Monday, August 1, 2022

Fascism is as Fascism Does

Since this rogue US supreme court saw fit to strike down Roe V Wade, despite 50 years of legal precedent, if you miscarry in many states the police may come knocking, treating you as a suspect. 

If you are a provider in those states who performs lifesaving treatment to women with non-viable pregnancies, be it because of genetic defects, or even an ectopic pregnancy, the police may come knocking, threatening imprisonment and fines.

Right now, republicans in many states are attempting to restrict interstate travel for pregnant women - if you defy it the police will come. No more freedom of travel. In the United States. No more freedom of travel. 

How is this not fascism? Government and law enforcement over-reach into the most personal aspects of our lives. Police controlling people's bodies. Religious minority forcing arcane beliefs on the majority. 

This is exactly what my father fought against in WWII. And this supreme court is not done. Not by a long shot. This is not hyperbole, or over-reaction. We are witnessing pure fascism rooted in religious fanaticism and the extreme political corruption of our courts, and it represents a real threat to our democratic republic and to our hard-earned liberties. 

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