Tuesday, May 10, 2011

When Will This End?

Ok America. If you're going to cheer the killing of unarmed people during a raid that involves multiple and serious violations of international law,  if you're going to shoot missiles into homes in residential neighborhoods in a deliberate attempt to murder the leader of a sovereign nation that you've not declared war on, if perceived wrong to you justifies lawlessness and revenge from you - and the killing of innocents along the way is just too bad - then - and I wish with all my heart it wasn't true - get ready to receive the same.
If you treat your enemies as they treat you - justifying your lawlessness and acts of violence by their acts of violence and lawlessness - then be ready for them to justify your death by your acts of violence and your lawlessness. And good luck seeing the end of that.
But more importantly than being fearful of what they might do now, be more fearful of what your own acts do to you. We are supposed to be better than them. We are supposed to live according to law and due process. America's acts of lawlessness and violence are in part acts against itself. It diminishes us all.
When will this end?

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