Saturday, September 24, 2011

Class Warfare - The Robber Cries Foul

According to many in politics balancing the budget, fiscal responsibility and the health of our economy is not and should not be the concern of the wealthy. Any attempt to get wall street, banks, corporations or the ultra-wealthy to pay their fair share into the community chest is now, according to them, class warfare. This is not class warfare. That is a distraction, a lie, told by the very people that helped put us in our current recession in the first place. A lie told in order to deflect attention from their greed.

The world's economies are broken. At its most basic one has only to look at the US to understand why - greed, corruption, and lack of oversight. Greed begets money. Money begets corruption and political influence. Corruption begets ineffective or non existent oversight. And that is exactly what caused this current recession. If you sell mortgages to people who can't afford it - lying about their ability to pay -  in effect preying on them; and then package those mortgages into something you can trade on wall street, illegally awarding AAA status along the way; and if you then bet for these packages to both succeed and fail; and then, when the entire house of cards falls, you pull out the 'we are to big to fail' card, causing the government to just hand over billions - no strings attached - of the masses money - your money, my money - and give it to the very few, unbelievably greedy that caused all this mess in the first place - what do you get? Our current recession. And now when asked for a little of it back - class warfare? - really?

400 people in the US now possess the same amount of wealth as the all the people in bottom half of economic scale - combined. The game is fixed. Governments and the media are controlled by this extreme concentration of wealth and influence. The final result is the greatest transfer of wealth from the masses to the very, very few since feudal Europe and a lot of human suffering.

If the people have no money they cannot buy. If they cannot buy there are no sales. If there are no sales there are no jobs. If there are no jobs there is no money. If the people have no money...

It is the perfect storm - the current recession - all courtesy of the greedy and corrupt. Class warfare? Robber just crying foul.

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