Saturday, November 26, 2016

Trump and Our Russian Immigrants

The Russian immigrant population in the US has grown exponentially since the fall of the soviet union. The vast majority of these people are staunch Trump supporters. Understandably they are deeply anti-government, anti-socialist, anything. Of course they fail to realize that their highways, schools, mail services,  fire and police, medicare, medicaid, unemployment insurance, and the VA health care systems are all necessary socialist programs within a democracy  - so in fact the two can coexist - but after their experiences in soviet Russia any mention of the S word understandably over excites. That and they are used to a strong hand at the helm of government. Misunderstanding man-baby rhetoric, hollow boasting, and hate as strength, and as reform away from socialism has set them up to be dooped  by President Pussy-grabber - big-time. It is as unfortunate as it is dangerous.

Trump won on a ticket of hate, racism, fear, and xenophobia. An anti-immigrant agenda somehow doesn't seem to phase the Russian immigrants - after all he's not talking about Russians, he's talking about Muslims and Hispanics. They look at themselves as full fledged US citizens - as they should. Only problem is Trump's white America doesn't. Not even a little.

US citizens of Japanese descent were highly respected members of our society prior to WWII. They thought themselves Americans - right up to the point that they were stripped of their property and wealth and sent to concentration camps during WWII.

Can't happen again? Want to bet? Trump is unstable, has no experience in international diplomacy, and is extremely thin skinned and narcissistic. The perfect witches brew to lead to conflict with a bully like Putin. And if we become hostile to Russia - Trump's America will become hostile to its US citizens of Russian ancestry - I can guarantee it.

To my Russian immigrant friends and family. You are only a small turn of events away from being denied your rights as US citizens under this regime of hate and xenophobia. Ask yourselves has an agenda driven by hate, fear, racism, xenophobia ever, EVER, turned out well in the history of the world? Do not fool yourselves. This man is on your side only as long as it serves his purposes.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

To Mock Science

Americans love to make fun of their scientists while being completely and utterly dependent on them for nearly every aspect of their lives.

Lazy purposefully ignorant fools making fun of the people that have given them longer life, more comfortable lives, more meaningful lives.

Now we take it one step further and elect a president who does not understand science or listen to what the scientists are telling him. Reneging on Paris accords  because he thinks global warming a hoax. In truth he just finds it all inconvient standing in the way of greed and exploitation.

'On September 20, 2016, 376 members of the National Academy of Sciences, including 30 Nobel laureates, published an open letter to draw attention to the serious risks of climate change. The letter warns that the consequences of opting out of the Paris agreement would be severe and long-lasting for our planet’s climate and for the international credibility of the United States.'

An Open Letter Regarding Climate Change From
Concerned Members of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences

Human-caused climate change is not a belief, a hoax, or a conspiracy. It is a physical reality. Fossil fuels powered the Industrial Revolution. But the burning of oil, coal, and gas also caused most of the historical increase in atmospheric levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases. This increase in greenhouse gases is changing Earth’s climate.

Our fingerprints on the climate system are visible everywhere. They are seen in warming of the oceans, the land surface, and the lower atmosphere. They are identifiable in sea level rise, altered rainfall patterns, retreat of Arctic sea ice, ocean acidification, and many other aspects of the climate system. Human-caused climate change is not something far removed from our day-to-day experience, affecting only the remote Arctic. It is present here and now, in our own country, in our own states, and in our own communities.

During the Presidential primary campaign, claims were made that the Earth is not warming, or that warming is due to purely natural causes outside of human control. Such claims are inconsistent with reality.

Others argued that no action is warranted until we have absolute certainty about human impacts on climate. Absolute certainty is unattainable. We are certain beyond a reasonable doubt, however, that the problem of human-caused climate change is real, serious, and immediate, and that this problem poses significant risks: to our ability to thrive and build a better future, to national security, to human health and food production, and to the interconnected web of living systems.

The basic science of how greenhouse gases trap heat is clear, and has been for over a century. Ultimately, the strength of that basic science brought the governments of the world to Paris in December 2015. They went to Paris despite pronounced differences in systems of government, in national self-interest, in culpability for past emissions of greenhouse gases, and in vulnerability to future climate change. The leaders of over 190 countries recognized that the problem of human-caused climate change is a danger to present and future citizens of our planet. They made national commitments to address this problem. It was a small but historic and vital first step towards more enlightened stewardship of Earth’s climate system.

From studies of changes in temperature and sea level over the last million years, we know that the climate system has tipping points. Our proximity to these tipping points is uncertain. We know, however, that rapid warming of the planet increases the risk of crossing climatic points of no return, possibly setting in motion large-scale ocean circulation changes, the loss of major ice sheets, and species extinctions. The climatic consequences of exceeding such thresholds are not confined to the next one or two electoral cycles. They have lifetimes of many thousands of years.

The political system also has tipping points. Thus it is of great concern that the Republican nominee for President has advocated U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Accord. A “Parexit” would send a clear signal to the rest of the world: "The United States does not care about the global problem of human-caused climate change. You are on your own." Such a decision would make it far more difficult to develop effective global strategies for mitigating and adapting to climate change. The consequences of opting out of the global community would be severe and long-lasting – for our planet’s climate and for the international credibility of the United States.

The United States can and must be a major player in developing innovative solutions to the problem of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. Nations that find innovative ways of decarbonizing energy systems and sequestering CO2 will be the economic leaders of the 21st century. Walking away from Paris makes it less likely that the U.S. will have a global leadership role, politically, economically, or morally. We cannot afford to cross that tipping point.

The following signers of this letter do so as individual NAS members and not on behalf of the NAS itself or their Institutions.


Benjamin D. Santer, Member, National Academy of Sciences^
Kerry A. Emanuel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology^
George B. Field, Harvard University^
Ray Weymann, Carnegie Institution for Science Emeritus^
Peter C. Agre, Johns Hopkina Malaria Research Institute
Bruce Alberts, University of California San Francisco
Thomas D. Albright, The Salk institute for Biological Studies
Richard M. Amasino, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jim Anderson, Harvard University
Phillip W. Anderson, Princeton University
Roger Angel, University of Arizona
Luc E. Anselin, University of Chicago
Fred Anson, California Institute of Technology
David Arnett, Univerity of Arizona
Mary T. Kalin Arroyo, University of Chile
Greg Asner, Carnegie Institution for Science
Sir Michael Atiyah, University of Edinburgh
Tanya M. Atwater, University of California Santa Barbara
Francisco J. Ayala, University of California Irvine
George Backus, University of California San Diego
Neta Bahcall, Princeton University
Steven Balbus, University of Oxford
David Baltimore, California Institute of Technology
Allen Bard, University of Texas
Sir David Baulcombe, University of Cambridge
Adriaan Bax, Member, National Academy of Sciences
Barry J. Beaty, Colorado State University
Michael Bender, Princeton University
Charles L. Bennett, Johns Hopkins University
Michael V.L. Bennett, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Jeffrey L. Bennetzen, University of Georgia
John Bercaw, California Institute of Technology
May R. Berenbaum, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Howard Berg, Harvard University
Robert Bergman, University of California Berkeley
Joseph Berry, Carnegie Institution for Science
Jacques E. Blamont, Centre National d' Etudes Spatiales
Roger Blandford, Stanford University
Michael R Botchan, University of California Berkeley
Ed A. Boyle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Daniel Branton, Member, National Academy of Sciences
Winslow Briggs, Carnegie Institution for Science
Steven P. Briggs, University of California San Diego
Wallace Broecker, Columbia University
Axel T. Brunger, Stanford University
Douglas W. Burbank, University of California Santa Barbara
E. Margaret Burbidge, University of California San Diego Emerita
John Cairns, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Mark A. Cane, Columbia University
Claude Canizares, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Marian Carlson, Columbia University
John Carlson, Yale University
Stephen Carpenter, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sean B. Carroll, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Emily A. Carter, Princeton University
Katherine Cashman, University of Bristol
Juan Carlos Castilla, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Anny Cazenave, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales
Thure E. Cerling, University of Utah
Sylvia T. Ceyer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Martin Chalfie, Columbia University
F. Stuart Chapin, University of Alaska
Roger Chevalier, University of Virginia
Steven Chu, Stanford University
Ralph Cicerone, Professor Emeritus, University of California
David E. Clapham, Harvard Medical School
George Clark, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michael T. Clegg, University of California Irvine
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
Jonathan J. Cole, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Rita R. Colwell, University of Maryland
Karen S. Cook, Stanford University
Richard M. Cowling, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
James Cronin, University of Chicago
Paul J. Crutzen, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
Roy Curtiss III, University of Florida
Gretchen Daily, Stanford University
G. Brent Dalrymple, Oregon State University
Sir Partha Dasgupta, University of Cambridge
Earl W. Davie, University of Washington
Russ E. Davis, University of California San Diego
Marc Davis, University of California Berkeley
Ruth DeFries, Columbia University
Edward F. DeLong, University of Hawaii Manoa
David L. Denlinger, Ohio State University
George Denton, University of Maine
Donald DePaolo, Univerity of California Berkeley
Bob Dickinson, University of Texas
Rodolfo Dirzo, Stanford University
Michael J. Donoghue, Yale University
Russell F. Doolittle, University of California San Diego
Dennis A. Dougherty, California Institute of Technology
John E. Dowling, Harvard University
Bruce Draine, Princeton University
Alan Dressler, Carnegie Institution for Science
Thomas Dunne, University of California Santa Barbara
Joseph R. Ecker, Member, National Academy of Sciences
R. Lawrence Edwards, University of Minnesota
Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University
John M. Eiler, California Institute of Technology
David Eisenberg, University of California Los Angeles
Richard Eisenberg, University of Rochester
W. Gary Ernst, Stanford University
Mark Estelle, University of California San Diego
James A. Estes, University of California Santa Cruz
Paul Falkowski, Rutgers University
Nina V. Fedoroff, Pennsylvania State University Emerita
Juli Feigon, University of California Los Angeles
Joseph Felsenstein, University of Washington
Alex Filippenko, University of California Berkeley
Gerald D. Fischbach, Simons Foundation, Chief Scientist
Edmond H. Fischer, University of Washington
Donald Forsyth, Brown University
Stewart Fotheringham, Arizona State University
Wendy Freedman, University of Chicago
Katherine H. Freeman, Pennsylvania State University
Perry Allen Frey, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Margaret T. Fuller, Stanford University
Douglas J. Futuyma, Stony Brook University
Fred H. Gage, Salk Institute for Biological Research
Chris Garrett, University of Victoria
Neil Gehrels, Member, National Academy of Sciences
Reinhard Genzel, Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik
Howard Georgi, Harvard University
Charles Gilbert, The Rockefeller University
Sheldon Glashow, Boston University
Roy Glauber, Harvard University
Alexander N. Glazer, University of California Berkeley
Peter H. Gleick, Pacific Institute
Stephen P. Goff, Columbia University
Robert B. Goldberg, University of California Los Angeles
Peter Goldreich, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Michael Goodchild, University of California Santa Barbara
Richard Goody, Harvard University
Fred Gould, North Carolina State University
Harry Gray, California Institute of Technology
Paul Greengard, Rockefeller University
Diane E. Griffin, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
David Gross, University of California Santa Barbara
Charles G. Gross, Princeton University
Carol A. Gross, University of California San Francisco
Timothy Grove, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Robert H. Grubbs, California Institute of Technology
Jim Gunn, Princeton University
Sarah Hake, Agricultural Research Service
Alexander Halliday, University of Oxford
Jim Hansen, Columbia University
Susan Hanson, Clark University
Stanley Hart, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Daniel L. Hartl, Harvard University
Dennis Hartmann, University of Washington
Robert Haselkorn, The University of Chicago
Alan Hastings, University of California Davis
Robert M. Hauser, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Stephen Hawking, Cambridge University
Wick C. Haxton, Univerity of California Berkeley
John Hayes, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Martha P. Haynes, Cornell University
Timothy Heckman, Johns Hopkins University
Carl Heiles, University of California Berkeley
Lars Hernquist, Harvard University
Dudley Herschbach, Harvard University
John G. Hildebrand, University of Arizona
David M. Hillis, University of Texas
Sarah Hobbie, University of Minnesota
Bert Hoelldobler, Arizona State University
Paul F. Hoffman, University of Victoria
Albrecht W. Hofmann, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
Sir Brian Hoskins, Imperial College London & University of Reading
Andre T. Jagendorf, Cornell University
Daniel H. Janzen, University of Pennsylvania
J.R. Jokipii, University of Arizona
Tom Jordan, University of Southern California
Jean Jouzel, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climate et de l'Environnement
William A. Jury, University of California Riverside
H. Ronald Kaback, University of California Los Angeles
Thomas Kailath, Stanford University
Peter M. Kareiva, University of California Los Angeles
David Karl, University of Hawaii
Harvey Karten, Professor Emeritus, University of California San Diego
Guinevere Kauffmann, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
Steve A. Kay, University of Southern California
Paul Kay, International Computer Science Institute
Peter Kelemen, Columbia University
Kenneth Kellermann, National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Donald Kennedy, Stanford University
Charles Kennel, University of California San Diego
Robert C. Kennicutt, Cambridge University
Wolfgang Ketterle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Margaret Kidwell, University of Arizona
Susan W. Kieffer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Peter S. Kim, Stanford University
Patrick V. Kirch, University of California Berkeley
Margaret Kivelson, University of California Los Angeles
Daniel Kleppner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Catherine L. Kling, Iowa State University
Judith P. Klinman, University of California Berkeley
Eric I. Knudsen, Stanford University School of Medicine
Brian Koblika, Stanford University School of Medicine
M.A.R. Koehl, Univerity of California Berkeley
David Kohlstedt, University of Minnesota
Sir Hans Kornberg, Boston University
John Krebs, University of Oxford
Shrinivas Kulkarni, California Institute of Technology
J. Clark Lagarias, University of California Davis
Kurt Lambeck, Australian National University
Eric Lambin, Stanford University
Arthur Landy, Brown University
Charles H. Langmuir, Harvard University
Brian A. Larkins, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
John H. Law, University of Arizona Emeritus
Sir John Lawton, Former Chief Executive, UK Natural Environment Research Council
Yuan Lee, Academica Sinica Taiwan
Richard E. Lenski, Michigan State University
Simon Levin, Princeton University
Michael Levitt, Stanford University School of Medicine
Gene E. Likens, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Laszlo Lorand, Feinberg Medical School Northwestern University Emeritus
C. Owen Lovejoy, Kent State University
Jane Lubchenco, Oregon State University
Jonathan I. Lunine, Cornell University
Michael Lynch, Indiana University
Akin Mabogunje, Foundation for Development and Environmental Initiatives
Trudy Mackay, North Carolina State University
Anthony P. Mahowald, University of Chicago
Syukuro Manabe, Princeton University
Joyce Marcus, University of Michigan
Rudolph A. Marcus, California Institute of Technology
Douglas S. Massey, Princeton University
Pamela A. Matson, Stanford University
Rowena G. Matthews, University of Michigan Emerita
Michel G. Mayor, University of Geneva
Bonnie J. McCay, Rutgers University
Richard McCray, University of Colorado
Bruce S. McEwen, Rockefeller University
Fred McLafferty, Cornell University
Jim McWilliams, University of California Los Angeles
Jerrold Meinwald, Cornell University
Jerry M. Melillo, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole
Henry J. Melosh, Purdue University
Sabeeha Merchant, University of California Los Angeles
Joachim Messing, Rutgers University
Mario Molina, University of California San Diego
Harold Mooney, Stanford University
Peter B. Moore, Yale University
James M. Moran, Member, National Academy of Sciences
Nancy Moran, University of Texas
M. Granger Morgan, Carnegie Mellon University
Ellen S. Mosley-Thompson, Ohio State University
Walter Munk, University of California San Diego
Royce Murray, Univeristy of North Carolina
Sidney Nagel, University of Chicago
Ramesh Narayan, Harvard University
Jeremy Nathans, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Eugene W. Nester, University of Washington
William T. Newsome, Stanford University
Richard P. Novick, New York University School of Medicine
Paul E. Olsen, Columbia University
Peter Olson, Johns Hopkins University
Neil D. Opdyke, University of Florida
Jeremiah Ostriker, Columbia University
Sarah Otto, University of British Columbia
Sir Ronald Oxburgh, Cambridge University
Stephen Pacala, Member, National Academy of Sciences
Norman R. Pace, University of Colorado
Richard D. Palmiter, University of Washington School of Medicine
Stephen Palumbi, Stanford University
Joseph Pedlosky, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Jim Peebles, Princeton University
Gordon Pettengill, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
S. George Philander, Princeton University
William Phillips, Member, National Academy of Sciences
Dolores R. Piperno, Member, National Academy of Sciences
Terry Plank, Columbia University
William H. Press, University of Texas
Frank Press, Member, National Academy of Sciences
George W. Preston, Carnegie Institution for Science
Peter H. Raven, Missouri Botanical Garden
Maureen E. Raymo, Columbia University
Martin Rees, Cambridge University
Peter Rhines, University of Washington
Frank Richter, University of Chicago
Robert E. Ricklefs, University of Missouri
Lynn M. Riddiford, University of Washington
George Rieke, University of Arizona
Marcia Rieke, University of Arizona
Adam Riess, Johns Hopkins University
Morton Roberts, National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Gene E. Robinson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
A. Kimball Romney, University of California Irvine
Michael Rosbash, Brandeis University
Mal Ruderman, Columbia University
Roberta L. Rudnick, University of California Santa Barbara
Gary Ruvkun, Massachusetts General Hospital
Roald Sagdeev, University of Maryland
Pedro A. Sanchez, Columbia University
David Sandwell, University of California San Diego
Joshua R. Sanes, Harvard University
Daniel L. Schacter, Harvard University
Paul Schechter, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Randy W. Schekman, University of California Berkeley
Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
David W. Schindler, University of Alberta
Bill Schlesinger, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Johanna Schmitt, University of California Davis
Robert J. Scholes, University of the Witswatersrand
Julian Schroeder, University of California San Diego
Gerald Schubert, Universty of California Los Angeles
Matthew P. Scott, President, Carnegie Institution for Science
Sara Seager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ronald R. Sederoff, North Carolina State University
Jeff Severinghaus, University of California San Diego
Irwin Shapiro, Harvard University
Carla J. Shatz, Stanford University
Peter Shearer, University of California San Diego
Frank Shu, University of California San Diego
Kerry Sieh, Nanyang Technological University
James Simons, Chairman, Simons Foundation
Norman H. Sleep, Stanford University
Susan Solomon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Pamela S. Soltis, University of Florida
Alfred Sommer, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
David Spergel, Princeton University
Nicholas C. Spitzer, University of California San Diego
Charles Steidel, California Institute of Technology
Thomas A. Steitz, Yale University
Edward Stolper, California Institute of Technology
Howard A. Stone, Princeton University
Joan E. Strassmann, Washington University, St. Louis
Timothy Swager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lynn R. Sykes, Columbia University Emeritus
Harvey Tananbaum, Member, National Academy of Sciences
Joseph Taylor, Princeton University
Saul A. Teukolsky, Cornell University
David Hurst Thomas, American Museum of Natural History
Lonnie Thompson, Ohio State University
Kip Thorne, Member, National Academy of Sciences
James M. Tiedje, Michigan State University
Alar Toomre, Massachusetts Institute of technology
Scott Tremaine, Institute for Advanced Study
Susan Trumbore, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
James Tumlinson, Pennsylvania State University
Monica G. Turner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Anthony Tyson, University of California Davis
Joan Selverstone, Valentine University of California Los Angeles
James L. Van Etten, University of Nebraska
Martha Vaughan, Member, National Academy of Sciences
Inder Verma, The Salk institute for Biological Studies
George Veronis, Yale University
Peter H. von Hippel, University of Oregon
Gerhard Wagner, Harvard Medical School
David B. Wake, University of California Berkeley
David Walker, Columbia University
John M. Wallace, University of Washington
E. Bruce Watson, Member, National Academy of Sciences
Steven Weinberg, University of Texas
Rainer Weiss, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
William J. Welch, University of California Berkeley
Mary Jane West-Eberhard, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Emerita
Simon D.M. White, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
Torsten N. Wiesel, President Emeritus, The Rockefeller University
Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University
Robert W. Wilson, Member, National Academy of Sciences
David Wineland, Member, National Academy of Sciences
Steven Wofsy, Harvard University
Julian Wolpert, Princeton University
John Wood, Member, National Academy of Sciences
George M. Woodwell, Woods Hole Research Center
Stanford E. Woosley, University of California Santa Cruz
Carl Wunsch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Keith Yamamoto, University of California San Francisco
Martin Yanofsky, University of California San Diego
Tilahun Yilma, University of California Davis
William Young, University of California San Diego
Mary Lou Zoback, Stanford University
Maria T. Zuber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
^ = letter organizer


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Im looking into New Zealand

Friday, November 11, 2016

Stupid Racists Fools

All across the country racists and xenophobes emboldened by Trump's election are committing hate crimes against blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Muslims. Stupid enough to believe they are in the majority and insulated from consequence.

Let me remind you of something.

49% of the country did not vote.
25% voted for Trump
Slightly more than 25% voted for Clinton.
Of those that voted for Trump at most 10% are haters and racists like you.

Guess what fools? You're surrounded and outnumbered by 90% of this country and there will be hell to pay. YOU are a minority. If I were you I'd go back into your shadows and holes and do it now. How dumb can you be?

Dammit, why are there so many stupid fools in this country?

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Dodd Frank is an Act to promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end "too big to fail", to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers from abusive financial services practices, and for other purposes
Trump wants to dismantle it. The most corrupt Presidency in US history is unfolding. The people who will suffer the most?

The people that voted for him. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Not My President

Not my President
America is not a country of racist, xenophobic haters.
I do not and will not accept Donald Trump as President
It would mean the end of my country.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The End of America

Donald Trump has no moral compass. None.
He is unstable, deeply insecure, and narcissistic.
America you've put a shallow unstable weakling in charge, his finger on the nuclear button.
His only concern is himself.

Youve screwed us all but good.
This will not turn out well.

Your ignorance and utter stupidity takes my breath away.
We are all so screwed.
Lots of good stuff to follow.
Trumps presidency is extremely radical based in hate fear ignorance.
His degree of radicalism is not sustainable.
Its going to all blow up one way or another.
Nice job

Thankyou for destroying my daughters future.
Please ask your daughters to thank you as well.
Dont believe me? I really no longer care what you think.
Just stay tuned..... you're in for one hell if a final bumpy ride.
Mark my words.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Disgraced Ex Congressman Newt Gingrich Takes the Moral High Ground??

  1. Newt Gingrich, Representative (R-GA) and leader of the Republican Revolution of 1994,[73]resigned from the House after admitting in 1998 to having had an affair with a staffer while he was married to his second wife, and at the same time he was leading the impeachment of Bill Clinton for perjury regarding an affair with his intern Monica Lewinsky. (1998)[74][75]wikepedia 
Can you believe this pig? Trying to take the moral high ground, again, with a Clinton? Looking down his self righteous nose from the depths of his self made slime pit? Why is he even on the talk show circuit? He's a lying, disgraced, hippocritical pig. 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

A Thousand Years To Live

Neil deGrasse Tyson talked about his view of death with Larry King the other day.
'Would you want immortality?' asks Mr King.
To Mr Tyson, death gives meaning to life. A reason to do, now. To love, now. To accomplish, now. Immortality would lead to, 'why get up in the morning, there is always tomorrow'. He would not want immortality.

What about death? Is there existence after death? To Mr Tyson death is nothingness - he has no real objective evidence to the contrary. But he's ok with that. Except that of course he's really not. Give him a near death experience and see how calm he remains. But he does accept the inevitability of it - and to him that gives life meaning.

I couldn't agree more. Except that the entire discussion was based on our current capabilities, our current cultures, our current level of intelligence, our current mindset and biases. Mr King kept framing it in terms of current lifespans vs. immortality. But it is unlikely that anything that even remotely resembles us will ever attain immortality.

It is true that aging is for the most part a biologic process, not a consequence of time. As such it will be 'cured'. This will include age related processes - dementia, rigidity of thought, attenuation of creativity, the ability to learn, loss of energy and strength.

And since disease is disruption of normal biochemical processes, as we learn to manipulate genetic apparatus in our cells - all disease will be cured.

And so our live spans will be greatly increased. Immortality? - pretty doubtful. Catastrophic trauma will continue. Accidents and murder will limit human life - probably always, to about a thousand years.

And so the much more interesting question would have been would you want to live for a thousand years - the lifespan determined by your odds of dying traumatically if aging and disease did not factor?

Worried about getting up in the morning with so much time? Don't be. Along with scientific advancements to cure aging and disease will come enhancements in intelligence. And as our sphere of knowledge and intelligence expands so too the area of unknown surrounding it. A thousand years won't even begin to scratch the surface - so much to learn, to do, to accomplish, to live.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Mommies Never Lie

The elections have been dicked by Anthony Weiner because his sexual addiction makes it impossible for him to keep his penis in his pants, and Americans LOVE it.
Weiner, tee hee, wink, wink.
Donald Trump loves grabbing pussy. Tee hee hee - oh the outrage.
James Comey is clearly just a dick.

See the trend here?

Oh but where does that leave Clinton? Well exactly. I mean who invited the lying bitch in to ruin all the fun anyway?

America is a country of potty obsessed adolescents more fixated on sexual organs than nuclear weapons, world economies, and the well being of the earths 7 billion human inhabitants. A country of double standards - after all daddies are just being shrewd, but mommies never lie. 

Spoiled Soul Sucking No Talent Boobs Inherit the Earth

Listen to the sound of my soul as it is sucked out of my body through my ears
slowly, completely, as painfully as possible
As NPR asks the question

'Does art matter?'

Does art matter?

Does art matter?

Is this then how the apocalypse begins?
Spoiled soul sucking no talent boobs inherit the earth
and then we die?

Fuck you!

Fuck you!

Fuck you!

THE Secret of Life

Try to find peace in knowing you'll never be good enough. 👀

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

My Beloved Sister - Our Father's Death

My Dear Sister

To lose your mother and beloved father figure - his grandfather - suddenly at ages 16 and 17 - and then to suffer 4 years of near continual death, blood, gore, on the beaches of the south pacific at such a tender age, unimaginable. He came back from that and did what he was in effect told to do, repress and pretend. And so he built a new life on a foundation of running from demons and lies - about his past, his family, even where he was born - walking away from everyone in his family, even favored grandparents and uncles, in hopes of recreating his reality. Of course he needed to have faced his demons not try to bury them - and he needed help. Not going to happen in 1945. It emotionally crippled him, consumed him the rest of his life. He had nightmares of WWII right up until the day he died.

He taught me how to love a woman. I knew his gentle heart - knew it - but received precious little of it. It wasn't all bad. In the end I'm ok with it. I know he loved me - loathed me - but loved me - feeling was mutual.

My siblings and I are damaged goods - as everyone is each in their own way I suppose. Perhaps my family is in effect some of the last casualties of world war and horrible circumstance.

Thanks for being one of the good ones.

I really do love you.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016


A father running from demons
self consumed, negative, suffering
paralyzed in a self made world

Thankful for what he could give
forever damaged by what he couldn't

A mother unable, perhaps unwilling to

Patterns repeated
Narrow confines of conditional love
You're dead to me always looming

Dysfunction, denial, angst
hate, anger, self loathing
a deep pervasive insecurity

Sprinkled with just enough good to keep one forever chasing


Monday, October 31, 2016

Obama Should Fire Comey November 10th

President Obama publically states he does not feel FBI director Comey is trying to influence the election.
Actions speak louder than words, and intentions rarely relevant.
Comey's actions of course had and are having an effect on the elections. Any fool would have known they would.
His actions at the least, irresponsible and foolish.
Are these then characteristics we want in our FBI director?

Sunday, October 23, 2016


If Trump supporters don't accept the results of the election by all means they should leave and establish their own country. I will help pay for the move.

Planet Zircon, planet behind the sun, would be an excellent choice. Call it Trumplandia, where up is down, hate is fuel, ignorance its main cash crop. Only whites with baseball caps and less than a college education allowed, brown hoards, muslims, blacks, orientals not welcome. Where bud is the national beverage, the vulture - the national bird. Where, "WRONG" the national catchphrase. Where the masses are housed in locker rooms, while the 1% in guilded towers built in the fashion of the 'leader's' ego - guady empty shells. Where small hands are praised, penile enlargement THE focus of government funded scientific endeavor. Where everyone pays only 60% of what they owe, and lying becomes an actual language.

By all means let's hope they do refuse to accept the election results. We can then add poor losers to deplorable, help them pack, and wish them luck - resisting the urge to kick them in their rears as they leave. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Equador Mutes an Entitled Abusive Assange

Ive always been a supporter of whistle blowers and wikileaks for revealing information that exposes illegal and/or unethical activities.

But to use that information as part of a personal agenda - not so much. Julian Assange releasing Clinton emails - timed for maximal harm - must think we're that stupid and/or that he's that entitled. Neither are true.

His punishment? Cut off his internet access - perfect. Thank you Ecuador.

Monday, October 17, 2016

We Are Not Alone

The estimate for the number of galaxies in the universe just went up 10 fold. The thought now is that there are 2,000 billion galaxies each with 100-200 billion suns, most with planets.

In the 13.8 billion years since the universe began intelligent life has most assuredly come into existence besides on earth. And if even just a very small percentage survive to expand into intra and extra galactic space and thus should be ubiquitous by now.

So as Fermi asked years ago then  'Where is everybody?' And why have we not detected them?

There are only five possible answers

1. We are unique.
2. They all destroyed themselves as their technology advanced.
3. They exist in forms we cannot experience.
4. They left this universe.
5. They all choose not to talk to us.

1 & 5 are ridiculously egocentric. 2 most likely for the vast majority, and a combination of 3 & 4 for the rest given the exponential nature of technological advancement and artificial intelligence. 

Still, they will be traces left behind - it's only a matter of time until we find them. I doubt it will be in intelligently modulated electromagnetic signal - but we will find traces and probably soon. 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

You dirty filthy corrupt deeply flawed liar - yea Im talking to YOU

'Hillary is deeply flawed'
'Hillary is corrupt'

Ok I hear this all the time. Whenever I ask - please explain - I usually get someone screaming at me - emails, Benghazi, Libya.

Here is my reply if I could ever get them to stop screaming:

Ok, emails: This was a dumb mistake made by many relatively computer naive sixty and seventy year old senoir public figures at the time. Clinton, certainly the most famous. Wanting some degree of privacy in order to conduct government business more effectively, creating one's own secure server was common place at the time. Looking back, it was a dumb thing to do. She admits it was dumb. But despite exhaustive investigation no one can find criminal wrong doing or intent. Corrupt implies she benefited from this. How did she benefit? BUT she LIED!!!If I asked you questions about what all your emails and facebook posts for the last 8 years contained do you think you'd get it right? You dirty filthy corrupt deeply flawed liar you :-)

Benghazi: 7 million dollars spent and 11 months wasted on an investigation led by a republican (and hostile) congressional committee that found no wrong doing by Clinton.  No wrong doing, no questionable actions, no evidence of lying or cover up. That's not me saying this - the republicans who attempted to ruin her said it. (sorry for injecting fact into your hatred)

Libya: Where the HELL was your smug ass while we and NATO did what we did in Libya over many months? At the time republicans supported US and NATO actions there - almost unanimously. Did YOU say or think we should stop at the time? The fuck you did. Furthermore our military and diplomatic actions do not begin and end with Clinton. How the hell can you blame the Secretary of State almost exclusively for our failed strategies overseas. We have been failing ever since North Korea, Vietnam in case you haven't noticed. Going to blame that on her too?

Whitewater: Digging really, really, deep now. Don't you think that if there was ANYTHING there then the corrupt and unethical special prosecutor who went after her and Bill pretty much his entire political career would have found SOMETHING?

Clinton Foundation: Again no evidence of wrong doing. People who are in the know don't think there is even a hint of wrong doing. You are wrong, because it's what you want to believe and it has no basis in reality.

I do not like Clinton's politics. I think she's too Hawkish. I think she won't reform Wall Street and big banks enough. She won't do enough about global warming. She won't capture the hearts and spirit of this country to enact any sort of real change. But Hillary Clinton is no more 'corrupt' or 'deeply flawed' than any other politician. Certainly no more than Donald Trump. And Donald Trump is nuts, unstable, and utterly unqualified to boot. If corrupt now means doesn't always tell the truth then every politician, military leader, diplomat, husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, daughter, son in the world is CORRUPT.

By this definition Trump's picture is to be found in the dictionary next to the word corrupt.

What is up with this double standard? Are you ALL that sexist?

Friday, October 14, 2016

Of Intelligent Life in the Universe - Not in This Solar System

Brexit and Trump proves intelligent life does not exist in our solar system. So what does that do to our chances of finding it elsewhere in the universe?

Drives it nearly to zero.

We're not going to survive as a species to see the day. It exists - we're just not going to see it before we destroy ourselves.

But don't worry bubba - lover of Trump and all things ignorant - until that day comes we won't interrupt your TV reality show watchin or your piss in a can beer drinkin. You can just go on not bothering with a proper education, not bothering with facts or even hope. Go ahead just keep replacing truth, knowledge and understanding with your lazy purposeful ignorance, self-loathing, hate, fear, cowardliness. Thanks to YOU, your cowardly apocalyptic fantasy of a 12 year old will come true.

Except your ass will not make it any more than billions of others. Your ass will be cooked along with everyone else in the world - boiled in your nifty little bunker in a pool of your own hate and ignorance.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Nice Job Ameria

His ignorance about almost all things not Trump didn't do it.
His hate, vitriol, nastiness didn't do it.
His racism, xenophobia, and fear mongering didn't do it.
His utter inability to feel empathy and his subsequent cruelty didn't do it.
His mental illness, narcissistic personality disorder, sociopathy, didn't do it.
His disruptive behavior, name calling, utter disregard for human dignity, for the truth, for facts, for decorum and decency didn't do it.
His complete lack of credentials to lead the world's most powerful and complex nation didn't do it.

Grabbing pussy did it.

Are you kidding me?

America you would be the laughing stock of the world if this wasnt all so deadly serious.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Profit over Life

What happens when you emphasize profit in medicine?

Click on image

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Trump, Clinton and the Supreme Court

If people are willing to vote for a pig like Trump solely to keep Clinton from selecting supreme court justices, perhaps the supreme court has become too powerful. Time to limit it by constitutional change?

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Here piggy piggies

Donald Trump is a pig.
Mike Pence knows it, truth be told, and lies through his teeth to support him.
What does that make Pence?
A lying supporter of pigs?
Or just another disgustingly sad politician?

Friday, October 7, 2016

We've met the 'enemy' and it is us.

We are going to develop an artificial intelligence millions perhaps billions of times smarter than our current capabilities in the next 100 years. It is the inevitable result of computer technology.

Lots of fear over what this intelligence will do with us.

As a starting point perhaps we should stop calling it artificial. Probably not a good idea to piss it off right out of the starting gate. More importantly there will be nothing artificial about it.

Humans are not a special case, us versus nature is an illusion of sentience only. And so in coming from us it is as real as anything else in this universe.

But here's the real argument against it being artificial. If we want what is fundamentally human to survive, then this intelligence will need to BE us. It will be us and we this intelligence. It is our only viable evolutionary pathway.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Hurricane Matthew and Guantanamo Bay

Hurricane Matthew, a category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 145 mph, is heading directly towards Guantanomo Bay. The US Navy will evacuate 700 family members of its military staff in anticipation of its arrival. No prisoners will be evacuated from the infamous prison. 

Guantanamo bay prison was built years ago as a temporary solution, and is in need of major repair and upgrade. Matthew on its present course will cause a devastating storm surge and severe wind damage to a prison that suffers from drainage issues and structural faults. 

This prison already denies due process and is contrary to international law and basic human decency. Now it gambles with its prisoners lives while protecting its own.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Trump - clownish, deceitful, narcissistic

                   Patricia Wall/The New York Times
"A new biography portrays Adolf Hitler as a clownish, deceitful narcissist who took control of a powerful nation thanks to slick propaganda and a dysfunctional elite that failed to block his rise." Patricia Wall, NYT

A clownish, deceitful narcissist. Anyone else come to mind?

Friday, September 23, 2016

4 Years for Murder

The policewoman in Tulsa who killed an unarmed civilian in a traffic stop should be charged with murder. Her fellow officers who did not render aid to her victim for over two minutes - fired. How can you just sit there and watch someone bleed to death? What would be wrong with you?

The police officer who murdered this unarmed civilian for not obeying her should spend more than 4  years in prison - the punishment for manslaughter of which she has been charged. 4 years for a human life. Without video she wouldn't have spent a day. Making progress I guess. Tell that to the family of the man she murdered.

'Success' is for Losers

Click on image for enlightenment

This sort of morning talk show advice makes my skin crawl. Just do this, or buy this, or think this way and you too can be 'happy' and 'successful'.


We are not static even moment to moment. We are 'strong' in one circumstance, 'weak' in the next. 'Strong' and 'weak' all at once. And we are not in control as much as we want to believe. Hell we're barely conscious.

Ah but this is just to represent what to strive to be like. Bullshit. It's a list to 'success' and its utter rubbish. There is no secret path. There is no 'success'. There is birth, life, death, and this moment.

Get over it.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Of Intelligent Life in the Universe

Our fate as a species is to direct our own evolution beyond human through the development of an 'artificial' intelligence billions of times greater than our own. This will occur within the next 100 years. From first computer to super intelligence in less than 200 years. 

This the fate of all intelligent species capable of computer technology no matter where they reside in this universe - it's that or annihilation.

But a billion fold greater intelligence can create its own universe(s).

And Fermi asks 'Where is everybody'?

Cops Killing Cops

Killing weaponless civilians by police is not acceptable, for any reason, ever. (A car can be a weapon, a fist generally not. A question of a weapon? - case by case favoring giving the police the benefit of the doubt). But when police kill unarmed citizens, and there is no weapon, it is murder. Murder. And it's not ok.

More often than not it's fear and adrenaline that fuels these murders, along with rage at being ignored or having their authority challenged.  Maybe if they were in better shape, more highly trained in self defense techniques, better schooled as to the limits of their authority and 'power', and better screened to eliminate sociopaths, we would see less of these police murders.

Sad thing - this has been going on a very long time indeed. There are not more police murders these days, despite perceptions, there are just more of these murders being captured on video thanks to the smart phone. Smart phone - dumb cop.

There is a fine tradition of police authority abusing its 'power' in this country - a fine tradition of murder and coverup. It's just become harder to coverup. And it's about time.

Are all police like this? Of course not. This has always been a minority of sadistic, authoritarian, cowards all along. But today, thanks to the smart phone, the good cops, the majority of cops, and society have a real opportunity to to rid themselves once and for all of these weak, abusive, murdering, few.

I encourage all police to embrace this idea. Don't rush to defend your ranks in blind faith. Don't 'help' your fellow officers by covering up what you as a good cop believe to be a mistake - people just trying to do their jobs and making a mistake in the heat of the moment. Murder is never ok - it just isn't. You wouldn't do it - why excuse them?

Society realizes you have what is at times an almost impossible job to do. But it doesn't have to be us against civilians any more. With the camera you can clean up your ranks while gathering empathy and respect for what you do. With transparency you can go a long way to building trust. If you are trusted, respected, and empathized with - you are safer, and better equipped to do your job. 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

100% Deplorable

Donald Trump is a liar, a cheater, and a scammer. He manipulates using hate and fear for personal gain. He is racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, polarizing, and extremely dangerous. 
He is cruel. He is selfish. He is narcissistic. He is above all else ignorant to almost all things not Trump. 

Hilliary Clinton had two things wrong when she called half of his supporters the deplorables. 
1. All human beings are complex creatures with both good and bad traits. THEY are not deplorable. What they DO is deplorable. 
2. What ALL of Trump supporters do in supporting him is deplorable. ALL of Trump's supporters - 100% - behave deplorably -  not half - by supporting this hating, ignorant, lunatic. THEY are not deplorable. What they DO is deplorable.

There simply has to be standards of decency, behavior, competency. Donald Trump does not make the grade for any. Hitler had otherwise decent people support him as well. They too were deplorable in doing so - 100%. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Collin Powell Lied and People Died

Colin Powell lost all credibility in the days leading up to the Iraq war. He lied, through his teeth, to the UN, to the world, about Iraq's WMD. I'd love to know the backstory, it seems he was pressured, but it doesnt change the fact he lied, and his lies helped mislead us into war.
He is not an honarable man and Im personally done with him. What he did simply unforgiveable.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

An Election and Billions of Dollars

The difference in revenue to media outlets between a tight, confrontational presidential race and a slam dunk is billions of dollars.

Billions of dollars can explain almosy any behavior.

Is this rigged?

Is Trump a Sham and a Coward?

Why wont Donald Trump go on the Charlie Rose show?
He has an open invitation, having been asked repeatedly.
Is it because he's a sham and a coward? 

The Media is Complicit in the Trump Sham

In the days leading up to the Iraq war the media failed us, miserably.
They fail us again this election.
Donald Trump organized a scam university, designed to steal money from college students.
Donald Trump has known ties to organized crime.
Donald Trump as a businessman is a sham, with multiple bankruptcies.
Donald Trump refuses to release his tax returns.
Donald Trump refuses to release his medical records.
Donald Trump defaults on contracts as a way of doing business.
Donald Trump lies - almost everytime he opens his mouth.
Donald Trump exhibits misogynistic, xenophobic, racist, behavior.
Donald Trump lacks almost any detail in all of his policy statements.

And the media for the most part does not call him to task.
Where are the interviews with the students, contractors, and individuals who have lost everything due to his scams and business practices.
Where are the stories of his donations and deals designed to avoid investigation or consequence?
Where are the stories of his ties to Russia, or his past tax returns.
Where are the stories centered on his 3200 civil lawsuits?
When is he called to task for his lies in his interviews?

Any one of these issues would have destroyed any other candidate as the media relentlessly pursued it. Donald? Given a pass. Two sets of standards. One for Donald, the other for the rest of the rational world.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Real Ethics for Artificial Intelligence?

Recently the corporate movers and shakers of the artificial intelligence (AI) world met in San Francisco to attempt to lay the groundwork for self-policing and to try to establish ethical guidelines regarding future development. Their stated purpose was to 'ensure that A.I. research is focused on benefiting people, not hurting them'. (Tell that to the defense industry).

The growth and development of AI coming from and like the computer, by almost any measure, has followed an exponential curve. Growth at first has appeared linear and relatively slow but advances have begun to accelerate as the curve becomes ever steeper over shorter and shorter periods of time. In fact growth will soon become explosive in nature and we as individuals and as a species will find it harder and harder to just keep up, let alone control to ensure benefit.

One consequence of exponential growth is the concept of the singularity. The point on an exponential curve where as one approaches some x (time), y (growth) goes to infinity. As the graph curves ever more upwards, over shorter and shorter periods of time, it eventually goes nearly vertical, massive change occurring in a blink of the eye. The singularity as regards AI growth has been touted, if it were to occur, to be the single most dramatic moment in all of human history. With it will come a tear in the very the fabric of humankind, the end of our species as we know it, with the sudden appearance of sentient AI, millions if not billions of times more intelligent than us, free of our control. According to Dr. Peter Stone, a computer scientist at the University of Texas at Austin, "It was a conscious decision not to give credence to this (at this meeting).."

So, you can't really blame the participants at the San Francisco meeting for ignoring this I suppose. The assumption being we will either retain control and direct, even retard growth so as to avoid this or a more popular belief that a mathematical singularity - as x approaches some value, y goes to infinity - is simply not transferable to the real world. Resource management and time limits on physical construction alone would hinder this process, let alone human reaction time.

But in reading their report and listening carefully to the people involved it becomes clear most if not all of the people at the San Francisco meeting choose to ignore the exponential nature of AI growth both in thought and in their discussions. They no doubt understand the concept of exponential growth but apply a linear bias to their thinking. It's human nature - time is linear to us, therefore events occur in a linear fashion. How can you even plan for exponential growth? But ignoring it by itself guarantees we will lose control of this whole issue long before any singularity - we simply won’t be able to keep up with exponential growth. We needn't even invoke arguments of the consequences of our insatiable curiosity, greed, lust for power, or our endless capacity to do harm. Nor do we need to evoke a singularity - it will all snowball out of our control long before then. We simply do not now appreciate the enormity of the problem or the speed at which it will overcome us, thus guaranteeing the outcome.

This will not be controllable. Human nature, exponential timescale, and our linear bias guarantee it. An intelligence millions if not billions of times our current capabilities will appear on this planet in the next 100 years barring catastrophic events. And we will not be ready.

It seems then that the most we can hope for or at least try for, is that in coming from us this intelligence will be imbued with at least some of our better qualities that can be used to overcome some of our worst. We cannot possibly control or even predict what a billion fold more intelligent presence will look like except to say it is unlikely to serve us and may in fact hardly bring us into focus. It's going to have better things to do.

But perhaps there is another avenue. What if this super intelligent AI that needs controlling was never really separate from us? Perhaps our efforts should not be on controlling the evolution of AI separate from us, while trying to imbue it with our sense of the ethical, as much as imagining and directing our own evolution as a species, evolving past the biologic, beyond homo sapiens sapiens, in symbiosis with it. We should be planning the evolution of our species beyond human, now, and realize, now, we are to become this intelligence if we are to survive. It simply cannot be us against it. It has to be a whole new us.

What will that look like? I can not say. But the need to do this is coming, and sooner than you may think.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Chris Christie - Sweaty Desperation

Sweaty desperation.
Slick and slithery - quite a feat considering his habitus.
Most amazingly, he thinks he's clever.
Smirky little transparent twerp.
Crooked, angry, and a bully, and really in the end just a bore.
Counting the days governor until you crawl back from whatever slimy rock you came out from under - days most definitely numbered now.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Clean Kill

Many cardiovascular surgeons are dedicated reasonably balanced humans. Some, are not. For those that are not it seems that if one is willing to do a prolonged residency in order to learn how to operate on a muscle slightly bigger than your fist, that it somehow separates them from mere mortal to better than - precisely the reason, at least to a great extent, they became CT surgeons in the first place. Driven by severe psychopathology, fueled by deep insecurity, all expressed as over-achievement and entitlement, they possess a seething rage rooted in self-loathing. These are the ones that give their profession a very bad name, indeed. Add in short stature and a fragile male ego and you've got a real nincompoop on your hands. Abusive to all - colleagues, nurses, students, wife, girlfriends. Here is a tale of one such surgeon.

                                  The Miniature CT Surgeon and the Mitral Valve

One day, a wee little surgeon, while standing on a riser, watched as a heart fell apart that he had just tried to put a new mitral valve in. Now rupture of the left ventricle along the atrio-ventricular groove during mitral valve surgery does not a good day make as it carries at least a 75% mortality. It results almost always as a result of poor surgical 'technique' and/or by a stretch injury due to the untethering of the left ventricle through removal of the posterior leaflet of the mitral valve. Oops.

The little guy new immediately what he had done. He acted quickly to try to stitch together what was a very friable heart not to save the patient but to save face - sort of like putting duct tape over the hole in the dike one had just created and then walking away trying to whistle innocently. He got his patient to the ICU and then quickly left.

Dedicated nurses and the ICU doctors struggled for three hours with massive blood loss as the heart came apart along his suture line, as he knew it would, working with all they had to save him. Just as the patient died the little surgeon popped his head back into the room and said to the nurses - " clean kill" - blaming them. Two of the nurses cried. Two more had visions of a gruesome homicide – for quite some time after. But be clear everyone in that room was deeply traumatized by this event and by the mean little surgeon for something he and he alone had done.

What became of it all? After all a person had died and nurses were publicly blamed. Well, nothing. Quality review failed with their job, again. Nursing administration failed to defend innocent, dedicated, hard working nurses, again. The department chair of surgery failed to admit to the pathology in his midst, again. The chief of the ICU too frightened by surgeons to care. And life just went on – for everyone - but the patient. After all miniature CT surgeons make lots of money for the hospital.

And the wee little surgeon? Well he went about his business hating himself just that much more, now even more likely to inflict harm on others – physically or emotionally – as he blundered on. Some say he got even shorter that day, his own heart colder, his sense of personal failure, while denied except late at night or in his urge to exercise incessantly, grew and solidified – etched permanently in his face. There is a special place for people like this. It is of their own making – and it is hell on earth. He suffers more than he will ever cause those around him to suffer. Warms my heart. A heart he will never operate on.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Our Donald

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.

Huffington Post

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Men Telling Women

     Men telling women what to wear Italy 1957
Men telling women what to wear - Sharia Law 



         Men telling women what to wear - Nice 2016

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

'Precision' vs. Conventional Medicine

What a joke.
Precision medicine vs conventional. A completely false division.

Jesus I pray for the day where the academically mundane all go for their broom-in-the-ass ectomies and stop subjecting us all to this sort of dribble.

The next major paradym in medicine will be learning to manipulate genetic machinery to cure disease and repair cells, tissues, organs. We are not there yet. Until we get there we are all just still groping in the dark. Even as we refine therapy and increase understanding, at its essence, we do little more than our ancestors did 100,000 years ago - gather herbal medicines, concentrate them, and support the body until IT cures itself.

Until that day comes when we can direct genetic machinery to cure we are all still just bozos on this bus - despite the starched white coats, self-important pedigrees, titles, and egos. Get over it and get to work - real work.

Not much has changed.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Donald Trump - The Biggest Loser

Did you hear they're going to bring back the reality show 'The Biggest Loser'?
Oh yeah.
Whole new premise starring Donald Trump

Socialist Hypocrites

The Pledge of Alligance was written by a renown fanatical socialist.
The New Deal.
The Veterans administration.
Social Security.
Public schools.
Public police, fire, rescue.
The United States Postal Service.
Medicare, medicaid.
The US freeway system.
The roads, bridges, sewers, water, and to a great extent power and gas grids.
Every one socialist experiments. The synthesis of a republic embued with democratic and socialist ideas lies at the very heart of this country. It is this country.

To my 'Fair and Balanced' news crowd. Get a grip on reality. Socialist ideas are not evil - you have fed at the socialist trough every day of your lives.

If you are truly so anti socialist stop your children from reciting the pledge of alleigance. Stop accepting farm subsidies, veterans benefits, medicare, social security. Stop using public schools, public police, fire, rescue. Stop using public mail service. Stop driving on non- private roads and freeways, crossing public bridges, using public transportation. Put your hands back in your pockets and stop accepting socialist handouts. Or you could just join the rest of us in the real world before you destroy us all. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Trump - Careful What You Wish For

In the last 30 years Donald Trump has been involved in more than 3,500 civil lawsuits. That's one lawsuit every 3.2 days - someone you'd want for a neighbor?

Politifact - a nonpartisan fact checker - has found that 76% of what Trump has said to us this election cycle has been lies. Contrast that with Clinton's 28%. And yet SHE is the untrustworthy one?

Trump University has been called 'a total lie', and a 'fraudulent scheme' by its own executives. Trump ripped off struggling students, bringing financial and emotional ruin to thousands, on purpose.

The ghost writer of Trump's autobiography, Tony Schwartz, tells us if he were writing the book today he would title it 'The Sociopath'. He goes on to warn us that if Trump gets the nuclear codes it will lead to the end of civilization.

General John Allen - a retired United States Marine Corps 4-star General, and past deputy commander of the International Security Assistance Forces Afghanistan, tells us that if Trump wins the election he forsees a 'civil-military crisis' where military leaders would be forced to disobey illegal orders issued by Trump, their commander in chief. That is a nice way of predicting a military coup d'etat, at least of sorts, but should also serve as a major warning as to the peril Trump's temperament will put this country in should he attain the oval office - this according to experts who know. That statement was probably the most extraordinary thing I have heard throughout this entire, completely unordinary, election. And the most chilling.

The supporters of Trump gamble their very lives, their children's lives, the safety and security of the entire world, to this egotistical, thin skinned, lunatic - because he's different? Careful what you wish for - Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin were all different too.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Questions to Fox News Lemmings and Republican Nut Jobs

1. Hey Sarah - where's the death panels?
2. Anybody's guns taken away yet? Even just one?(now what are you going to do with all that ammo)
3. What was the name of that disease that was to end civilization? - Ebola?
4. Hey Condolezza, Dick, Donald, Fox News, George - Seen anything in Iraq to cause Mushroom clouds over America lately? You terrified America with your descriptions of mushroom clouds coming to get us, so? Oh that's right the Duelfer Report found in its 18 months search after the Iraqi invasion that Saddam Hussein had ended nuclear weapons research 11 years before the war in 1991, and that biological and chemical weapons research had ended in 1995. Pretty much what the weapons inspectors were telling you before the war in 2002, pretty much what Joe Wilson told you, repeatedly, BEFORE the war as regards Iraq trying to import uranium - as it never happened. Mushroom clouds over America indeed - you should hang your heads in shame - you lying pieces of shit. I for one will never forgive any of you for that lie.
5. Now tell me again how did that 8 years of Wallstreet and banking deregulation go under Bush? Oh that's right it ended, as did the entire Bush era, with the worst recession since the great depression. Nice job.
6. Hey Rand Paul - seen jackboots in Washington DC yet? You've been predicting it now for what, your entire political career.
7. Hey Carl Rove, Dick Cheney, Richard Armitage  - tried to expose any more covert CIA agents during an active mission against terrorists in an act of political revenge against their spouse who's crime was to tell you there was no sale of yellow cake uranium to Iraq before the war?
8. Hey Armitage - when are you going to let someone else take the fall for your lies again? - you treasonous coward.
9. Hey Robert Novak - guess you cant reveal the identity of any more active undercover CIA agents chasing terrorists and expose their network to real danger for personal gain - you're dead.
10. Hey Boehner - still smoking? Still taking money from the tobacco industry? Still a jackass? - his words not  mine.
11. Hey Sarah - why aren't you running for President? - oh that's right you're too busy selling your fame, never mind.

Stay tuned. In a few years even you imbeciles wont be able to deny global warming - then I can ask how that's going for you as well.