Sunday, July 17, 2022

Republican Governance is Unsustainable

Let's put politics aside for a moment. Put aside our anger at Trump and the behavior of the republican party these last 30 years, beginning with Gingrich - put it aside just for the moment - and let's just examine their agenda. 

It is clear Republicans want less federal government regulation of wall street, banks, and corporations. This despite the near total collapse of the world's economy at the end of an aggressive Bush era de-regulation of wall street that was directly responsible for the crash, and for millions losing their homes and most of their life savings. 

Most republicans are pro-oil, pro-fossil fuel, and want these industries regulated as little as possible despite overwhelming evidence that climate change is driven by humans burning fossil fuels.

Most republican leaders want to gut 'entitlement' programs - social security, medicare, - while privatizing the mail, our jails, our schools. They were unable to address basic infrastructure needs for the country for decades because they couldn't figure out how that meshed with limited government while at the same time funded the largest military industrial complex in human history. 

They do not want to fund science, are not interested in alternative energy, and want to roll back environmental protections. 

Fine. That's there agenda. Forget about right and wrong let's just focus on one question. Are their ideas sustainable? Can we live with them long term. Do they make us stronger and more well off in the long run?  It's a simple question - with a simple answer - no. Not as argument, the answer is no. 

Pretending climate change is not a direct result of humans burning fossil fuels is not sustainable because its not true and climate change left unchecked will wreak havoc on societies worldwide despite what republicans 'believe'.  Furthermore - we are going to run out of fossil fuel in the lifetime of your children. How is that sustainable? 

Turning banks and wall street loose is not sustainable - their greed destabilizes the entire financial system in short order - and they know it - we've witnessed it repeatedly.

Gutting social nets allows for short term gain for those doing the gutting - but clearly destabilizes society in the long term. 

Protecting the environment is not a choice. Not doing so is unsustainable. 

Defunding science - the thing most responsible for your health, food, homes, power, smart phones, computers, clothing, pickup trucks  - everything - is just plain stupid - and certainly unsustainable. 

All of it - all of the basic tenants of the republican party focus on short term gain while ignoring long term consequence and sustainability. Not anger. Not politics. Just fact. 


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