Monday, December 20, 2010

Our Government is the Best Money Can Buy

In this day and age members of congress must begin fund raising for their next election cycle on their first day of office. Big money then clearly has the advantage and greatest influence over them.
Members who play ball get re-elected – but perhaps even more enticing they get the multi-million dollar salaries at the largest lobbying firms or corporations upon leaving congress.
Imagine a political system where candidates for congress and the US Presidency are limited to 6 month campaigns and defined pots of money given to them solely by the taxpayers. Say 5 million for the presidential campaign, proportionally less for the senate and congress.
And imagine that only candidates could run political advertising in the media during an election cycle – no one else.
Imagine what Washington would look like if anyone who served in congress or as President could not accept lobbying positions for at least 10 years after serving or accept positions with any organization or corporation that their voting record had aided for at least 10 years.  
Might we then see people in the government interested in governing?
Might we then see people in the government held accountable only to their constituents?
Might we then not see what our forefathers intended - a democracy and not a thoroughly corrupt corporatocracy?

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