Sunday, February 21, 2010


Scientists believe the universe began with a colossal explosion – the Big Bang – some 13.5 billion years ago. Moments after the explosion the first primordial matter condensed from the energy released. In the billions of years that have followed much of that first matter has been transmuted within the fires of trillions of stars or in their last catastrophic moments when they exploded into supernovas, the force forming all the various atoms and molecules now in existence. Within each of us is approximately a teaspoon of the original primordial matter. Everything else – everything – has been forged in stars. We are literally star dust. We are this universe, the universe is us. We are not separate or even a special case. The division of man from nature is only an illusion of sentience. In my hand are atoms formed at the very moment time began. In my eyes atoms that formed as a star exploded. I have within me atoms from dinosaurs, atoms from ancient plants, atoms from creatures large and small that have roamed the earth, atoms from my ancestors, atoms from the moon, atoms from the sun, atoms from everything you can imagine. We are this universe, this universe is us. We must embrace - everything.

We now know we all trace back to common ancestors that walked out of Africa some 60,000 – 80,000 years ago. These people account for every living human being on the planet today. All of us trace to common ancestors that walked the earth literally an instant ago in evolutionary time scale. The differences we see in each other today are in fact as trivial and meaningless as the differences in appearance of individuals in any family. When we kill, for whatever reason – we kill members of our family. There is no difference between you and an Iraqi. No difference between you and an Afghan. No difference between you and anyone. The act of setting ourselves apart from the universe or from one another is rooted in ignorance and is nothing more than a dangerous illusion. The consequences – we will destroy ourselves if we continue. We are this universe, this universe is us. We must embrace – everything and everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Perspective is everything. Thanks for articulating it so incredibly well.
