Friday, April 22, 2011

The 'Cause' Man

Rantings of an immature narcissist
Grandiose delusions of literary fame
Drama unbecoming a grown man

Our global humanity is insane in its cruelty, and dehumanizing societal 'norms'.
Millions of children starve, despite we having the means to feed them.
Millions die violent deaths, despite we having the means to stop it.
Millions suffer, while denied even hope, in a world of incredible wealth.
So much of all human suffering - unnecessary.
The world used to be big enough to ignore that - a successful strategy to conserve energy and mental health.
If our collective humanity is not cause enough for you to act then simply realize how small and interdependent the world has become - everything that happens globally happens to you. 
Our destructive capacity expands exponentially along with technological growth, while our individual world spheres remain oh so close to our noses.
This is unsustainable.
As never before, the future of each of us depends on the good of all, worldwide.
We change or we perish.

There's a good reason to write.

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