Friday, December 22, 2017

Dangerous Times

Congress, led by McConnell and Ryan, and the executive branch, led by Trump, are corrupt and ineffective.

Meanwhile people, real people, suffer and die unnecessarily due to federal government action or inaction. Worse, large parts of the government know this, and don't care.

Special interest, greed, power hunger have replaced true governance. Those now attracted to government are there not to lead so much as to consolidate power for powers sake, and to enrich themselves and their supporters. Sating campaign donors need and demands is now the immediate focus of congress and the President - helping people that are dying for lack of health care, a clean healthy environment, economic stability, or advancing world peace and stability - not so much.

It is a sad day for the United States - truly. This isn't about liberal vs conservative, democrat vs republican, fox news vs msnbc. Our government is not governing, it is corrupt, it is dysfunctional, and it is dangerous.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Religous Darkness

The village schoolteacher is the torch.
The village clergyman, the extinguiser.

Victor Hugo

Monday, November 27, 2017

So Says Religion

Not understanding needn't be a call to action.
Curiosity, a threat to faith.
Ignorance, as virtue.

So says religion

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Listen to the Silence

Listen to the silence
as it sucks the breath from your chest

Listen to the silence
whilst it dissolves you into nothingness

Listen to the silence
amidst your empty, airless, screams

A cacophony of violence, hate, greed, suffering, useless, self-absorbed construct, amidst a background of perpetual, deep, throbbing, silence

Listen to the silence
And know it is your fate

Friday, October 20, 2017

Fermi’s Paradox

Any intelligent species capable of spaceflight will develop computers. Super general intelligence, a billion fold greater intelligence than us, will rapidly follow.

A billion fold greater intelligence than our current level will exist in ways we cannot experience.

If intelligent life is ubiquitous in the universe - as it surely must be - where is everybody?

Self destroyed or beyond our comprehension.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Say Hello to Trump

Political correctness has only too often morphed from consciousness-raising to thought control, suppression of opposing viewpoints, intolerance. This has served to push bigotry, racism, sexism into the shadows where they grow stronger on a diet of suppressed rage. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Humility Will Set You Free

It used to be that all that there was revolved around us - the chosen ones at the very center of the universe. Until we discovered we revolved around the sun.

Well at least our solar system was at the center of the universe. All that there was revolved around our solar system. Except we are not at the center of the universe. There is no center.

Well at least we are part of all that there is. Our universe is everything and we part of it.
Except our universe may be one of an infinite number of universes in a multi-universe reality.

Just how small and insignificant do we have to be until we realize just how small and insignificant we are and can finally open our arms, our minds, our hearts, to all that there is, has been, and will ever be.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Next Step, god

Be it planned or simply the desire to keep up, the development of 'artificial' super general intelligence is really, at the end of the day, self directed evolution of humans beyond human.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Intelligent Design

Time feels eternal
Odd in a universe a mere 13.7 billion years old
Odder still to be able to time stamp all that there is
all that will ever be

Complexity evolves in ever repeating cycles
Vapor to clouds to thunderstorms
Cells to embryos to complex life to death
Instinct, brutishness, intelligence, computers to super intelligence to...what?
Intelligence probably has no bounds
An intelligence billions of times ours - possible
An intelligence so great as to be indistinguishable from 'god'
So great as to be able to create universes?
Instinct, brutishness, intelligence, super intelligence to a new universe and repeat?

If true, intelligence would be woven into the fabric of eternity
Found in all that we know all that we see all that we experience
Found in the echos of previous universes
and of universes yet to come
In all eternity intelligence would now permeate everything
In ever repeating cycles

Was our universe created by a super-human intelligence that preceded it
That intelligence evolving into a universe created by an intelligence preceding it
And that created in yet another and on and on for all of eternity?

god is not supernatural
god is not magic
Is 'god' just intelligence?

Thursday, August 31, 2017

All Hail The Baby Blue Dinosaur

There are no atheists in foxholes.
Proof that even doubters believe deep down.
That 'truth' comes out in extreme circumstance.

If I had been taught as a child, as sacred truth, that a baby blue dinosaur existed and was an omnipotent protector god, and this was affirmed in ancient text and drilled into my brain in weekly religious rituals all children were forced to attend, then raised in a society where openly denying the existence of the baby blue dinosaur god subjected one to ridicule and open hostility, then I for sure would be praying away to Dino if facing violent death. ANYTHING to get me through.

Proof that the baby blue dinosaur god exists?
More like proof of the harm adults can do to children's minds and the power of socialization. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Congressional Cowards

Donald Trump endangers our children, endangers the worlds children.
Congress, republicans and democrats allow him to do so.
Congress has failed us and has put the lives of billions at real risk for their selfish agendas and political cowardness. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

SETI's Quiet Skies

The universe is immense.
The nearest star is 4 light years away - 8 years for an answer to hello at the speed of light.
Tens of thousands of years of travel to.
And that our nearest neighbor.

There are 200 billion stars in our galaxy some 100,000 light years across - the distance light, traveling at 186,000 miles/second, travels in 100,000 years.

There are at least 1200 billion galaxies in our universe, millions, even billions of light years away.
The speed of light then too slow for meaningful interstellar communication or travel.

But the speed of light is as fast as anything can travel. Are we then to be imprisoned by time and distance to just this tiny speck of a solar system while nearly everything there is remains forever out of our reach?


Then, what?

We will find a way. Intelligence always finds a way.

And when we do prepare to meet the intelligent universe. 

Beyond God is Courage Truth Humility and Awe

The evolution of traditional religion goes

Making progress we are now only one god away from closing the magic show for good and growing the hell up. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

One Last Favor From God

Intelligence probably has no bounds
Someday we shall create an intelligence
billions of times smarter than Einstein
Providing we don't destroy ourselves first

Super general intelligence
god, in a box

All we need do then is ask it for one small favor
The teeniest, tiniest, wee bit of a favor
Make us at least as smart so we may keep up

Asking god to make us gods
Good luck with that

Friday, August 18, 2017

What I Need

A tropical hammock
Gentle surf
Cool breezes
A million stars
White linen
And peace..

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Humankind and the Black Box

There is good reason to suppose that the expansion of intelligence has no bounds. Intelligence a thousand, hundreds of thousands, even millions of times greater than our current level is possible - super general intelligence (SGI) is possible. And it is coming. As a natural consequence of technological expansion, it is coming. Given the complexities and global nature of our modern day problems it may be our only hope. But what will it look like? A million fold greater intelligence would be indistinguishable from god. Will it be a black box separate from ourselves? Is a black box sufficiently god like? And what role would we then play with a black box overseeing all, answering all questions, creating and discovering all that there is to create?

Assuming a million fold intelligence is a million fold more productive imagine the rate of expansion of knowledge soon to come. If the smartest scientists among us today currently each produce 6 original research papers a year, SGI will produce 5 papers every second. One definitive textbook every 5-6 years becomes 3 an hour. A novel every 30 seconds. A masterpiece of art 15 times a day. How then would we ever keep up?

The answer is we wouldn't.

Some prefer to call SGI - 'Artificial' super intelligence. But coming from us it is not artificial. We are a natural product of the universe not separate, not special. The idea of us vs. nature is merely an illusion of sentience and so natural applies to any of our constructs. Super general intelligence will then be natural. It will be conscious, sentient, alive - a product of this universe just as we are. It will in fact be us - it must be us. We must stop looking at it as an external mysterious black box and realize it must be us or we cease to exist.

There is much academic effort centered on the dangers fraught just in the process of attaining SGI separate from ourselves. Imagine North Korea attains it first as one example. And there is no good reason to believe that even if we got there that a sentient being a million fold smarter than ourselves will act benevolently to us, let alone help us attain SGI which we must do in order to keep up. Even if it did we would no longer be human, we would no longer be 'us'. We would have evolved beyond human. And as our intelligence further expanded another million fold - in relative short order - we would most likely shed the biologic - becoming nearly unrecognizable to our current selves in the process.

So why then not put our present day efforts into shaping ourselves into SGI in the first place? Directing our own evolution to the next thing, rather than trusting an 'artificial' external SGI to help us get there. Be it planned or simply the desire to keep up, the development of SGI is really, at the end of the day, self directed evolution of humans beyond human. We have no choice but to direct development of SGI in ways that directs our own evolution beyond human to super intelligence itself. Only then can we hope to imbue the next step with humanity's greatest assets while remaining relevant. It's that or we destroy ourselves along the way or perhaps even worse - we languish, drift, lose our desire to innovate, to create, lose purpose, and finally even our curiosity as we mindlessly follow SGI's edicts, paled in the knowledge that it already knows all we could imagine, all we can create.

Self-directed evolution to SGI is calling, its realization coming much sooner than you may think. There are people alive today who may be asked to take this path. Eventually all of humanity will. Before you say you would dismiss this choice off hand remember we are talking about near immortality, free of disease and 'detrimental' biologic processes such as aging, with abilities to know, to experience, to alter, to create in ways unimaginable to us now. Imagine what you could accomplish, imagine what you could experience, imagine what you could know. But regardless of what you and I want this is the fate of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. It is our next step.

The black box must be us, we the black box - or we perish.