Thursday, December 19, 2019

What Madness is This?

Madmen lose their grip on the fabric of human construct and free fall into a multidimensional universe of incredible immensity, power, and beauty they cannot comprehend, and thus go insane.

Human construct, sadly, their only reference point - all of humankind’s only reference point. We all cling to this fabric as a child to a mother's apron, oblivious to the other 99.9999% of everything that surrounds us all. All of our lives scurrying about in self made worlds, oblivious to what we are immersed in, losing out on the lessons, stunning beauty, and humility this universe can provide. She will guide us to peace, understanding, near immortality, if only we would look up.

Diamond rings and perfect weddings.
Suits, ties, and self-importance.
Kingdoms and two dimensional construct.
Better than you.
'Happiness' perpetually nearly in grasp.

And then - we die

Noses to devices, isolated, enraged, tearful.
Murdering our own, watching the rest starve in a world of plenty.
Chasing ‘success’, approval, fame, power, wealth all of our lives.
All the while, missing out, something not right.

And then - we die.

And for what?

So that our children may have their rings, perfect weddings, suits, ties, pedigrees, and self-importance? Their atrocities, self-inflicted suffering, and fair share of murder and hate?
Noses to their devices, miserable in their self-made two dimensional constructs, always chasing - success, approval, fame, wealth, 'happiness', all their lives?
All the while, missing out, something not right.

And then - they die.

What madness is this?

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