Thursday, June 30, 2011

Republicans Are Traitors

2002 - O'Neill said he tried to warn Vice President Dick Cheney that growing budget deficits-expected to top $500 billion this fiscal year alone-posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. "You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don't matter."

The Republicans and their policies put us into this recession and set the stage for our record deficits. No doubt.
They now want to use the results of their own handiwork - the deficits - as an excuse to dismantle the new deal and destroy middle class America while further enriching the ultrawealthy. Infrastructure, education, health care for the average person be damned - they have their private schools, helicopters, corporate jets - and to hell with the rest of us.
They are ever willing and able to destroy this country in their greed.
They are flagged draped traitors. Do not be fooled. They will destroy this country, end the Amercian dream, disfranchise the poor and middle class and suck us all dry in the process. Dont let them.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Three Year Old and the Hydrogen Bomb

Bush and Cheney whip this country into blood lust with deliberate lies and distortions in order to invade Iraq - a country that had nothing to do with 911 or at the time terrorism. In the process they killed over 100,000 people and displaced another million and hardly a peep do you hear. Even after it has become clear the reasons given for war were false and the justification nonexistent.
Much worse? Much, much worse? - Weiner shows his weenie, news at 11.
This is a silly country, childish really, ignorant of the world that it so desperately relies on, absolutely egocentric and narcissistic = a three year old.
It's not to be taken seriously save that this three year old has got its hand on the ability to destroy the planet.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Explain this

Life is almost never black and white
There is almost always at least two sides to every story
The idea of evil almost always just justification of fear, hate, and human failing
But following the actions of republican leadership this last decade I simply have to say this
If you are not wealthy and yet still a republican
You are a fool
You are a patsy
There is simply no other way to explain it

Monday, June 6, 2011

Christianity for pets

If there is any such thing as soul
I can tell you my dog has more of it than most people I know

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Precious Life

A group of birds really quite upset just out my window
A pair of Robins desperately trying to save their fallen chick from a crow furiously attacking
Already too weak to cry, blood in its beak, unable to do more than flip over on its back as I approached  
I knelt and picked him up, nestling him within my cupped palm
His breathing was hard, labored, heart beating against my skin
His terror soon quieted as he realized he was cradled and protected and warm
His parents crying for him just above in the trees, refusing to leave, and yet oddly not attacking me as they had the crow
Warm in my palm - I gently covered him with my other hand
He heard his parents and was reassured, though he was not to live
We were like this for awhile - slowly his breathing quieted
His eyes closed - only to open wide in response to his parents calls and then close again. He tried to call - could not
He was warm and safe and he knew his parents were close when he died
I placed him under a bush in a cupped pile of leaves - soft
His parents knew
All was quiet
A life - gone