Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is George Will Short?

George Will says in his column as published October 30, 2011 .."Obama, a floundering naif who thinks ATMs aggravate unemployment, is bewildered by a national tragedy of shattered dreams, decaying workforce skills and forgone wealth creation."

Am I alone in suffering an overwhelming urge to just pop this smug, arrogant, horse's pitute right in the kisser? Bam! I mean really? Does he forget it is the ultra-conservatives he so smugly represents and their 30 years of trickle down economics that created what 'bewilders' Obama in the first place?

George uses a unique and at times eloquent writing style to spew forth this sort of dribble. His talent - the gift of gab - but minus the wisdom or even common sense his grandiosity demands. Always smug, always arrogant, always trying to impress - leaving one not so much impressed as annoyed, and left asking - what is wrong this guy?

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Better Place

The Nuremberg trials following WWII set the stage for the healing of Europe and in many ways helped usher in a new age of peace and prosperity that included post war Germany. Joseph Stalin had advocated the summary execution of 50,000-100,000 German officers – skipping the whole messy system of due process – his brand of justice. But the peoples of Europe and the US chose instead open trials, this despite the fact that the actions of many of the defendants had led to the deaths of at least 40 million people, having committed unbelievable atrocities along the way.  While far from perfect the trials did result in acquittal and jail sentences for many – a far cry from the Stalin plan. Of the 22 defendants accused of the most serious crimes, 3 were acquitted, seven received prison sentences, and twelve sentenced to death. The Genocide Convention, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Nuremberg Principles, the Convention on the Abolition of the Statute of Limitations on War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, the Geneva Convention on the Laws and Customs of War, and the establishment of a permanent international criminal court all resulted in large part to the principles and spirit that came out of  Nuremberg.  

Examining the manner of death the US or those it supports has chosen for many in Al Qaeda – execution by drone aircraft, for Osama Bin laden – shot point blank with two lethal shots while standing in his bedroom unarmed, and now for Muammar Gaddafi - beaten, shot and then dragged through the streets, it appears we have little use of the international court, or for that matter international law. Instead we have chosen summary execution, without due process, without humanity, or even basic decency. We have in effect chosen the Stalin plan.

Do not mistake this as sympathy for those we have murdered. It instead stems from a deepening sadness at what we do to ourselves and to humanity in general each time we or those we support go down this path. We are supposed to be better than this, better than them. These actions only serve to add to the hate, the anger, the inhumanity of our very fragile world. It is time to address the reasons for terrorism, and evil, and hate and do something about it. It is time we led the world to peace and fairness and stop using military might as a form of world ‘diplomacy’. It is time we again set a shining example of decency and the best humanity has to offer. It is time we lead this world to a better place.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Crime and Punishment

The wall street protestors are not protesting against wall street or the big banks or the government per se. They are instead protesting the dishonesty, corruption, and breath-taking greed of some within these institutions. They protest because the game is fixed and it is America - the poor and middle class - that pays the price, and they are tired of it.

Millions have lost their homes, their retirement funds, their jobs as a direct result of the unbelievable greed and corruption of wall street, big banks, and government. Where are the consequences? Where is the fairness? Millions suffer while these corrupt few - thrive. And no, they do not thrive because they are the better capitalists. They thrive because they are corrupt to the core and at least as greedy. They thrive because they are abetted by a dysfunctional government. They thrive because they have no shame.They gather wealth by deliberately destroying the lives of others. One has only to look at the current mortgage/derivative/world recession debacle to confirm that. They are successful, not through hard work and cleverness, but instead by fixing the game and breaking the law. No, they are not the smarter capitalists, they are just dirty, greedy crooks.

If I were them I'd take care when dismissing these current protesters as quirky, eccentric, fringe. For what is happening in fact reflects a deep frustration and discontent of the mainstream. Enough individuals are cheating at wall street, in big banks and our government to cause real harm to millions and everyone knows it. Up until now no one has done anything about it. For what they have done and continue to do they will eventually have to pay the price. What do you think destroying the lives of millions is worth?