Sunday, May 30, 2021

Say Hello

There are 10 billion trillion planets in the observable universe. 10 billion trillion. 

Tonight take the time to look up at your night’s sky.  Many of those 10 billion trillion other planets out there harbor intelligent life. Look up at them. Look beyond yourself. Look beyond humankind's made-up, shallow constructs that define so much of your existence, your ‘universe’ - ‘success’, money, nation, prestige, rank, religion - all human invention, none of them real. 

If people stopped believing in money - it would disappear, tomorrow. The same for nation, religion, rank, prestige, success. They are all made up human constructs invented at the dawn of civilization as societal glue. Intimacy and bloodlines alone can only keep societies intact for groups no larger than about fifty individuals - the original hunter-gatherer clans. But with the invention of nation, religion, money - came a control over people never before seen. For the first time, two complete strangers were willing to fight side by side for god, nation, money. Societies could grow in great numbers so that the few in control would benefit beyond their wildest dreams, with society held together by brass rings, magic, fantasy, and lies - our constructs. 

They are crude and for the most part dehumanizing and it is long since past time to evolve beyond them.  

Tonight, look up, look beyond all that nonsense and say, hello.

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