Friday, January 3, 2014


Dear NSA

Lets take your supercomputers, now used to surveil pretty much everyone on the planet - guilty or not - as if straight out of some Orwellian nightmare - and instead use them to find the root causes of terrorism and fix them.
There's a brand new supercomputer, some 100,000 square feet large, in your facility in Utah.
Now that's a lot of computer.
So lets just switch it over and ask it how best to end this perpetual nightmare. Solve for the root causes of terrorism, best ways to fix them, and watch the threat melt away over the next generations - current terrorists probably lost causes.
Over the long run we'd be a whole safer than anything you might accomplish with your current strategies, and just think - you'd actually welcome the press leaks. 

P.S. Oh and when you're done how about applying your billions and your computers in finding a cure for cancer.

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