Thursday, September 19, 2019

Our Greatest Hope

Two dimensional points of light amidst night's dark skies. This our universe. Amazing, beautiful, stunning - but really only as constructs in our minds.

Cant see it in its entirety, can't even imagine it. Blind to most of its light. Incapable of experiencing its true geometry, curvatures, dilations, or sheer size. Can’t see at the quantum level, cant see at universal scale. Cant even imagine it - not really - our brains just too limited.

Constrained by limitations of body and mind - deaf, dumb, and blind to 99.99999999% of everything.

Instruments, devices, tools, and constructs wont get us there. To know this universe - to really know this universe - we must evolve past our limitations to the unimaginable.

I ache, I yearn, I so want to know. It is maddening to be so limited amidst - everything.
Imagine experiencing this universe in its entirety - at all scales.

The beauty, the knowledge, revealed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fertile Ground For Sociopaths

Guilt is infectious
Guilt is uncomfortable
Guilty people remind others of their own guilt
and then make them feel uncomfortable

Fertile ground for the guiltless sociopath. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Care or Perish

October 7, 2019 will mark the 18th year anniversary of our war in Afghanistan. Despite almost never hearing about it from mainstream media sources, we are, in fact, still at war with Afghanistan. The longest running war in our history and people are still dying in combat there to include young Americans. 

As of 2017 the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had cost this country 2.4 trillion dollars. A figure made worse by the interest we pay on the borrowed funds used to pay for these wars we otherwise could not afford. Imagine charging interest on monies used to kill. War on credit, makes my capitalist heart swell with pride. 

As of 2018, 2,372 military men and women had died in Afghanistan, 1,856 the result of hostile action. An additional 20,320 had been wounded in action. And lets not forget the uncounted emotionally wounded that are now killing themselves once home. Enduring 3,4,5 tours of duty, in part so the military may avoid an unpopular draft, many return emotionally crippled, resulting in 20 veterans a day committing suicide in this country according to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. 7300 deaths a year, year after year. 

And for what?

$2.4 trillion can explain almost any human behavior - to include war.  Is THAT why we are still there? Does anyone even care? 

I do. I care. This has to stop. The cancer that is the military/congressional/industrial perpetual war machine that murders our young in thinly veiled hegemonistic agendas, in order to consolidate power and make money, needs to be cut out of our society. Its tentacles, having spread out into nearly every community in this country, need excising, with wide margins, and what’s left, irradiated to extinction. Then the entire business needs rebuilding - this time as it was intended to be -  as a force to defend - not as a vehicle for profit, corruption, failed diplomatic aggression, and colonialism. 

18 years people. The longest most soulless war we’ve ever fought. I beg of you to care. We share a small fragile planet floating in an unbelievably hostile vacuum amidst forces that could crush us all in an instant - we simply must care. We must adopt a worldview and realize narrow nationalistic thinking and greed will not sustain us in the long run. We are one family of life against immense odds, and we are not to survive if we don't fundamentally change.

Care people, or we perish.

Bags of Hot Air

The lung is 80% air by volume. By its very nature then, not going to do well in disease, despite best efforts.

Until we learn to manipulate genetic repair apparatus at the cellular level, pulmonologists are really just bags of hot air struggling to care for bags of hot air.

Noble if not foolish, what then is all the arrogance about?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Good Times

So remember the time the Russians cheated and helped to elect a mentally ill boob president and then the conservatives and evangelicals went along with it to promote their own selfish agendas? 

Oh Yeah, good times!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

I Survived Barney Fife

Barney Fife. Bumbling, awkward, all elbows, constantly saying/doing the wrong thing  - with a heart as sweet as a child's.

Now imagine him in today’s world.

Watch as the PC police descend - shredding him. Sexist! Police abusing! Dictatorial! The media soon to follow crucifying him, vilifying him, as the 'deeply offended victims’ come forth en masse to tear him to pieces. How dare he! Destroy him! Fire him! Keep him from ever working again! Shame!

What a ridiculously heartless, cruel, rigid, unforgiving society we have become.

Gun loving macho man and misogynist, Barney Fife