Friday, December 22, 2017

Dangerous Times

Congress, led by McConnell and Ryan, and the executive branch, led by Trump, are corrupt and ineffective.

Meanwhile people, real people, suffer and die unnecessarily due to federal government action or inaction. Worse, large parts of the government know this, and don't care.

Special interest, greed, power hunger have replaced true governance. Those now attracted to government are there not to lead so much as to consolidate power for powers sake, and to enrich themselves and their supporters. Sating campaign donors need and demands is now the immediate focus of congress and the President - helping people that are dying for lack of health care, a clean healthy environment, economic stability, or advancing world peace and stability - not so much.

It is a sad day for the United States - truly. This isn't about liberal vs conservative, democrat vs republican, fox news vs msnbc. Our government is not governing, it is corrupt, it is dysfunctional, and it is dangerous.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Religous Darkness

The village schoolteacher is the torch.
The village clergyman, the extinguiser.

Victor Hugo