Saturday, January 30, 2016

Time to Investigate the US Department of State

Yet again we hear about Hillary Clinton's emails from the ongoing, seemingly endless US Department of State investigation. It's bad enough that there has been a deliberate, slow release of the 'latest' over this entire presidential campaign, despite most in the know realizing there is nothing here. The Department of State has been relentless in this regard. But this time we hear about the latest some 72 hours before the all important Iowa caucus. Mainstream media explains to us that no doubt this latest 'scandal' can be explained away as the nothing it is - however they point out Clinton probably doesn't have the time to do so before caucus night, given the timing. Then we are treated to statements like 'what an unfortunate coincidence' - said with straight faces no doubt.

I am no attorney but I would imagine deliberately trying to influence election results by abusing administrative authority and releasing potentially damaging information just prior to a vote is illegal in this country. My question then - is this a coincidence?

It is not much of a stretch to suppose someone or some group of people in the US Department of State and/or the US government are deliberately trying to influence this election. At the very least it appears they are trying to advance their own careers through relentless pursuit and sensational timing. Even if there is no real fire - enough smoke over a long enough period of time and people just assume there is a fire - especially if you limit people's processing time.

Even if the timing of this latest was not deliberate, it could be argued that those in State had an ethical duty not to release this latest information until such time that Clinton could have responded to it - before it had a chance to damage her election chances - and then let the people decide. 

I think by and large people in this country take a very dim view of non-elected bureaucrats deliberately attempting to influence elections while they build their own careers. I'd like to see an investigation into the actions of these investigators - enough is enough.

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