the cheating starts it grows and grows - all the way to the destruction of our democracy.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Killing With ‘Kindness’

It was about 20 years ago the first time I heard the PC police explain that ‘everyone was entitled to their ‘opinion’. No matter how uninformed, or unthought out, or utterly stupid. Suddenly the janitor could feel empowered to weigh in on Einstein’s equations on the chalkboard, after-all he was entitled to his opinion. Then came the day my 3rd grade daughter came home telling me her teacher told her there were no wrong answers, just unique ones. Everyone gets a trophy for showing up, on and on. The message was you are the center of the universe, you are never wrong, its ok to be intellectually lazy, homework and real effort not needed.

Fast forward to my ICU full of people on ventilators dying horrible prolonged deaths alone without family. Many of these people are the same people that decided the janitor’s opinion on physics mattered and unique answers more important than correct ones. That a self centered, entitled, intellectually lazy approach to life to avoid childhood trauma was the key to happiness. That people can ignore expert advice and eat horse paste instead of getting vaccinated and it is ok - after-all - they are entitled to their opinions.  

Guess what? That approach, that ‘tolerance’, that ‘kindness’ in trying to avoid any childhood trauma so necessary to actually growing the hell up - THAT - is now what is killing so many of them. 

Here’s what I say and what should have been said to so many of you a long, long, time ago. 

You don't know shit. You haven't done any intellectual homework.

Shut the hell up.

Listen to the experts. 

Wear a mask. 

Get vaccinated.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Monday, September 6, 2021