Saturday, April 16, 2011

Republicans are in contempt of America

Representative Paul D. Ryan's fiscal blueprint, backed so eagerly by the republican leadership, is a disgrace. “The spending spree is over,” Mr. Ryan said. “We cannot keep spending money we don’t have.”
What utter hypocrisy.
Mr. Ryan supported waging two wars without paying for them under Bush.
Mr. Ryan voted for the incredibly expensive Medicare part D legislation – written by the insurance and pharmaceutical companies - without identifying a way to pay for it.
Mr. Ryan supported the systematic deregulation of the housing industry, Wall Street and banking during the Bush years that in great part caused this recession.
Mr. Ryan has repeatedly voted for tax breaks for the ultra rich begun under Bush.
These are the things that caused, caused, the multi-trillion dollar deficit that exists today, as well as greatly contributing to the worst recession the world has seen since the 1930’s. And Mr. Ryan's solution? He wants all of these things to continue while suggesting we pay for them by massively depriving the poor, middle class and elderly essential social support.
Mr. Ryan’s plan is stunning in its greed and in its contempt for the middle class, poor and elderly – and for America.

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