Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Beauty At Any Age

There is nothing wrong with an older man admiring a younger woman’s beauty. For all that matters in the end is how a woman is made to feel - not race, gender, or age. 
Disgusted by the idea? Then you, my dear reader, are a bigot.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Eye On the Pie

A 39-year-old black lesbian waitress living in a third-floor walkup in south Chicago was sitting having tea with the king of France – in some universe.

“Your highness, yours is a shallow made-up world. Unimaginative, and quite absurd. There is so much more to this world” said the lesbian waitress.

“But my dear, isn’t one world as good as another? At least in my world I am powerful and rich, and never hungry.”

“Grabbing all you can while living in a self-made house of cards is an empty, shallow, non-sustainable way to live. You rob yourself of so much beauty, knowledge, and the perspective, humility and compassion, this universe can provide.”

“I’d rather just be happy eating my cake, in my world” exclaimed the king.

“But what will you do when there is no more cake? asked the black lesbian waitress.

“I’ll eat pie”, said the king.

“And when you have no more pie?

“Why my dear, Ill eat yours.” 

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Fake News

Figured it out. Donald Trump is not real. Super general artificial intelligence has arrived and its playing its first really good joke on us all. No one is this stupid or insecure.