Saturday, February 13, 2010

A letter to Obama

Dear President Obama

I wanted you to hear one voice that I think reflects many of your prior supporters. I supported you early in your campaign and have supported you patiently during your Presidency. You must know you are about to lose my support. You promised us:
1. Rapid withdrawal from Iraq
2. Closure of Guantanimo Bay Detention Camp
3. Repeal of the Bush tax breaks for the wealthiest
4. Repeal of don’t ask don’t tell in the military
5. Meaningful health care reform. 3% of the population qualifying for a public option is not change. Forcing US citizens to purchase overpriced, inefficient health care coverage is a boondoggle for private health insurance - not for us. I wonder if this deal wasn’t cut awhile ago - give me universal coverage, no denials, no caps - I'll bring you 40 million new paying customers. I hope not - would make you a fraud of sorts.
6. Probably most importantly you promised us meaningful change. Most interpreted that as re-establishing a voice to the individual citizen, empowering us against the ever growing influence of corporate and extreme ideological concerns that in the eight years preceding you so threatened the world’s economy, international relations and peace, the environment, the ability of our system of government to function as it was meant to with checks and balances and meaningful debate, and the dignity and well being of our average citizens.

To date you’re failing in moral and ethical leadership, transparency, and making good on your word. And most sadly you’re failing as regards hope and inspiration. We are at a crossroads – in its essence – corporatism vs democracy – greed, short sightedness, and eventual self-destruction vs. prosperity and sustainability through responsible government and balanced empowerment of all. I appeal for you to rise to this crisis, hear your calling, listen and take power from the hearts of billions who look to you, support you, and love what you stand for. Realize that what is at stake here is sustaining quality human life on this planet – nothing less – you literally have the opportunity to save the world. Stop playing politics, do not compromise to avoid small failures – LEAD - lead us to a better world.


  1. And Obama now is involved in the coverup of the death of 4 Guantanamo inmates... died with gags in their mouths, hands tied behind backs but officials say the committed suicide. See the whole story in the new issue of Harpers.

  2. This is written in early April '10 and it looks as if you will have to add off-shore drilling to your list.
