Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Thirty Years and Counting

In the next 30 years 

What if I told you we will have the means to completely end poverty, worldwide, in the next 30 years. And along with it, end hunger, malnutrition and their associated diseases. All without lowering anyone's standard of living. 

What if I told you we will have the means to end wealth inequality - and in doing so can end the disparities in health care, education, and opportunity associated with it.

What if I told you we will have the ability for all people to live in the manner and at the standard of living of their choice, everywhere - wanting for nothing material? Or told you that we will have the means to equip science, exploration, engineering, and artistic endeavor with all that they need, without regard to cost. What if I told you we will have the means to remove money from government in order to focus on governing or that we will have the means for people to focus on the attainment of knowledge and skill in science, music, art, and societal interaction - full time - rather than having to focus on materialism, wealth, and consumerism. 

Crazy? A utopian futurist just escaping the harshness of todays world? 

Well crazy remains to be seen. But an unrealistic utopian futurist - no.

But how? 

The answer is actually shockingly simply and eminently attainable. 

End money 

If you want to end poverty - end money. If you want to end wealth inequality - end wealth by ending money.  If you want to end the hierarchy in 'standard of living' - end money. Equip science without regard to budget? - end budgets by ending money. Vastly improve our governments by getting money out it? Simple, get rid of money. Free people to pursue knowledge and skills rather than forcing them to work at near meaningless jobs they hate, for money? - yes you guessed it, get rid of money. 

But how? 

After 10,000 years of warm coins in pockets how indeed. 

Money became obsolete the moment it interfered with our cultural, scientific, and artistic endeavors. In other wards almost immediately after coming into existence at the dawn of civilization.  Money sows corruption, and by its very nature - wealth inequality, poverty, greed, and much of the reasons for war. But as early society evolved money served as societal glue that enabled the expansion of civilization while dramatically improving the quality of life for many. But in our modern times is has become obsolete both for the harm it does and that we now have a choice, a means, to evolve past it. 

Money now holds us back - scientifically, spiritually, socially. Reasons enough to evolve past it. The dissolution of money in fact is our next great evolutionary leap. In fact, we do so, and soon, or we perish. 

But how? And in the next 30 years?

The answer is surprisingly simply and actually involves something we currently regard as more threat than a species evolving godsend. 

The Means to End Money in Thirty Years? 


Rust belt causing, job costing, greed motivated, automation? 


I Want Answers

Ingesting clumps of atoms just moments before referred to as life. Veg, Vegan, or meat loving carnivore, doesn't matter - it’s all life. Life murdered and consumed by life, in order to continue, life. And on and on and on and on....A billion years of murder.

what’s the fucking point? 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Make America Great, Again

Albert Einstein once said that "nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind". The truth of this is even more evident in today’s ever shrinking world of jet travel, international financial entanglement between nations, and cultural blending. In fact, nationalism far too often has become just another form of racism and xenophobia, cloaked in a flag. It is illusion, an attempt to feel safe amidst a rapidly changing, scary, ever shrinking world. Lines in the sand as the tide washes in.  

Fascism is a form of governance nationalists often turn to and one we have recently witnessed with Donald Trump. Blind allegiance to a leader, a father figure (almost always male) whose instincts, according to him, supersede law, science, even reality itself - his instincts always right. Simple, and if you can convince yourself that it’s true, pretty reassuring.   

Fueled by ignorance, fear, and ‘patriotic’ nationalism, fascism is a rigid, black and white approach to nation, to life. But despite knowing, at least deep down, that fascism ultimately fails by its own rigid limitations, it is nevertheless too tempting, too xenophobic, to hate filled, and too 'safe', for nationalists not to have grasped at it, at least for the short term, all throughout history. The world as it really is just all too much - they haven’t the knowledge or critical thinking skills to properly deal with it - and so they grasp at false, fabricated simplicity through exclusion, hate, and altered reality.  

Up until recently we thought of fascism as an arcane historical relic. Mussolini and Hitler modern day aberrations, most likely the result of someone briefly opening the gates of hades. How could such a limited, ignorant, self-confining approach to life and governance be possible amidst our ever-shrinking world, our ever more literate population – with the greatest access to information ever before seen on earth?  

And yet 74 million Americans voted for a fascist in 2020 whose successful election would have meant the end of our democratic republic. Why?  

The reasons are elusive in both their number and complexity, no doubt, but seem to be centered on ignorance, fear, and misinformation. Today’s world is a scary world. The blurring of borders and traditions disrupts the comfort found in familiarity and old ways. A sense of change threatens people’s very identities and their ability to continue to provide for their families in the future. Combine that with a willingness of political parties and media outlets to distort reality and to outright lie to enhance power and profit, and the curtain begins to pull back. A lot of these people begin with a lack of knowledge of their world, and an inability to critically assess things even if they had the knowledge. Now deliberately create a separate reality laced with fear, cynicism, and blame and people become capable of almost anything.  


We are at a critical inflection point in this country. Action to save the very soul of this country is needed. It will require a three prong approach:

1. Create enough wealth opportunity for all.  

2.  Hold media – be it mainstream or ‘social’ - and internet platforms – to basic standards of truth.  

3. Place an emphasis on teaching critical thinking skills and world view in our schools and give them the resources to do so. 

President Biden’s Americas job plan begins to address the first approach. It is an investment in America, imparting a sense of optimism, growth, and prosperity that is so refreshing as compared to the greed and cynicism of Washington these last decades. We have been living amidst a sense of decline, greed, corruption, and massive wealth inequality in this country emanating from Washington for decades now – is it any wonder why people want to circle the wagons, exclude ‘outsiders’, and grab as much as they can for themselves when clearly they do not believe there is enough to go around? The America’s job plan is an investment in the soul of this country, a promise of more prosperity, that can only increase tolerance, and diminish divisiveness. And it’s about time! 


The second approach is one already in place in Canada and Europe. Holding media – be it mainstream or social, and their internet platforms - accountable, when they deliberately distribute, or allow the distribution of, misinformation. Canada and Europe have regulations forbidding purposeful mistruths. It used to be law in Canada but the Canadian supreme court ruled it unconstitutional. Nevertheless, regulatory bodies forbid media lying and its working. Here, as in Canada and Europe, this is not a first amendment issue, and it needn’t even be law. This is social responsibility. It is not an inalienable right to have unfettered access to millions of people through media outlets – it is a societal privilege that comes with responsibilities – one of which must be a good faith effort to report truth. And as difficult as some would have us believe that the determination of truth is or recognizing deliberate lying or distorting the truth is – it isn’t. And yes, it can be done without encroaching on the first amendment through regulatory bodies. As you don that attorney cap and prepare to argue free speech – first look at this country. We have no choice. We simply must all agree on one reality. We can argue what to do about that reality – but we simply cannot have a functioning democratic republic if we cannot even agree on reality.  


The third step is the more difficult one. In these last few decades of greed, corruption, wealth inequality, pessimism, and a sense of decline in this country, we have become a society focused on materialism, consumerism, wealth, and profit instead of knowledge, reason, and truth. Tolerance, even kindness, exchanged for fear and divisiveness – with no shortage of scoundrels willing to spread fear for profit to an ill-informed society seemingly no longer capable of critical thought. Ignorance, fear, hate, divineness, all manipulated, bought, sold, and encouraged in a rudderless society adrift on an ocean of selfishness, greed, materialism, profit. This must change. And whereas America’s job plan and legislation to coral media misinformation will help, ultimately our society has got to refocus our school’s missions onto teaching critical thinking skills and on the importance of knowledge, reason, and truth. Navigating today’s world is difficult. Knowledge and the ability to critically assess information are absolutely the best weapons we have to combat fear and the temptation to tribalism and hate. The world is shrinking, but opportunity, tolerance, and kindness need not be. It begins with the quality of our schools, with what we teach our children, and societies commitment to do so. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Trump Who?

President Trump incited a riot in which 6 people died. A riot where our elected officials and their staff in our nations capitol were made to fear for their lives not knowing the mob’s intent or capabilities. Where the business of our democracy was halted as our leaders had to be evacuated, police officers assaulted - one to his death. Where our magnificent capitol was trodden on, windows smashed, art works and historical relics, destroyed. Where the soul of our country was violated by Trump’s delusional mob. Our Capitol, the people’s Capitol - sullied by racist, ignorant hoodlums - for all time. All of it not just with Trump’s blessing, no, with his prodding, vocal support, and egging on. And when it was over Trump says to them  - ‘Go home now, we love you’. 

Enough is enough. Trump should be sent in shame and condemnation to the permanent obscurity he so deserves. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Earth Calling

Quantum entanglement seems a more likely form of communication across the vast distances of the universe than frequency and/or amplitude modulated electromagnetic radiation. If it is in fact possible to send information between entangled particles we would have the means to communicate across our vast universe instantly.   

By our current means using electromagnetic radiation,  even if intelligent signal is discovered, a reply could take thousands, millions, even billions of years to reach the senders. Alternatively, if we discover signal within entangled photons our reply would be instantaneous.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


It was a blustery fall day at the Oregon coast. The air brisk, unstable, scud clouds and microbursts, ripped by the wind, filled the sky. Ancil and I decided to fly our paragliders during a relative lull in the weather off the the rocky cliffs over looking a wild pacific ocean hundreds of feet below. Ancient fir and spruce trees in the ocean mist as we flew lifting air in near silence, exactly as birds.

After awhile I had a feeling things were about to change for the worse weather-wise and so headed to the beach to land. I was within 50 feet of landing when a microburst, hidden behind the hills, opened up and the wind increased dramatically. I stopped descending, followed by no forward progress. Then I started being blown back, up the hillside, and fast. Soon I was 300 feet up moving backwards. As the air hit the trees and contours of the hills it became turbulent. I tucked my wing tips in deeply in order to improve my sink rate and stability but suffered a 40% collapse of the wing anyway. I recovered only to be hit again with another partial collapse. As I travelled backwards all I saw was huge trees, hills, and valleys where the air flow could only get worse. I made the decision to land in a tree. As it turned out I chose a 400 year old spruce tree - 200 feet tall. I landed in it’s canopy some 14 stories up - the strings of my paraglider caught in the branches.

I was high, very high. And I was far from any branches or tree trunks, dangling in mid air. I tried swinging to branches and was met with cracking as the strings of my glider broke branches and popped loose, jerking my harness. The ensuing fall, if it were to occur, would be all the way to the ground with nothing to break it.

I deployed my reserve parachute, attempting to throw it to branches and pull myself in to climb down. Too far. A coastguard rescue helicopter showed up but deemed a rescue too dangerous, fearful of what the prop wash would do to my glider. No one could climb the tree I was in - it was too large - it’s first branches 60 feet up.

The hours passed. It got dark. It rained and it was cold. The wind gusted and the trees swayed. Stark shadows streamed amidst the branches and beyond as a ground light, so far below, tried to pierce the canopy. It was otherworldly and only increased my sense of isolation.

One by one my gilder’s strings popped loose, my harness shuddered, until I was down to 4 on the right and 5 on the left from dozens. I withdrew into myself. Time crawled. As the wind gusted, the tree branches swayed, cracked, and popped I thought that I was likely to die.

It is a strange calm that befalls one moments before a violent death - an intense awareness of ones life, the loneliness of death, the experience almost religious, especially if you survive. I think such moments are akin in some small way to the feeling a medieval Japanese warlord determined to commit harakiri - Seppuku - must have felt if by some miracle he survived. The mind set, the certainty of death by his own hand, muscles tightening with the blade. The final quick inward sinking of the knife - but instead of searing pain, eyes closed, he feels the iron grip of his witness on his arm stopping him at the last possible second. His arms trembling in effort to continue to plunge the knife, struggling against this sudden restraint until at last his eyes opened, the struggle stopped, and he realized in great surprise and awe - he was still alive. To come back from such a moment must have been to be reborn.

My savior was a professional old growth tree climber brought in for the rescue. And I was saved. For eight hours I was unsure I would survive and then it was over - my feet safely touched the forest floor. It was the single most meaningful moment of my life as regards mortality and it was transcendental.

I’m glad I have the courage to fly. I’m glad I have the self respect to behave calmly in a crisis. I’m glad I have the self awareness to have experienced timeless moments of purity. I’m sorry I had to ask for help, but I am forever grateful.

And I am alive.