Friday, February 18, 2011

The Fleecing of America

Over the next few months the republicans will attempt to gut social nets, collective bargaining, public education, and middle class America all in the name of  'fiscal responsibility'. Never mind that deficit creation and a decided lack of fiscal responsibility was the mainstay of the republicans during all eight years of Bush and republican rule. It seems that they were lost but now they're found - or at least 'fiscal responsibility' now suits their needs and agendas. Please remember during these times that a month ago these same republicans fought tooth and nail for tax breaks for the wealthiest amoung us. Please recall Dick Cheney's clear pronouncement that deficits 'don't matter' - declared only three years ago. And please remember who backed these republicans in their election bids last fall and you will know who is to really benefit from their new found 'responsibility' - corporate America.

From my viewpoint the Republican party has declared all out war on the poor and middle class of this country in their greed and desire for power. Where is the emphasis on jobs, foreclosure relief, education, infrastructure, the future of this country? The republicans will have you believe that the answer to this recession is to give more money to the wealthy, enact less restraint and oversight over corporations, all the while sticking it hard to you and me. Are you really buying this? Really?

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