Monday, May 9, 2011

Justice Done?

President Obama was interviewed recently about the Osama Bin Laden killing. He looked into the camera, set his jaw, and stated if someone couldn't get behind the killing of a mass murderer like Osama Bin Laden they should have their head examined. That it was justice done.

It was not justice done - not in the legal sense - it was murder.

Had he defined justice as bringing him to trial, even if it meant violating international law by invading a sovereign nation to do so, I could have gotten behind him. Pakistan arguably may not deserve the letter of the law as regards its borders in certain circumstances.

But deliberately killing people without the due process of law is not justice - it's a lynch mob. It is not what I want my country to stand for. It's not the way I want my country to act.
Bringing Osama Bin Laden to trial would not have been for Osama Bin Laden. It would have been for all of us, for all of humanity. A clear statement to the world that no matter what, the USA always behaves in a civilized manner, with fairness and justice within the law - always our ultimate guide. That we always respect the law and human rights - even for mass murders - without exception - and that we represent the best humanity has to offer in doing so.

As leader of the worlds most horrific military might we place trust in President Obama to recognize his responsibility to always, always set an example for all of mankind, and to not allow himself the selfish self-pleasures of vengeance.  Perhaps it is he then who should get his head examined. Come 2012 I hope to help afford him all the time he needs to do so as an ex-president.

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