Monday, October 3, 2022

Hear the Mechanical Footsteps

Full automation is coming. Automation is for the most part cheaper and more efficient than humans, so there will be no stopping it. 

We are not talking about typesetters, or automated looms, or even industrial robots bolted to assembly lines. This sort of automation has nearly always created as many jobs as it has replaced. But full automation may not. 

Full automation will be directed by artificial intelligence (AI) and will thus work its way into nearly every job and profession there is. Furthermore, it will become completely autonomous. AI directed machines will harvest their own energy and raw materials, refine and process them, then assemble and distribute every material need people require for high quality life. Employing robotics these machines will become self- repairing as well, and so will attain complete autonomy from humans. 

How then will this full automation impact our economy? More importantly, how will it impact society as a whole? If everything can be provided for by machines, what will people do? 

This is not that far off into the future. It is beginning to occur now, today, and could be nearly complete within fifty years. 

Im going to go out on a limb here and suggest the world may want to begin planning for it now. 


  1. It’s tempting to imagine that in such case people would have all the time in the world to give in to learning, exploration, and various experiences in attempt to find truth. Truth about ourselves, our minds, the universes, the wisdom of nature. Truth of how much is out there that we’re not yet capable of even to imagine or comprehend. That would be something! However, something tells me that people except the few ones will continue to find ways to push the ugly traits forward. Even in that world they will endlessly fight for power, influence and thus happily promote ignorance , lies and pain

    1. Some of that stems from ignorance. With unlimited resources to teach provided by machines who knows what will be possible.

  2. We would have to become a whole different human. Are we ready for that? That would be a cool adventure:)
