Thursday, September 19, 2019

Our Greatest Hope

Two dimensional points of light amidst night's dark skies. This our universe. Amazing, beautiful, stunning - but really only as constructs in our minds.

Cant see it in its entirety, can't even imagine it. Blind to most of its light. Incapable of experiencing its true geometry, curvatures, dilations, or sheer size. Can’t see at the quantum level, cant see at universal scale. Cant even imagine it - not really - our brains just too limited.

Constrained by limitations of body and mind - deaf, dumb, and blind to 99.99999999% of everything.

Instruments, devices, tools, and constructs wont get us there. To know this universe - to really know this universe - we must evolve past our limitations to the unimaginable.

I ache, I yearn, I so want to know. It is maddening to be so limited amidst - everything.
Imagine experiencing this universe in its entirety - at all scales.

The beauty, the knowledge, revealed.

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