Tuesday, December 13, 2011

In our lifetimes

There is coming a day where we will possess the knowledge to manipulate genetic machinery in each and every individual cell in our bodies.
As a result aging will be halted if not reversed - no doubt - as aging is in fact a process - a programmed biologic process that can be halted, even reversed.
There is coming a day when in-vivo regeneration of diseased and/or injured organs will be commonplace.
A day when all disease will be cured or at the least halted and cells repaired.
And so there is coming a day where we can expect to live on average 800-1000 years - a life expectancy  based on the odds of suffering a devastating accident.
This is not science fiction. Not wishful thinking. This according to most scientists is fact.
And it very well may occur in your lifetime.
Your lifetime.
Are you ready?

1 comment:

  1. Right now I doubt it, but will deal with it when need arises,
