Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Cowards All

Despite the fact that most survivalists deny global warming in order to go about their daily lives over consuming, over polluting, and mocking the scientists that present the evidence for it, secretly they think the world is going to hell one way or another, global warming, if true, just another threat, another zombie apocalypse, that they can prepare for in order to insure their own survival while watching the rest of the world get 'cleansed'.

Bombarded by the 24/7 news cycle and an ever shrinking, ever complicated, ever more confusing and frightening world, these cowards have given up on the future and their own children – replaced it instead with a 5th grade level fantasy of comfortable survival for themselves in their fortified bunkers complete with a never ending supply of Budweiser, while they watch their neighbors and the rest of the world die horrible deaths – by the billions. Nice fantasy. In the meantime, who gives a dam if global warming is real or not.

It takes courage to take on the problems of modern times in order to provide for a brighter future for our children. These ‘survivalists’ have given up, would prefer to crawl into their holes while watching their children’s futures dissolve into nightmare rather than try do something to avoid future disaster now – cowards all.

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