Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Never Going to Happen

The US federal government is to declare the SARs Co-V-2 pandemic over in May of this year. Republicans and Fox News are saying it's about time. 

These are the same people that told us:

1 Jan - Feb  2020 - The pandemic was a grossly exaggerated  hoax started by democrats to make Trump look bad.

2. March 2020 - it's going away by Spring or early Summer.

3. March 2020 - November 2020 - It's no worse than than flu

4. Winter 2020-2021 - Doctors are lying about the numbers of cases to get paid more. 

5. Winter 2020-2021 It only kills the 'weak' and the old. 

6. December 2020 - Trump invented the vaccine, is a hero, for a disease no worse than the flu - a vaccine they wont take. Yep - pretty much all in one sentence. 

7. 2020 - 2023 It's the China Virus Chiiiinnnna Virus 

8. 2020-2021 - Hundreds of thousands died while they refused to wear masks. 

8. 2020  - 2021 Hydroxycloriquine - remember this? The miracle drug doctors refused to give because there's not enough money in it. Families abused doctors and nurses insisting it be given despite no evidence that it does anything. Poof - gone - never to be mentioned again.

9 2021-2022 Ivermectin - People eating horse paste, abusing doctors and nurses, insisting their loved ones get it. Oooops - no efficacy and now forgotten.

Here's what Id like to see. Id like to see Fox and all these abusive low life republicans and conservative pro- Trump bubbas - apologize. Admit they were wrong - about everything - and actually learn something from the over 1 million deaths in this country alone. Never going to happen. 

Monday, January 30, 2023

Time For a Change

And now - Tyre Nichols. May he rest in peace.

It's not just systemic racism. It's not just 'a few bad apples'. And it's certainly not new. 

Police brutality has existed as long as there have been police. You're talking about a pre-selected group of people capable of pounding people on the head with night sticks, spraying pepper spray into eyes, and/or shooting people for fleeing. People capable of murder. 

Could you pound a woman on the head with a night stick? Spray pepper spray into peaceful college protestors eyes? Shoot someone? I couldn't. 

Psychopathy has been a part of policing pretty much forever. What's new are the cameras capturing the brutality for all to see, making it difficult for police to do what they always have done after using excessive force or murdering someone - lie. When was the last time you even heard about a police officer owning up to what they had done in the heat of the moment?

When one of the officers heard they had recaptured Tyre after he had fled in panic from the original traffic stop, he was heard saying 'I hope they pound his ass.' Why? It was a simple traffic stop. Tyre had hurt no one. Why? Because defying a psychopath's control and power is a capitol offense, according to psychopaths.

It's not just racism. Bullies pick on weakness. In this society many police officers assume minorities can't effectively complain or fight back. 

What is needed is an entirely new model of policing. A model that does not attract psychopaths and those seeking power through the uniform, clubs, tasers, and guns. A model focused on community unity and peace, on deescalation, on caring and not on power and control through intimidation and abuse.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Your Child May Live 1000 Years

Your children will experience species changing events the likes of which this planet has never seen before. They could live to be more than a thousand years old, see the end of material want, begin to colonize space, and perhaps even evolve past human into an entirely new life-form. Yes, your children. 

Quite a statement. Can't be - but it is. It's true. But as fantastic as these things sound they carry with them significant risks to our species. For getting from where we are now to there could rip the fabric of our societies, our identities, and our purposes. These changes then represents the greatest existential risks to our species survival every experienced.

After hundreds of thousands of years walking the planet pretty much unchanged, the perfect storm for our species has already begun to form, you can hear it's rumblings and see it gathering on the horizon. The greatest storm of change for the good but also the greatest existential threats humankind has ever had to face is forming and will strike, full force, sometime in the next 50 -100 years. 

The storm will consist of a conglomerate of massive change to our selves, our societies, and our species. It will hit us with a speed and intensity we cannot possibly withstand, unless we begin to prepare now. If properly prepared for it the storm could be harnessed to usher in a new age of prosperity, fairness. longevity, and a durable peace. But if not properly managed it promises to destroy us all.

The storm will consist of four major elements:

Climate change - Successfully navigating this threat will see the end of nationalism and more acceptance of worldview. We will begin to accept the fact that we all live on a small, fragile planet, immersed in unbelievably hostile vacuum, surrounded by an immensity we cannot comprehend and by forces that could vaporize our plant in a heartbeat. We will come to understand all we have is this planet and its life - all of its life - and that will foster empathy and tolerance, for all of life, everywhere. 

It will, by necessity, see the end of the modern day corporations with their singular objective - profit - to be replaced by something more humane and socially responsible. It will see the end of carbon based energy and product. It will see the full embracement of sustainability and balance with the natural world - or we will die. Tell that to the oil companies, our current forms of governance, and even the people of the world - and good luck. 

Genetic manipulation 

a. The end of aging The slowing and/or reversal of aging. Scientists have already accomplished this in mice - making old mice, young again. A report published in January, 2023 describes the ability to reverse and/or accelerate aging in mice. 

These mice are from the same litter. The one at right has been genetically altered to be old.

(CNN) — In Boston labs, old, blind mice have regained their eyesight, developed smarter, younger brains and built healthier muscle and kidney tissue. On the flip side, young mice have prematurely aged, with devastating results to nearly every tissue in their bodies.

The experiments show aging is a reversible process, capable of being driven “forwards and backwards at will,” said anti-aging expert David Sinclair, a professor of genetics in the Blavatnik Institute at Harvard Medical School and co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research.

b. The regeneration of organs, limbs, nerves. 

c. The curing of all disease at the cellular level. 

All of this in your child's lifetime. Life expectancy then exceeding a thousand years based solely on a person's odds of suffering a life-ending trauma. A complete social reorganization changing the way we look at age, career, family, purposes. People will be able to choose their biologic age perhaps using it in part to signal current lifestyle and interests. It will force solutions to over population, massive changes in our healthcare delivery, in our worldview, and society in general. If these changes do not occur we will witness an overcrowded hell on earth and witness a maelstrom of war and conflict that could easily end us.

3 Autonomous automation of the production of all material goods and energy. 

Full autonomous automation is the logical conclusion to our modern day  automation trend powered by profit and greed. Automation is cheaper and more efficient and so there will be no stopping it. It will progress nearly exponentially until it begins to impact on economies as it replaces more and more jobs. 

In the next 5-10 years 4 million drivers, just in the USA, will lose their jobs to autonomous vehicles. That is 3% of the total USA workforce. And where it is true that the automation industry may create jobs for some of these drivers, eventually even those jobs will be lost to automation. Shortly thereafter advances in artificial intelligence will spell the demise of many of the jobs in the service industry, in manufacturing, product distribution, and on and on. This will extend even into the professions - doctors, lawyers, and engineers - Oh my who are we to marry now? 

But people have worried about the impact of automation on jobs and the economy for hundreds of years. Just look at the rust belt here in the Midwest United States to witness first hand the harm automation can cause, but also the resilience of our workforce. Despite great worry and dire predictions ever since the invention of the printing press, automation has created nearly as many jobs as it has displaced, to include the rust belt. But we are not talking about typesetters, or automated looms, or even industrial robots bolted to assembly lines. This sort of automation has nearly always created as many jobs as it has replaced. But full autonomous automation will not.  

Full autonomous automation will be directed by artificial intelligence (AI) and will thus work its way into nearly every job and profession there is. It's growth will be nearly exponential - we are just starting to see the steepening of the curve to dizzying rates, as it begins to spread at an ever increasing pace into the entire work place - something we have never seen before. Eventually AI directed machines will self-improve, and self-repair, while harvesting their own energy and raw materials, refining and processing them, then assembling and distributing every material need people require for high quality life - without the need for a single human intervention. Fully autonomous automation. 

There is great promise in this. Every material need provided without the need for human intervention could be provided for free. Free? No one is doing anything to produce everything needed to live high quality lives and so why not free?

We would have the means to completely end poverty, worldwide, and along with it, hunger, malnutrition, and their associated diseases. All without lowering anyone's standard of living. We would have the means to end wealth inequality - and in doing so can end the disparities in health care, education, and opportunity, associated with it. We will have the ability for all people to live in the manner and at the standard of living of their choice, everywhere - wanting for nothing material. We will have the means to equip scientific, exploration, engineering, and artistic endeavor with all that is needed, without regard to cost. We will have the means to replace the focus in government from wealth and power, to actually governing and power. We will have the means for people to focus on the attainment of knowledge and skill in science, music, the arts, and societal interaction - full time - rather than focusing on survival, materialism, wealth, and consumerism.  There would be a cultural shift away from materialism and mere survival to self-fulfillment, exploration, discovery, and artistic expression. 

Self perpetuating, self run machines, producing everything in subterranean facilities, nonpolluting and out of sight? Utopian fantasy? 

Clearly fully autonomous automation has utopian qualities to it. But let there be no doubt - it is coming. 

But getting from here to there involves the progressive displacement of the human workforce, and an evolutionary shift in people's thinking away from money, materialism, wealth, and basic survival. Fully autonomous automation is not the problem. It is the getting from here to there without destroying ourselves in the process that is the real trick. And it will be quite the trick. 

I find it ironic that as automation moves forward from where it is today to approaching full autonomous automation, it will first destroy the corporations implementing it, along with the world's economies. If everyone is out of a job - who is going to buy the products and services? And what becomes of our economy as more and more people are displaced into unemployment at an ever faster rate? 

The answer is simple. We will destroy our way of life unless we plan for it now. We don't just wait for it - we embrace it, now, as a common goal worldwide. Make it the entire world’s ‘land a man on the moon in a decade’ unified effort - to end hunger, poverty, most communicable diseases while enhancing education, knowledge, and self-expression. Millions of people and their governments, along with trillions of dollars worldwide, are then committed to developing full autonomous automation over the next 30 years in a manner that does not destroy us along the way. A herculean effort many will say can't be done, exactly as they said of landing a person on the moon in the 1960's.

We would create an international automation administration - IAA - to bring worldwide resources and expertise together with the common mission of attaining complete autonomous automation and freedom from material constraint for all mankind, within the next 30 years. Expediting automation while transitioning as painlessly away from materialism as possible, it's mission.

Ten years from now 4 million drivers in the USA, 33 million worldwide will be out of work. The IAA will then subsidize their training and salaries for jobs in the automation industry, paying them at least what they were earning as drivers. When the next great wave of automation strikes - say the global distribution of material goods – planes, ships, trains – those people will also be trained and hired into the automation industry. This would serve to maintain world economies while accelerating the effort to full automation. 

There then comes a point where further advancements in automation are put in place but are deliberately kept offline as more and more people are retrained and hired into the automation industry until such a day where the entire world’s material needs can be produced autonomously by machines. This is done to protect the health of world economies in the interim. But once ready to come fully online we throw the switch – at once ending poverty, unequal wealth distribution, famine, and all their associated problems - evolving as a species past materialism and working to survive, to working to self-enlighten, to discover, explore, self-express, help others, and working to thrive. 

Money, if it even continues exist, will take on a new form based mostly in barter, trading for art and unique antiquities as example. Politics becomes politics minus money, in other words unrecognizable but I suspect just as obnoxious. Human constructs such as prestige, religion, power, status, will remain at their essence, unchanged. 

Full autonomous automation while utopian in many respects, will leave the world still recognizable and still flawed, but all so much better off. It will represent the greatest social evolutionary leap since humans moved past small nomadic clans to city states - if only we do it right. If we don't do it right, we may find ourselves back to small nomadic tribes or completely destroyed. 

4. Super general artificial intelligence - evolving beyond human just to keep up.

We are going to develop an artificial intelligence millions, perhaps billions, of times smarter than our current capabilities in the next 100 years. It is the inevitable result of computer technology.

Lots of fear over what this intelligence will do with us.

As a starting point, perhaps we should stop calling it artificial. Probably not a good idea to piss it off right out of the starting gate. More importantly there will be nothing artificial about it. Humans are not a special case, us versus nature is an illusion of sentience only. And so, in coming from us it is as real as anything else in this universe.

But here's the real argument against it being artificial. If we want what is fundamentally human to survive, then this intelligence will need to be us. It will be us and we this intelligence. It is our only viable evolutionary pathway.

Doubling the knowledge base of all humanity took 150 years between 1750 and 1900. It took 50 years between 1900 and 1950. 10 years to double from 1950-1960. By 2023 our knowledge base will double every 54 days - with no end to this exponential growth in sight. How are we to ever keep up? 

The simple fact is we won't, unless we alter our brains. The information 'explosion' will far outpace growth in our population and in our ability to use it cohesively as a species. Even if individuals specialize to the point of absurdity - competition, and limits of cooperation and bandwidth, will demand brain enhancement. The alterations and enhancements will continue at ever greater speed with the increasing deluge of information until finally we become unrecognizable to our ancestors - until we are in fact, no longer, human.

Be it planned or simply the desire to keep up, the development of 'artificial' super general intelligence is really, at the end of the day, going to involve self-directed evolution of humans beyond human.

Given humankind's ability for self-harm we had better get a move on figuring out how best to accomplish this, if we are to have any hope of surviving the process.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Okay, Bubba

There are some big ole pick-up trucks on the road - have you noticed? 

The other day I was out driving around, and I couldn't help noticing that none of the pickups that passed me by had anything in their beds. Nothing, absolutely spotless. 

So, for the next few days I did a straw poll of sorts. I counted 105 pickup trucks - not one of them had anything in the back. Not one - swear to god. As a matter of fact, I got the impression pristine pickup beds were a part of the persona. Along with butt cracks, music sung all with the exact same accent, using the same words, just arranged differently, and cowboy hats, in Oregon yet!

Persona. What exactly are you trying to say with a pickup truck? I love watching my dog sail across the highway whenever I put on the brakes? Or I'm a great big ole road hog? Or I love spending huge amounts of money on gas? Or filling up at the gas station is my favorite pastime, say hello to the boys at the pumps - we consider them family. Or I get to contribute 10 times my share of greenhouse gases to climate change?  Or, hey look at me. I'm a dumbass, tobacco chewing, insecure little twirp in a big ole truck?

Okay, bubba.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Nuh-uh, YOU Did.

This week, Republicans in the House of Representatives rushed to form their so-called Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Investigate the investigators. 

Making sense of this is really pretty simple. Whatever the Republicans accuse others of - is exactly what they are guilty of. Investigate the investigators in order to throw the American people off track is their game. Trump's tired old trick  - accuse the accusers. They are consciously, cynically, deliberately gaslighting America to confuse and confound justice. In doing so they reveal their utter lack of respect for their constituents and the rule of law, and they reveal their own guilt. Imagine if Al Capone had gotten the republicans to investigate his investigators. Today they'd be up for it, for sure, as long as it benefitted them.

The evidence is overwhelming that January 6 was an insurrection, and that Donald Trump was responsible for it. Of course Meadows, disgraced and disbarred Giuliani, Senator Lindsey Graham, members of congress, on and on, committed grievous crimes on Trump's behalf - the evidence is overwhelming. Hell several of his advisors and attorney's have been convicted of felonies and have been sent to jail, and several more disbarred and/or sanctioned. Oh no, nothing here. Clean as a whistle. Poor us - just little teeny weeny innocents being attacked by the Weaponization of the Federal Government. I bet Charlie Manson felt the same way. 

Most of the investigations were started by conservative republican law officers. They are far-reaching and involve Trump's business, his 'charity', his conduct in and out of office on multiple levels, to include deliberately and persistently violating the Espionage Act, and attempting to interfere with the election. Most of what is being investigated is passing through grand juries as does any federal felony for anyone - and in many cases are being presided over by republican judges Trump appointed. 

The only weaponization of the federal government that is occurring now is at the hands of the republicans in order to try to save Trump's and their own skins from their complicity, guilt, and consequence.

Accuse the accuser - third grade nonsense. Nuh-uh , YOU did. Nuh-uh YOU did. Nanner, nanner. Did not. Did too!

So sick of these clowns.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Grow Up America

Most believe war is inevitable. There are always bad guys that we need to fight to defend our way of life and our nation. 

Name a single war that the US has been involved in since WWII where that is true. Korea? Vietnam? Those were civil wars of those countries that we butted into at the cost of millions of lives. One ended as a draw, the other an utter failure. And for what? Most of the people in those countries did not want us there. 

The Gulf War? Yes, that's right let's go to war for oil. Iraq war? The 911 tragedy was used to whip Americans into bloodlust against a country that had absolutely nothing to do with 911 or even terrorism and posed no threat to us at all - as the international inspectors screamed for months before we went to war. Mushroom clouds over America was a deliberate lie and planned Sunday morning talking point - and it ended with 500,000 lives lost, millions more displaced from their homes, and us destabilizing the entire region. Afghanistan? What was supposed to be a quick police action against Osama bin Laden turned into a 20-year odyssey of uselessness and loss. 

None of these wars predicated on a threat to us or our way of life. None of them. That has not happened since WWII and the world is a very different place. 

We simply must stop spending more than the next 9 countries with the greatest expenditure on the military, combined. It's not for 'defense' - it is a war machine to be used as a hammer on the nail of failed diplomatic effort or lack thereof. 

'Thank you for your service' should be reserved for nurses, our military should be reeled in, our blind nationalism and aggressiveness tempered. My god people - grow the hell up. It is One World.

What Goes Around Comes Around


                                                                                             NYT 1/10/23

The IRS is full of sociopathic police types who back Trump and the republicans. Ooops. 

Just Another Punk

Honestly. What I see?

A sociopath, but a clumsy one. Laughable were he not such a dick. 

A sycophant who makes up for a lack of talent by putting his nose so far up the ass of those he needs something from it's a wonder he can breathe. Imagine his nose up Trump's ass. 

A cowardly bully.

A punk, and this is the lion's share of who he is. Just another punk. 

Monday, January 9, 2023

Moving On

According to christains the bible was written by god through the hands of some men.

First of all, why did he need someone to write it? Can't god read and write?

Moving on. 

God knew how he had structured the universe, he made it. He knew all about quantum mechanics, relativity, plank's constant, the nature of light, the immensity of the universe - he created it. And yet the bible describes creation in terms of the current human knowledge at the time - which by the way wasn't much and was completely wrong. 

How cool, convincing, and logically consistent, it would have been if the bible - which was after all written or at least inspired by god - accurately described the beginning of the universe to include the big bang, and the physical laws of our universe. 

I know it's metaphorical, blah blah. Why? Why not just tell it accurately? 

He could have at least given us some hints, No? 

Unless of course it's all made up. 

Moving on. 

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Keep Your Dreams

It's actually pretty obvious when you think about it. 

A combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and robots familiar to us today will continue to progress in capability and will, sooner than you could imagine, lead to full autonomous automation of the manufacture, growth, production, and distribution to our homes of everything we need to live, and then some. All material goods, food, energy, medicines. 

From mining ore and resource, to refining, to producing and distributing all goods and energy - all of it will happen without any human intervention - all done by self-repairing, self-improving, robotic machines and AI. Well, if humans aren't needed couldn't it all be done for free? Yes. And most of it could even be done underground, out of site with little environmental impact.

It's coming. If we wished, we could put a worldwide super effort into seeing it happens within 30 years. The world's 'put a man on the moon in less than a decade' type effort. But we won't. Regardless I'd give it 50-70 years until it happens, even if there is direct violent opposition to it. 

All of life's necessities to include food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, transportation all of it provided for free. To all 8 billion people on the planet. 

No more wealth inequality. No more poverty. No more famine and starvation. No more meaningless back-breaking or mind destroying jobs - simply to survive. 

No more trading your dreams for material need.

Trading Dreams

Oh well, it's just money. 

Well, no. 

It's famine and starvation. It's abject poverty. It's desperation. It's prostitution, in order to survive. Imagine it were your daughter so desperate. 

It's back-breaking work and an early death for those who lack any other skills or knowledge due to a lack of - money. It's human trafficking. It's suffering and meaningless toil. 

It's the trading of your dreams. 

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Bobble Heads in Space

I can't believe I have to tell you people, again, where we live. Where we actually in the fuck live. 

No, we do not live in our heads. I know that for some of you the single most important thing in the entire universe is for Harry Styles to come to his senses and realize you are his everything. For some, it's sports. For others it's wealth and the nice things you can buy. For Kevin McCarthy it's apparently being the Speaker of the House - even after he's given away all his power to get it. 

There are some who do manage to get outside their own heads - at least briefly - and proclaim to live in a country. USA USA USA! MERICA love it or leave it. Sheeeet (excuse the tobacco spittle) 

Then there's Trump world. Alternative facts world. Academic world. Corporate world. Home with the kids world. Doctor world. LA world. New York City world, on and on and on. 

Well folks I'm here to tell you, again, that there is only one world - planet earth. That's right. We are all stuck on a tiny fragile globe, traveling at 900,000 kilometers per hour (500,000 mph) in orbit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy, surrounded by instant death in the form of freezing cold vacuum, amidst forces that could sterilize or even obliterate our entire planet in a heartbeat (Sorry Harry).

Look at this photograph. See any nations? Any imagined worlds of self importance? What you see is earth floating in vacuum as the ONLY place we live. And we have to share it with everybody else. We must take care of it, and all of life on it precisely because it is so small and so fragile. If we do not we will friggin destroy ourselves. It's One World people. One very small world.

No? Yea, yea, science stuff, can I get back to my world now? 

Ok let's try this. Imagine driving somewhere 62 miles from your house. It's going to take you a little over an hour to drive there, right? No big deal. Now pretend you're driving straight up. After about 5 miles stop and get out. Dress very, very warmly. Even if you do you will survive maybe one hour for lack of oxygen. Now get back in your car - before you die - and keep driving the remaining 57 miles. Once there, as you begin to open the car door to get out, you will die instantly.  At 62 miles above the earth it's -80 C (-112 F). There is no air. There is no air pressure. It's the official beginning of space - the empty instant death of a vacuum that surrounds the earth. You can't survive at all above 5 miles. At 62 miles you die instantly. You have this globe, and you have 4-5 miles of breathable air, and that is it. Everything there is beyond 5 miles kills you. You, and your world are fragile, and very, very small. 

Im going to suggest something. Everyone needs to get the fuck out of their own heads and realize where we all live because we are about to make it impossible for us to live here anymore precisely because most of humankind are bobble headed morons who cant be bothered with their own reality - and then realize we have no where else to go.

That is all.