Thursday, September 29, 2022

DeSantis Is A Sociopath

One gets the distinct impression Ron Desantis wants the Florida emergency response to go well only as it helps his presidential aspirations.

He can hardly hide his glee in being put on a national stage during this crisis, despite the suffering of millions of his constituents. 

As if his cold, deliberate, abuse of immigrants, transgender children, gays, and women, solely to advance his career, wasn't bad enough. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Lies To Children

Who defeated Hitler? 

The Russians did - with some help from the allies. 

42 million Russians died fighting Hitler. Thats 98% of all allied combatant deaths.

298,000 US troops, 420,000 British, and 212,000 French died. 

Not exactly what you've been led to believe. Hell according to your teachers, your parents, John Wayne, and the movies, Americans won the war against Germany almost by themselves.

Almost everything you've been led to believe about our country's history is a lie. You've been horribly lied to by almost everyone you ever trusted growing up, who themselves had been lied to. You were programed and indoctrinated to a false nationalism. Your brain was raped over and over again your entire childhood in order to foster an allegiance to a lie - so that you might blindly rush to to do your rapist's bidding when the time came.

Is that why we all so fucked up?

Trump Is A Fascist

Police by nature are fascists. They are not interested in your rights and civil liberties, not really, they just want to catch bad guys, weld their 'power', and it's best not to get in their way. 

Despite their necessity, they represent a potential threat to free society at all times and must be kept in check by a strong, fair, judiciary, and a society that wont tolerate excesses in their behavior.

I promise you the second we elect a fascist president, and taint the judiciary in his favor, will be the exact moment cops start abusing their power in earnest. 

Cruz On Ice

What do you get when you put a republican and some ice in a blender?

A bloody cold mess. 

And a smile.

Try Again

Bret Kavanaugh is a sleazy, serial sexual assaulter. He was not properly investigated by the FBI. Their tip line was flooded with calls from his female victims - ignored. 

Amy Barrett is a religious nut job straight out of A Handmaid's Tale. Creepy and dishonarable, allowing herself an appointment after the voting had literally begun in the presidential race despite McConnell stealing Garland's seat nearly a year out from an election. 

Neil Gorsuch just flat out lied about Roe V. Wade and his respect for legal precedent. He is a bold face liar as are Kavanaugh and Barrett. They all blatantly lied about Roe V. Wade.

Slimy, sleazy, creepy, liars - our supreme court. And you expect me to respect the institution? Or even consider it legitimate? 

Try again. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Heady Times

What if I told you we will have the means to completely end poverty, worldwide, in the next 30 years. And along with it, end hunger, malnutrition, and their associated diseases. All without lowering anyone's standard of living. 

What if I told you we will have the means to end wealth inequality - and in doing so can end the disparities in health care, education, and opportunity, associated with it.

What if I told you we will have the ability for all people to live in the manner and at the standard of living of their choice, everywhere - wanting for nothing material? Or told you that we will have the means to equip scientific, exploration, engineering, and artistic endeavor with all that is needed, without regard to cost. 

What if I told you we will have the means to replace the focus in government from wealth and power, to actually governing and power. Or told you that we will have the means for people to focus on the attainment of knowledge and skill in science, music, the arts, and societal interaction - full time - rather than on survival, materialism, wealth, and consumerism. 

Crazy? A utopian futurist escaping the harshness of today’s world into fantasy? Well crazy remains to be seen. But an unrealistic utopian futurist’s fantasy - no.

But how? 

The answer is shockingly simple and eminently attainable in the next thirty years. It involves something we currently regard more as a threat, than as a species evolving godsend. 


Yep, rust belt causing, job costing, greed motivated, automation.

People have worried about the impact of automation on jobs and the economy for hundreds of years. Will everyone eventually be out of work because of it? Just look at the rust belt here in the midwest United States to witness first hand the harm automation can cause. 

But despite great worry and dire predictions ever since the invention of the printing press automation has created nearly as many jobs as it has displaced, to include the rust belt.

But the growth of automation is exponential and in our time is just starting to steepen its growth curve to dizzying rates, spreading at an ever increasing pace into the entire work environment - something we have never seen before. So, will this now finally end work? 

No, it will not. 

People are too curious and creative for work to ever end. But will it end jobs? Working mostly for money? Yes. Automation will fundamentally change how society views work, materialism, and survival. The 8-5pm grind, working at jobs people hate, working just to survive or just to maintain a certain standard of living, will end. Those are jobs - working mostly for money - and automation will end them. But work will always go on.

The more important question then becomes - how will advances in automation change society, not how will it change work. Automation is advancing at an ever-increasing rate, with the possibility looming of near complete automation of the service industry, transportation, manufacturing, food production, and power generation in the very near future. What will happen to ur economy as ,millions lose their jobs. And the logical conclusion of automations growth is the attainment of 'full automation' - where nearly all the material needs of society are met by autonomous machines. What then? If nearly no one has a job, what becomes of our economy? 

It is easy to see how the transition period from present day to full automation could destroy the world's economies as more and more people are displaced into unemployment at an ever faster rate.  How do we prevent the move to full automation from harming society as we struggle to keep up. 

In the next 5-10 years 5 million drivers, just in the USA, will lose their jobs to autonomous vehicles. That is 3% of the total USA workforce. And where it is true that the autonomous vehicle industry may create jobs for some of these drivers, eventually even those jobs will be lost to automation. Shortly thereafter advances in artificial intelligence will spell the demise of many of the jobs in the service industry, in manufacturing, product distribution, and on and on. This will extend even into the professions - doctors, lawyers, and engineers - Oh my who are we to marry now? 

So, what’s the plan? I mean we all know it’s coming, and it’s not very far in the future. Automation is more efficient and allows for greater profit so it's not stopping. Are we ready? 

Nope, not even a little.

Automation represents as big an existential threat to society as global warming and nuclear war, and just as with the latter two, we have no real plan. 5-10 years to witness autonomous vehicles, ships, perhaps airplanes and all the subsequent job loss is not a very long time. And with exponential growth in artificial intelligence and robotics, full automation could be upon us in as little as 30-50 years. If we are to adapt - planning must begin now.

To work towards solutions to this threat, we must first understand what we are dealing with - what full automation will look like. 

Full automation will employ subterranean machines that gather and refine raw materials, process them into parts and finished product, and then distribute them – all without human intervention. Operated and maintained by artificial intelligence (AI) and AI directed self-repair apparatus, these machines will make our homes, clothing, transportation, energy, toys, food, medicines – everything - without human intervention. Self-repairing machines with their own raw materials and energy sources that produce all the necessities of high-quality life for every human on earth. And since there is no need for human intervention of any kind these products can be provided at no cost. Free. Free? But what about the owners of the resources and the machines, you need to pay them, don’t you? Maybe a one-time payment by world societies as a whole at the beginning. But ongoing payment? Not if their every material need is already being met by these same machines. What are they going to spend their money on? Perhaps you pay them in a different form of currency – say political power, a Rembrandt or three, who knows? Well, I hope not, but my house, car, clothing, heat, light, food, on and on are will all be provided free of charge, regardless. If most of the jobs are taken, how would I pay them anyway? 

More importantly with full automation people worldwide would be lifted from poverty, famine, and given the resources for proper education and healthcare. There would be a cultural shift away from materialism and mere survival to self-fulfillment, exploration, discovery, and artistic expression. 

Clearly full automation has utopian qualities to it. But it's the getting from here to there that represents one of the greatest existential threats to humankind, ever. It involves the progressive displacement of the human workforce, and an evolutionary shift in people's minds away from money, materialism, wealth, and basic survival as the basis of self-worth. So, how do we keep full automation from destroying us? And once attained, what will people all day do if they can’t keep their noses to the grind wheel just to survive?

The answer to the second question is more easily answered. Just turn to scientists, artists, musicians, philanthropists, volunteers, and all the people today who work to discover, create, express themselves, or try to make this a better world. It will take no more than two generations for people to adopt from a world focused on survival and materialism, to a world of education and knowledge, exploration, discovery, artistic expression, and commitment to family. Imagine a child born into such a world, where parents and educators have unlimited resource to help with the child's education and the shaping of her talents and interests. A world where 8-5 jobs that are hated and worked solely to survive would be ancient history - as the child asks - how did they stand it?

So how do we get there safely? It helps to remember that getting there is going to occur whether we plan for it or not. Such is the nature of profit and greed. Either we have rapid job replacement with economic destruction, or we plan well in advance and adapt.

Our first step to full automation involves embracing it as a common goal worldwide. Make it the entire world’s ‘land a man on the moon in a decade’ unified effort - to end hunger, poverty, most communicable diseases while enhancing education, knowledge, and self-expression. Millions of people and their governments, along with trillions of dollars worldwide, are then committed to developing full automation over the next 30 years in a manner that does not destroy us along the way. A herculean effort many will say can't be done, exactly as they said of landing a person on the moon in the 1960's.

We would create an international automation administration - IAA - to bring worldwide resources and expertise together with the common mission of attaining complete automation and freedom from material constraint for all mankind, within the next 30 years. Expediting automation while transitioning as painlessly away from materialism as possible, it's mission.

Ten years from now 33 million drivers in the USA will be out of work. The IAA will then subsidize their training and salaries for jobs in the automation industry, paying them at least what they were earning as drivers. When the next great wave of automation strikes - say the global distribution of material goods – planes, ships, trains – those people will also be trained and hired into the automation industry. This in effect would maintain world economies while accelerating the effort to full automation. 

There then comes a point where further advancements in automation are put in place but are deliberately kept offline as more and more people are retrained and hired into the automation industry until such a day where the entire world’s material needs can be produced autonomously by machines. This is done to protect the health of world economies in the interim. But once ready to come fully online we throw the switch – at once ending poverty, unequal wealth distribution, famine, and all their associated problems - evolving as a species past materialism and working to survive, to working to self-enlighten, discover, explore, self-express, help, and thrive. 

Money, if it even continues exist, will take on a new form based mostly in barter, trading for art and unique antiquities as example. Politics becomes politics minus money, in other words unrecognizable but I suspect just as obnoxious. Human constructs such as prestige, religion, power, status, will remain at their essence, unchanged. 

Full automation then utopian in many respects, but the world still recognizable and flawed. Nevertheless, the onset of full automation will represent the greatest social evolutionary leap since humans moved past small nomadic clans to city states - if only we do it right. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Call It What It IS

Biden recently called out Trump and his supporters as ‘semi-fascist’. He did not go far enough. 
Republican leaders, in their lust for power, have allowed a caricature of a mob boss to assume control of their party. Trump’s reputation in New York City prior to his presidency, for decades, was as a cheap scammer, someone who almost never paid his bills, a racist, mob-connected, showboat. 

But Trump’s followers in the general electorate do not see him that way. To them Trump can do no wrong. Even when wrong, he is right. Trump wins over reality. They are prepared to abandon societal norms to pay reverence to their leader. In fact, they are prepared to abandon reality, fact, truth, and even democracy, to maintain their image of him and their loyalty to him.  
Jim Jones, Charlie Manson, David Koresh evoked this sort of zealousness from their followers as well. And like Trump, their ability to do so was rooted in their mental illness, sociopathy, and narcissism.  
Republican leaders see the cult of Trump for what it is, and despite understanding its amorality and psychopathology, have consciously chosen to abandon their duty to this country, and to their own morality, to join him and his large voting block of cultists – as the price to pay for power.  
Republicans in congress more and focus on the maintenance of that power, rather than on governing. They have obstructed relentlessly. Senator McConnell vowed to completely obstruct both Obama and Biden’s presidencies, and in the last decade alone has killed hundreds of bills that enjoyed bipartisan support (3). Of those rare bills republicans have pushed through one was a 2.2 trillion-dollar tax giveaway to their corporate and ultra-rich donors. Prior to that they rammed a corrupt pro-pharma bill through, a bill literally written by the pharmaceutical companies themselves, that amongst other things prohibited the government from buying pharmaceuticals through a competitive bidding process. The pharmaceutical companies themselves set the prices.  
But with this Trump spectacle republicans have hit an all-time low. Trumpism represents one of the greatest existential threats to our democracy we have ever faced. With Trump as their leader, it has become clear that republicans are willing, and are actively planning, to destroy our democratic republic, replacing it with a form of fascism, in order to establish permanent minority rule. Their rule.
They have been consciously stacking the courts with partisan hacks for decades, attempting to tilt the justice system in their favor. With the corruption of the judiciary, we are already seeing one of their main goals beginning to come to fruition - the end of checks and balances between the branches of government and the beginning of their permanent power.  
If successful in taking power, as Trump has previously shown us, they will withdraw from sacred international treaties that have served us so well and kept the peace. They will dramatically escalate nuclear weapons production and will thus destabilize world order, increasing the odds of total global destruction.   
They will diminish our standing in the world which will destabilize the planet, greatly increasing the odds of US citizens being harmed.
They have made it quite clear that they will choose profit over environmental balance. They will ignore climate change, and will turn coal, oil, and gas companies loose on the last of our pristine lands. 

But most importantly they will destroy our democratic republic. They will abuse power by using politically weaponized law enforcement to maintain power and to terrorize those trying to uphold democratic norms against them. House Minority Leader McCarthy recently vowed to ‘probe’ the FBI and DOJ over the Mar-A-Lago search if they regain power in 2023. He did this before he had any of the facts of the investigation, or the raid - publicly stating his plan to abuse power to punish ‘enemies’ before he even had his facts straight. They will dismantle checks and balances, and will seek to erode our rights as citizens. A quick look to Texas, Florida, Tennessee foreshadows what we are in store for as a nation – rigged elections, control over what we may do with our own bodies, who we can marry, the burning of books, restricting language(gay), restricting the press, the internet, and information in general. 

And they will do all of this and more against majority will. 
This is not hyperbolic political rhetoric. President Biden clearly did not go far enough in his condemnation of Trump and his followers. We are now in a fight for our very country, against a vile and repugnant enemy. Our two hundred and forty-six-year-old democratic republic - the greatest social experiment of fairness and prosperity in the history of the world - cannot be allowed to decay and crumble into a pit of greed, fascist tyranny, sociopathy, and despair - which is exactly what will occur if Trumpism prevails. 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Non-Biologic Space Invaders

Alien intelligence that makes it to earth is likely to be 'artificial', not biologic. 

In fact the odds are overwhelmingly in favor of non-biologic alien super-intelligence reaching us long before biologic alien intelligence does, if it ever does. 

The creation of artificial intelligence smarter than humans here on earth will cause an intelligence explosion. This artificial super intelligence (ASI) will set out to make better and better ASI, in shorter and shorter time. Once set in motion humans will witness the birth of a super intelligence millions of times smarter than us. That ASI, being non-biologic, will build itself to be indifferent to vacuum, radiation, and time, given the time required and the harshness to be encountered with interstellar travel. It will then spread out into the galaxy in order to increase its odds of survival. Its human creators stuck here on earth, or even within our solar system, will probably destroy themselves or be destroyed - climate change, nuclear war, an extinction level asteroid, gamma ray bursts - you name it - long before we attempt interstellar travel. 

If ASI can be created here on earth, it can also be created by aliens capable of building computers elsewhere. Their ASI will undergo an intelligence explosion and then spread out into interstellar space leaving their biologic creators in the dust. It is this alien intelligence that is most likely to visit us first. 

If I had heard of just one alien abduction story that didn't involve huge headed, large eyed, biologic, intelligence, it would be oh so much more convincing.  

President Spy

Donald Trump stole papers containing government secrets. The most important question we should be asking is why? 

We know this wasnt just sloppy packing on moving day, because he resisted giving them back - for months. He moved them repeatedly and lied about having them. Clearly he did not want to give them back. These documents had value to Mr. Trump and it wasn't sentimental.

I think given the pattern of his behavior over his lifetime, it is fair to say Mr. Trump was going to monetize them. Use them against his enemies, or to curry favor with rogue states like Russia, or to just outright sell them to the highest bidder. Anyway you look at it - that's espionage. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

A Viral Cloud We Call SARS

Covid-19 is the illness caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The illness has been shown to affect multiple organs including the brain, heart, kidneys, eyes, nose, in addition to the lungs and gut. The damage it causes can be permanent, so even if infected people survive, the effects of the virus can linger indefinitely.

The pandemic that SARS-CoV-2 has caused has tested us severely. When will it go away, why does it keep mutating, why cant we just come up with a way to kill it or at least a vaccine that stops it in its tracks? What the heck is Dr. Fauci doing all day? 

To understand any enemy, it is essential to know it's true face. For SARS CoV-2 it is better to think of it not as a single virus trying to get us, but instead more as an organism containing trillions of viruses, much as you are made of trillions of cells but hopefully people see you as a single person. It is more a viral cloud, containing more viruses than all the grains of sand in the world, ever evolving and adapting in order to increase its chances of passing its genetic material on to the next generation. 

100 million novel coronavirus can fit on a pinhead. There are trillions upon trillions of the viruses out there and each one can make thousands of copies of itself given the chance. I'll say it again. When a single SARS-CoV-2 virus replicates, it produces over 10,000 prodigy.

The Sars-CoV-2's genetic makeup contains 29,903 base pairs, the chemicals that make up its genes. Accidents in assembling these base pairs can occur spontaneously, producing mutations. This occurs, despite the SARS CoV-2 virus possessing a proof-reader mechanism that looks for defective genes during replication and halts that error from being replicated. But despite this, the SARS CoV-2 virus does in fact mutate, albeit at a relatively slower rate than some viruses. 

The vast majority of mutations are either harmless and do not cause a survival advantage, or are harmful to the virus itself. As such these viruses have no survival advantage and either die off before replicating or cause no significant change in the SARS-CoV-2 virus as a whole. But occasionally mutations occur that provide a survival advantage to the virus, and as you will see, this can dramatically change the makeup of the entire viral cloud. 

The human genome contains 3 billion base pairs that can potentially mutate. Most of these mutations have little impact, some result in fetal demise, while a very few could provide a survival advantage if only we still lived on the savannah. 

But here's the thing - even though humans have 100,000 times the number of base pairs that can undergo mutation as compared to the virus, when we replicate we produce 1-2 new humans in 70-80 years of life, whereas a single virus produces over 10,000 new viruses within hours of infecting a host. If just one virus mutates to produce a survival advantage - greater infectivity, greater vaccine and/or drug resistance, etc - and is lucky enough to replicate - it will produce 10,000 new mutated viruses. If their survival advantage gives them just a 1% replication advantage over 'regular' virus then these 1% would produce one million more mutated viruses above and beyond what normal viruses would do. Replicate 1% of those one million and we now have 100 million more mutated viruses than from non-mutated viral replication. You can see where this is going. As long as there is an abundant supply of relatively helpless hosts to invade, eventually the viral cloud as a whole will become comprised almost entirely of mutated virus at which point we say the 'virus' has genetically drifted or if the drift large enough - we say the virus as a whole has mutated.

The organism as a whole that causes Covid-19 is indeed shifty, evasive, and constantly morphing. It is difficult to know the face of this enemy as it is always changing. It is the combination of the virus being novel - never before seen by humans so it can potentially infect 8 billion human hosts relatively easily giving it the opportunity to mutate in order to evade immune responses to prior infection and vaccines, that comprises one of the most significant existential threats to humankind in our entire history and what keeps Dr. Fauci awake at night, I'm sure.