Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ghostly Temples of Doom

In medieval Europe, Japan, China great palaces, castles and massive places of worship were constructed. Designed to awe and intimidate as much as serve a function these buildings were self perpetuating temples of power and wealth.

Today it is the sky scrapper. Temples of profit, influence, wealth, greed.

Somewhere along the line the western world has confused corporatism for capitalism and capitalism as a building block of democracy. Obsessed with profit and the accumulation of wealth, corporations use these massive temples to define our cities, our culture, our very way of life. Profit our mantra, greed our guidepost, wealth and accumulation of stuff our purpose in life.

Corporations exist for one fundamental reason and one reason alone - profit. Human suffering, the health of the planet, compassion, empathy, love, and at times even the preservation of quality human life be dammed - profit.  Their sky scrappers massive temples of steel and glass, stupidity and greed - and eventually ghostly temples of our doom.

This is not sustainable. This is not healthy. We are a sick society. Profit is a false god, these temples symbolizing so much of what is wrong in our lives, our spirituality, our purposes.

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