Sunday, August 29, 2010

Beck and His Rally for Honor

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney deliberately lead us into an unprovoked war for reasons since proven to be deliberately phony - where is the honor in that?
where was Beck then or since?
George Bush took office with a national surplus - he left us billions in debt actually almost a trillion dollars in debt
where was Beck
Bush destroyed our economy leaving us in the worst recession since the 30's ?
Bush and Cheney ordered the illegal wiretapping of thousands of U.S. citizens -- before 9/11 - and Congress granted retroactive immunity to the phone companies that abetted them in these crimes - and where was Beck and his concerns for following the constitution then?
Bush and Cheney ignored the cries for help of primarily poor Afro-American Democrats after Katrina - leaving dead bodies floating amidst cries for help for days - a national disgrace
where was Beck and his honor then?
Bush and Cheney violated the constitution repeatedly with illegal renditions, suspension of Habeaus Corpus, illegal domestic spying, torture, indefinite imprisonment without formal charges
and where was Beck?
Cheney committed treason with his deliberate outing of a covert CIA agent in an act of political revenge during a time of war
where was Beck and his honor then?

There are 365 days in a year - Glen Beck chose the exact day, the exact spot, where Martin Luther King delivered his defining speech - and he hasn't the honor to tells us the real reasons why he did so. The 300,000 who showed up draped themselves in religiosity, the bible, and righteous indignation, while knowingly sending a signal to Afro-Americans that they're taking 'their' country back. With the Glen Becks and Sarah Palins willing to capitalize on the fear and bigotry of white Christians - the word Christian takes on a whole new meaning worldwide - and it has little to do with charity, brotherhood or honor. The last time hate and bigotry were so cleverly draped in honor was Nazi Germany.
And now even Christian has become a dirty word.

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