Monday, January 4, 2016

My Conservative 'Friend'

He denies global warming and yet still fantasizes his zombie apocalypse future.
Thinks he will survive a nuclear holocaust in his hole in the ground - well stocked with ammo, beer, and a 12 year old's fantasy.

He drives his oversized, over powered, gas guzzling, survivalist mobile - odd since there won't be any gas to drive it once his post-apocalyptic world is realized. 

His answer to gun violence? - more guns. 

NO government in HIS medicare.

He believes in magic – psychic shadows, shadowy prediction of the future, unseen forces he can control through fingertips and his mind. His belief in his magic so complete he moves from the coast to remote rural America in psychic anticipation of an apocalypse that never occurs. Did he learn anything from that? – of course not. Believing in magic cannot be deterred by something as inconsequential as reality - nor can his approach to our global problems.

Normally we could tolerate his foolishness and the foolishness of the millions of others like him – as we have for tens of thousands of years - save for one simple fact. We are faced for the first time in our history with global problems that if not solved, and solved soon, will usher in the destruction of our planet. He and his minions will destroy us all in their ignorant, foolish ways.

We simply cannot tolerate this anymore. Isolationists, the fearful haters, the purposefully ignorant, the xenophobic, bigoted, religious nut jobs, the deniers and cowardly selfish'survivalists' , all need to be exposed for what they are, and no longer tolerated. We need to expunge them from government and chastise them in personal interaction - call them out.  The survival of our species, of our world, is at stake.

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