Friday, October 15, 2010

We Are Being Fleeced

How do you get a retired person dependent on social security to vote for a candidate who wants to do away with it?
How is it possible that an otherwise intelligent person can get so worked up and confused  by a well funded campaign of lies and misinformation as to stand up in front of national media and say "Keep government out of my medicare"?
How do you get rationale middle class conservative America to seriously consider doing away with the minimum wage, public schools, fire departments, police, and government oversight?
I don't know. All I know is the movement is well funded and supported by renegade media such as Fox "News" and not seriously challenged by 'mainstream' media. Who is behind this? A major clue may be found in asking  who is to benefit by it. Corporate big money interests - not the people supporting it.
I also know that if this continues many of these same people will wake up one morning and realize they no longer have social security, medicare or schools for their grand children to go to. Millions will not be able to obtain even the bare minimum of a living wage and will not have the tools available to them or their children to ever do so. Their food water air and land will have no protection or oversight. What will follow will be suffering , disenfranchisement and eventually civil unrest on a massive scale.

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