Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Let the Univerese Be Our Guide

Imagine a single clan of human on earth, no nations, its social fabric woven from the beauty, perspective, and humility, the understanding of our objective reality can afford. To see earth as it is, a fragile globe 90 million miles from a nuclear fireball a million times our size reveals our collective fragility and interdependence, resulting in a greater compassion and tolerance for all of life. A glimpse at the nearly incomprehensible beauty of a single oak leaf - from shade, coolness, and green verdant beauty as part of a whole - the tree - to the incredible complexity of photosynthesis at its molecular level, to the unimaginable in its quantum world. A miracle of complexity and beauty turning sunlight into an oak tree. One simple leaf.

Now imagine cutting down its tree for toilet paper. 

Knowledge and perspective of our objective reality can change everything.

So much of who we are, how we think, our desires, our aspirations and wishes are based in ignorance and human invention - made up constructs that are not real, and fail us, have failed us at the cost of so much human suffering, murder, and now the destruction of our environment. Money, myth, gods, nations, corporations. None of these are real, and as our technology grows will lead us to our destruction. 

The cost of our salvation? We must abandon so much of who we think we are and evolve or we will perish. We must look outwards to our objective reality and abandon our inter-subjective constructs. If enough people abandon the concept of nation, it will cease to exist - because it is real only in terms of the subjective consciousness of the many. The same can be true of religion, money, success, power, corporation.

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