Sunday, January 8, 2023

Keep Your Dreams

It's actually pretty obvious when you think about it. 

A combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and robots familiar to us today will continue to progress in capability and will, sooner than you could imagine, lead to full autonomous automation of the manufacture, growth, production, and distribution to our homes of everything we need to live, and then some. All material goods, food, energy, medicines. 

From mining ore and resource, to refining, to producing and distributing all goods and energy - all of it will happen without any human intervention - all done by self-repairing, self-improving, robotic machines and AI. Well, if humans aren't needed couldn't it all be done for free? Yes. And most of it could even be done underground, out of site with little environmental impact.

It's coming. If we wished, we could put a worldwide super effort into seeing it happens within 30 years. The world's 'put a man on the moon in less than a decade' type effort. But we won't. Regardless I'd give it 50-70 years until it happens, even if there is direct violent opposition to it. 

All of life's necessities to include food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, transportation all of it provided for free. To all 8 billion people on the planet. 

No more wealth inequality. No more poverty. No more famine and starvation. No more meaningless back-breaking or mind destroying jobs - simply to survive. 

No more trading your dreams for material need.

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