Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cut, Cap, and Balance

In 2002 in response to warnings that growing budget deficits posed a threat to the economy then Vice President Dick Cheney said "...Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
The Republicans and their policies put us into this recession and set the stage for our record deficits. No doubt.
They now want to use the results of their own handiwork - the deficits - as an excuse to dismantle the new deal and destroy middle class America while further enriching the ultra-wealthy. They are ever willing to sacrifice infrastructure, education, health care for the average person, and social security while maintaining tax cuts and tax loopholes for the most wealthy - they after all, have their gated communities, their private schools, their corporate jets to pay for - and to heck with the rest of us.
They are ever willing and able to destroy this country in their greed.
They are flagged draped traitors. Do not be fooled. They will destroy this country, end the American dream, disfranchise the poor and middle class and suck us all dry in the process.
They will cut your standard of living, cap any chance of you getting ahead and tip the balance further towards the most wealthy amoung us.
Don't let them.

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