Saturday, April 3, 2010

Running Low on Hope

Candidate Obama said offshore drilling for oil was not needed, would not impact foreign oil dependence, and would not be in the interest of the ecological health of the planet - he was right. President Obama now plans to expand offshore drilling more than any President in US history - drill baby drill. Candidate Obama promised the closure of Guantanimo Bay Detention Camp, an 18 month withdrawal from Iraq, end of extraordinary renditions and abuses of human rights, reversal of don't ask don't tell in the military, end of Bush's tax breaks for the most wealthy among us, transparency and marked new limits on using 'national security' as an excuse to abuse power - none of these promises has President Obama yet to make good on.
Candidate Obama was a beacon of hope.
President Obama?  Clearly he is more rationale, less driven by extreme ideology, less arrogant, and more articulate than Bush was. But the candidate represented real change to a weary, frightened world. As president it is not enough for him to just be better than Bush - he simply must do a better job living up to his promises and to the hope he instilled in billions. Failing to do so may, in the end, cause more damage than Bush ever could.

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