Friday, March 18, 2016

Telemedicine From 50 Feet Away

You can spot medical residents in training a mile away these days.
They all have flat asses and stage three decubitus skin ulcers.

Computers, physician order entry, and the worlds first digital generation- oh my.

Tucked away in their offices 50 feet off the hospital units - never to be seen.
Frequently making it through their month rotation without the nurses ever putting faces with names, sitting on their asses at their computer screens to the point of skin breakdown.

Coddled and anonymous they graduate from academic computers to private ones - grossly inadequately trained, unless of course the goal is to kill people.

It used to be academics attracted the clinically inept that somehow managed to adequately train those who went out into the world and got real jobs. Now they can't even get that right. The average academic will go to great lengths to avoid actually touching patients - emotionally or physically. That example is now only to easy to emulate using digital media, and an entitled attitude. Add in a coddled, litigious generation and we've got the perfect storm.

Time to figure out how to incorporate the digital age into medical care while producing quality doctors. The arcane obsolete model that is academic medicine needs to go.

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