Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Grow Up America

Most believe war is inevitable. There are always bad guys that we need to fight to defend our way of life and our nation. 

Name a single war that the US has been involved in since WWII where that is true. Korea? Vietnam? Those were civil wars of those countries that we butted into at the cost of millions of lives. One ended as a draw, the other an utter failure. And for what? Most of the people in those countries did not want us there. 

The Gulf War? Yes, that's right let's go to war for oil. Iraq war? The 911 tragedy was used to whip Americans into bloodlust against a country that had absolutely nothing to do with 911 or even terrorism and posed no threat to us at all - as the international inspectors screamed for months before we went to war. Mushroom clouds over America was a deliberate lie and planned Sunday morning talking point - and it ended with 500,000 lives lost, millions more displaced from their homes, and us destabilizing the entire region. Afghanistan? What was supposed to be a quick police action against Osama bin Laden turned into a 20-year odyssey of uselessness and loss. 

None of these wars predicated on a threat to us or our way of life. None of them. That has not happened since WWII and the world is a very different place. 

We simply must stop spending more than the next 9 countries with the greatest expenditure on the military, combined. It's not for 'defense' - it is a war machine to be used as a hammer on the nail of failed diplomatic effort or lack thereof. 

'Thank you for your service' should be reserved for nurses, our military should be reeled in, our blind nationalism and aggressiveness tempered. My god people - grow the hell up. It is One World.

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