Friday, October 9, 2020

Castles in the Sand

Tired of the game. 

A lifetime of scratching, compromising, and exchanging dreams for jewels. Living for security. Trading humaneness, richness of life, intimacy, for convenience, the familiar, the safe. 

Building kingdoms out of someone else's rubble all our lives and pretending they are something new. Only for it all to go to rubble upon our death, cycle complete. 

Life as we live it is a lie. A lifetime of false constructs and utter soul sucking bullshit. Money, prestige, success, religion - shallow two dimensional human construct - none of it real. We live within the confines of two dimensional drudge - like mice on a wheel, ants in a line - busy as hell with no idea - all the while immersed in an ancient, multidimensional, vastness of incredible complexity and beauty that is this universe. Despite endless opportunity for experience, for knowledge, for wisdom, for life - we instead choose two dimensional human construct - fantasy - ignorance - for a false sense of security, purpose, meaning. 

And in the end - we die. Having missed out on nearly everything.

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