Sunday, November 3, 2013

Snowden, Cheney and 'Intelligence'

Lots of anger, conversation, and condemnation focused on Edward Snowden these days.
Precious little on the NSA or our government.
Snowden has revealed that many in our government exhibit an utter disregard for civil liberty, domestic and international law, or even common sense  - and yet the conversation, the anger, remains focused on the messenger.

Where was this sort of outrage when Cheney publicly revealed the identity of a covert CIA operative and her entire network who were actively involved in investigating terrorists? He did this in an unbelievably petty act of political revenge against the operatives husband, damaging important anti-terrorist efforts and endangering lives. In doing so he committed treason in time of war - he just did - argue as you may - he just did.

Snowden has taught terrorists not to talk too much on cell phones or digital networks and otherwise has just deeply embarrassed Washington - clearly much worse.

I'll say it again. If our government doesn't want to be this embarrassed again it has two courses of action.
1. Stop doing illegal or questionable things.
2. Or get better at keeping secrets.

Snowdens reveal problems with the governemnt - they are not THE problem. In this digital age Snowdens are going to happen again and again and again. Maybe business as usual ought to be rethought - hey?

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