Saturday, May 27, 2023

Republicans and Fiscal Irresponsibility

This latest “fight” over raising the debt limit has nothing to do with ‘fiscal responsibility’. Republicans have shown us, repeatedly, their willingness to spend freely by borrowing while not paying for things. Every time republicans have been in power since Reagan they have spent much, much, more than they have had, primarily on tax breaks for the wealthy, spending on the military, and subsidies to big oil and big pharma, while trying to cut money to social security, medicare, education, and healthcare - all the while driving up deficits tremendously while doing so.

Don’t get me wrong, democrats have spent a lot as well. The difference, as you can see in the graph, is that democrats attach strategies to pay for their spending and thus drive deficits down = fiscal responsibility.

The difference is also that democrats try to maintain a decent quality of life for average Americans instead of shuffling huge sums of cash to the fat cats and billionaires at the average American’s expense.

This is not a sudden concern about deficits and spending by republicans. This is the minority trying to exert its will over the majority by playing Russian roulette with the world’s economy and your retirement, your home, and your ability to pay your bills.

This is not about new spending. This is about raising the debt limit so spending that congress has already approved is paid for. This is about paying one’s bills. This is 100 % about extortion by a cynical minority to get their way in an unbelievably irresponsible, unethical manner.

If republicans want their way so badly I’d suggest they win the majority. Thats how a democracy works. In the meantime they need to stop threatening to destroy this country in an attempt to get their way.

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