Friday, February 14, 2020

God Bless America

Society frays and begins to crumble as the world begins to burn. Drill baby drill.

McConnell’s new fascism - greedy, arrogant, ignorant.

Putin’s fat, narcissistic, utterly broken - President Agent Orange.

Reality TV standing in for reality. Make America Stupid.

A shadowy military industrial complex of corruption. Its tentacles creeping into every community in the country, even as it blows babies to bits - wherever blowing babies to bits doesn't matter - for profit and ‘power’.

Sadistic, racist, bastards abusing people desperate enough to walk 2000 miles to our border to ask us for a little help. A chance at a better life. How dare they. How dare they be brown, poor, desperate, and still approach US. We, who have everything.

Citizens United - a mockery of democracy and a monument to fascism. Scalia dies in a five star resort all paid for by fascist greed and corruption. And so goes the country.

Greasy, ignorant, self-consumed, selfish, fearful, ‘low information voters’.

God bless America.

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